My elf is so cute

Chapter 240 Publishing Papers

Chapter 240 Publishing Papers
Just as Jiang Xiaobei was wondering, the white mist in front of him had completely dissipated, revealing the figure of a platinum unicorn.

Compared with the previous bronze unicorn, the current platinum unicorn is taller, estimated to be about [-] meters tall, the hair all over the body has changed from the previous bronze color to the current holy white, with a sharp point on the top of the head It has a spiral platinum unicorn, and clouds of white mist linger around its body.

Seeing the handsome appearance of the Platinum Unicorn, Jiang Xiaobei smiled, but thinking of the secret technique Holy Glory he heard just now, he immediately searched for the information about the Platinum Unicorn.

[Elf Name] Platinum Unicorn
[Elf level] 37 (advanced elf)
[Elf Talent] Cyan (Treasure Hunting)

[Elf Attributes] Wing, Ice
[Height] 2.7m [Weight] 297.7kg [Gender] Male

【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Spirit Skills] Violent Impact, Power of Wind, White Mist, Wing Impact, Scattered Vine, Dance of Petals, Fist of Ice, Divine Feather activation.

[Spirit Secret Technique] Looking at flowers in the mist, holy and shining
[Spirit Items] Cold Wind Orb
[Spirit Introduction] The body contains holy power, which can soothe people's hearts, see through the sinister people's hearts, and expel evil.

After Jiang Xiaobei read the message, he immediately turned to Sheng Jie Guangyao.

[Holy and Radiant] The ancestor of the little unicorn family is the fairy unicorn, and the evolution form of the platinum unicorn is the closest to the fairy unicorn.

The little unicorn is gradually evolving, and after it finally evolves into a platinum unicorn, there is a slight possibility of awakening the blood of the fairy unicorn in its body and awakening the powerful ability of the fairy unicorn.

Holy brilliance is a unique skill of fairy unicorns. It releases holy light, which can heal the spiritual injuries of allies and has a strong restraint effect on ghost and demon elves.

After reading the holy and glorious information displayed by the system, Jiang Xiaobei nodded thoughtfully.

It turned out that this was originally the ability of fairy unicorns!

Platinum unicorns have good luck and talent, so they can successfully awaken this ability.

In the future, there will be many maneuverable methods to deal with ghost spirits and demon spirits!
Thinking about it, he remembered that Hou Ziming had taken him there before, a cave in this secret realm, in which there were many night skeleton elves and other ghost elves, and now he happened to take the platinum unicorn to try this holy and glorious cave. Effect.

Thinking about it, he jumped on the back of the platinum unicorn, and let the cap and the little seal guard also jump up, and set off together to the ghost cave.

In mid-May, the headquarters of the Kyoto Spirit Cultivators Association.

Ding Huaxin sat leisurely in his office chair, slowly reviewing some papers sent by his editors.

At the beginning, when he reviewed the thesis, he saw Jiang Xiaobei's thesis on the evolution of little unicorns. After seeing the photo of the bronze unicorn in it, he immediately let his initial little elf unicorn try.

The evolution has really been completed!
Later, he tried again, making the bronze unicorn continue to eat wisteria.

As a result, his bronze unicorn really evolved again and became a golden unicorn, very powerful.

He feels that his golden unicorn is likely to reach the heavenly king level in the future!
Although he doesn't care about these things, he is also very happy that his elf strength can become very powerful.

Immediately after this, he wrote a treatise detailing the evolution of bronze unicorns into golden unicorns.

Nowadays, in the whole world, it is basically believed that the final evolution form of the little unicorn is a golden unicorn, an elf with dual attributes of wing and fire.

And his golden unicorn is the world's first golden unicorn, which makes him quite a face as a trainer.

After carefully reading the paper in front of him, Ding Huaxin thought about it carefully, and checked in the paper library, and found that the research level of this paper was not only extremely shallow, but also the plagiarism rate exceeded 20%.

Immediately, he marked this paper as failed, crossed it out, clicked on the next one, and shook his head at the same time:
"Sigh, the quality of the recent papers is obviously not good! There are no heavyweight papers like Jiang Xiaobei before."

"Speaking of which, I heard that Jiang Xiaobei has passed the examination of an intermediate elf cultivator and became an intermediate elf cultivator. Unfortunately, he didn't want to do research with me at the beginning."

After speaking, he picked up the water glass next to him, took a sip of tea, and continued to review the paper.

Suddenly, a small interface box popped up on the top of the computer screen, showing the five-star importance.

"Yo! Finally a good paper." Ding Huaxin smiled, and quickly clicked on the paper.

As soon as he glanced at the title, his interest was piqued.

Another evolutionary form of the Bronze Unicorn - the Platinum Unicorn.

"In addition to the golden unicorn, is there another evolutionary form of the bronze unicorn?" Ding Huaxin said to himself, and suddenly, his gaze was fixed on the column of the author of the paper.

"Jiang Xiaobei again?"

Seeing the name Jiang Xiaobei, Ding Huaxin subconsciously felt that this paper should be correct.

After all, he was the one who published the evolutionary plan on the little unicorn before, and it is still a paper on this subject, so its correct rate will definitely be very high.

Thinking about it, he began to look at the text of the thesis.

As he watched, Ding Huaxin's heart sank slowly.

When evolving than a golden unicorn, it needs higher strength;

And when the golden unicorn evolves, it needs to take more wisteria;

Than a golden unicorn
Looking at the text descriptions, no matter how Ding Huaxin looked at it, he felt that evolving into a platinum unicorn was a more correct choice with higher potential!

Looking and watching, he eventually came across a couple of photos of platinum unicorns attached below.

"So handsome!"

After sighing, he also confirmed the correctness of this paper.

As the editor-in-chief of the review, he is very clear that the value of this paper is extremely high, and it needs to be vigorously promoted!

However, thinking about publishing this thesis, those trainers who evolved bronze unicorns into golden unicorns because of their own thesis probably wanted to strangle themselves.

But after thinking about it, even if they don't publish papers, these people can't wait to let their bronze unicorns eat wisteria, and the elves will definitely evolve directly when they feel that they can evolve.

Who would have thought that after suppressing the urge to evolve, there would be a second evolution plan later?
Probably only a geek like Jiang Xiaobei could think like this, right?

Excuse me, Ding Huaxin scheduled Jiang Xiaobei's paper to be released on the homepage of the website next Saturday morning!
After glancing at the date on the computer and thinking about the handsome appearance of the platinum unicorn, Ding Huaxin suddenly smiled.

"It's only about three months before the new generation of apprentice trainers choose their initial elves."

"After the publication of this paper, it is estimated that many newcomers will set their initial elves as little unicorns."

 the second
  Hey, I promised to have a third update, but watching the game today, the team I supported was overwhelmed. I feel uncomfortable, depressed, and have no motivation. Cough cough, stop talking, just feel, continue to write, pass At twelve o'clock, I would be so sleepy that I couldn't finish writing.

  Can I make it up tomorrow?
  Thank you for the reward of 100 coins from the scumbag in the madhouse

(End of this chapter)

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