My elf is so cute

Chapter 239 Platinum Unicorn

Chapter 239 Platinum Unicorn

At noon the next day, Jiang Xiaobei sent a text message on his mobile phone, reminding him that the wisteria he bought had been delivered.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobei immediately tidied up, put Hooded Pocket and the three elves into the grunt ball, and then set off from home to pick up the courier.

Now, Jiang Xiaobei's room has changed a lot compared to before.

I moved some unnecessary wardrobes in the room to other rooms in the house, leaving a large space and making a small nest for the bronze unicorn.

Mao Xiaodou doesn't like staying in the Gulu Ball, saying that the inside is not as comfortable as the outside bed, so he wants to stay outside and sleep on Jiang Xiaobei's bed.

Jiang Xiaobei seriously suspected that she wanted to spend more time on her mobile phone, but he had no evidence.

The little seal guard is also very close to Jiang Xiaobei now, and sleeps with Jiang Xiaobei in his arms every day.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobei's bed was not too small, so it wasn't too crowded to sleep the three of them.

Both elves stayed outside. In this case, if only the bronze unicorn stayed in the grunt ball all day, this kind of behavior was naturally not very good, and the bronze unicorn would definitely not feel comfortable.

A trainer treats his elves like he treats his own harem. He needs a bowl of water to be leveled, otherwise he will wait for the harem to catch fire.

The bronze unicorn's nest was specially customized by Jiang Xiaobei online, it resembles a tree hole, and it has a special air conditioner to control the temperature inside, making it very comfortable to sleep in.

However, after looking at the height of the bronze unicorn and the height of his own room, Jiang Xiaobei felt that from now on, the bronze unicorn would have to live in the Gulu ball every night.

The current height of the bronze unicorn, including the unicorn, is about 2.4 meters, while the height of an ordinary room is only 2.8 meters.

It's okay now, but when the bronze unicorn evolves into a platinum unicorn, its height will definitely become even taller.

At that time, there will definitely be no room for him in the house.

After going to university, the height of the room in the dormitory of the Magic University is about the same as that of his own room, so he can't sleep in him, so he can only be wronged.

After picking up the courier at the courier point in the community, Jiang Xiaobei went to Fanxing Fairy Square to buy some wind spirit stones and ice spirit stones, and then went directly to Xiangcheng Secret Realm.

Bronze unicorns need to absorb a lot of energy during this process of evolution.

The energy concentration in the secret realm is much higher than that of Blue Star, so Jiang Xiaobei is going to take the bronze unicorn to the nearest Xiangcheng secret realm to evolve.

Because of Jiang Xiaobei's excellent performance in the National High School Student Fairy Cup, Xiangcheng won a lot of honor, and Jiang Xiaobei is now an intermediate elf trainer, so it is very easy to train in Xiangcheng Obtained the Secret Realm Pass in the Home Association.

After swiping his pass, Jiang Xiaobei easily walked into the secret realm of Xiangcheng.

Feeling the fresh air and the rich energy density of the elements, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't help stretching and let out a comfortable groan.

This made him feel that when he gets old, it would be nice to find a quiet and peaceful place to live in the secret realm.

After a moment of simple emotion, Jiang Xiaobei released the three elves.

Let the guards with the small seals in the caps stand guard first, Jiang Xiaobei opened the express box with the wisteria in it, and looked at the bronze unicorn with a smile.

"You're going to evolve again soon."

"Herod!" The bronze unicorn let out a long cry, stepped on its feet excitedly, and stared at the box in Jiang Xiaobei's hand without blinking its big eyes.

He knew that Jiang Xiaobei had told him before that it contained wisteria.

Before he evolved into a bronze unicorn, he also ate this thing. Although his body hurt when he first ate it, but after persisting for a while, the refreshing feeling in his body was something he always remembered. .

Moreover, he will evolve again, and his strength will be greatly improved, which also makes him look forward to it.

Seeing the excited look of the bronze unicorn, Jiang Xiaobei smiled, but didn't drag it any longer, and opened the box directly, revealing the wisteria inside.

When the bronze unicorn saw the wisterias, it was so excited that it stretched out its head and opened its mouth to eat the wisterias.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobei immediately closed the box, pressed the bronze unicorn's face, and said, "Don't worry, I haven't finished yet."

After hearing this, the bronze unicorn turned its head back, looked at Jiang Xiaobei, and waited to hear what Jiang Xiaobei had to say.

"When you take these wisterias later, you may not finish eating them, and you will have an urge to evolve." Jiang Xiaobei hugged the box, looked into the eyes of the bronze unicorn, and continued: "But, you have to hold back." .”

"Evolve after eating all the wisterias and feeling that there is no change in the body!"

"In this way, you can evolve into the most handsome platinum unicorn!"

When the bronze unicorn heard Jiang Xiaobei's last words, his whole elf revived in an instant.

After all, being handsome is a matter of a lifetime!

Immediately, he nodded, indicating that he understood Jiang Xiaobei's instructions.

Seeing that the bronze unicorn understood, Jiang Xiaobei opened the box again and handed it to the bronze unicorn. At the same time, he placed a pile of wind spirit stones and ice spirit stones around the bronze unicorn.

The bronze unicorn immediately opened its mouth wide, and ate the wisteria that exuded faint fluorescence.

After taking two bites, the bronze unicorn stopped, lying on the ground with a painful face, and quietly endured the pain of the wisteria melting the evolutionary barrier.

During this process, the surrounding elemental energy and the energy in the wind spirit stone quickly gathered towards the bronze unicorn and poured into his body.

After feeling that his body was about the same, the bronze unicorn stood up again and took two mouthfuls of wisteria.

In this way, it went round and round, and after the bronze unicorn ate almost four-fifths of the wisteria in the box, Jiang Xiaobei heard a system prompt:
"Ding! Congratulations on raising your Elf Bronze Unicorn to level 37."

Sure enough, it was upgraded.

Jiang Xiaobei had been guessing before that with so many wisterias, after eating the bronze unicorns, there was a high probability that the level would increase by one level. Looking at it now, it has already been increased by one level before eating it.

When the bronze unicorn level was raised, Jiang Xiaobei also noticed a faint white light on its body, which was the light of evolution.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobei quickly shouted: "Hold on, don't evolve, eat and digest the wisteria before evolving!"

"Herod!" The bronze unicorn let out a long cry, suppressing the urge to evolve with great perseverance, and at the same time opened its mouth wide, eating all the remaining wisterias in the box as quickly as possible. middle.

In an instant, great pain swept through the whole body of the bronze unicorn.

However, in order to be handsome, the bronze unicorn endured this pain forcefully, and at the same time suppressed the urge to evolve.

After nearly 10 minutes, when the bronze unicorn was about to lose its hold, he finally felt that the effect of the wisteria he had just taken had disappeared.

In an instant, he relaxed his mind and started to evolve directly!
A mass of intense white light shone from his body, reflecting the surroundings, making Jiang Xiaobei have to squint his eyes so as not to feel the pain in his eyes from the strong light.

The ice spirit stones and wind spirit stones visited around, as well as the strong wind element and ice element elements in the secret realm, frantically gathered towards the bronze unicorn.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief.

The gathering of ice elements means that the evolution form of the bronze unicorn is a platinum unicorn. If it evolves into a golden unicorn, it will not gather ice elements, but fire elements.

Seeing the white whirlwind gradually enveloping the bronze unicorn, Jiang Xiaobei backed away slowly, and at the same time gathered his mental strength to form a shield around his body to prevent it from being hit by the energy.

The powerful energy fluctuation here attracted the attention of many other elves in the surrounding forest, and slowly, hundreds of elves appeared around them.

Seeing this situation, Hoodou immediately released the aura of being a top high-level elf, and spread towards the surroundings. The small seal guards were eager to try, ready to attack at any time, and Jiang Xiaobei was also ready to release magic at any time.

However, after feeling the aura of the hood, these elves scattered like birds and beasts, and all ran away.

In this secret realm, the strongest elves have reached the intermediate level, not to mention the surrounding elves, they are basically apprentices and junior elves.

He didn't dare to provoke the hood of a high-level elf at all.

After the elves dispersed, Jiang Xiaobei turned his gaze back to the white whirlwind that surrounded the bronze unicorn in the center, quietly waiting for its evolution to complete.

Minutes and seconds passed, and after an unknown amount of time, Jiang Xiaobei heard the system notification sound again.

"Ding! Congratulations on your elven bronze unicorn evolving into a platinum unicorn."

"Ding! Congratulations on upgrading your elven platinum unicorn talent to cyan."

"Ding! Congratulations to your Elf Platinum Unicorn for comprehending the skill Ice Fist."

"Ding! Congratulations on activating your Spirit Platinum Unicorn comprehension skill Shen Yu."

"Ding! Congratulations to your elf platinum unicorn for comprehending the secret technique, holy and shining!"

After a series of system prompts, Jiang Xiaobei also saw that the white whirlwind in front of him slowly dissipated, and before the figure of the platinum unicorn was fully revealed, a holy aura spread along with a ray of light.

Jiang Xiaobei, who was enveloped by this ray of light, only felt that his heart had been washed and became more pure, and some troubles in his heart felt less troubled.

"This holy light? What is it?"

 Today it is said that there will be three more changes, and there will be three more changes, because I wasted time watching the king's game just now

(End of this chapter)

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