Chapter 241

At the end of May, there were only ten days before the college entrance examination.

Basically all high school seniors have entered the busiest period of their lives, busy reviewing every day, preparing for the college entrance examination ten days later.

During this period of high school students, no matter their grades are good or bad, they put down their mobile phones quite consciously and concentrate on their studies.

But the teachers in many schools basically tell the students some current affairs information every week;
Many college entrance examination questions are closely related to current events. Sharing current events with students will help them broaden their horizons, and sometimes they can even be accurate in college entrance examination compositions.

The same is true for the elf family. You need to keep an eye on some new heavyweight elf discoveries, such as a newly discovered elf, a new evolutionary form of a certain elf, and so on.

Every student in the three elf classes in Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School has subscribed to the elf daily newspaper.

It has been ordered until the end of the college entrance examination, and someone will deliver it to them every week.

On this day, during the morning reading class, someone sent Elf Daily to three classes in Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School.

In class one of the elves, Xie Xu, currently serving as the monitor, took the initiative to distribute more than 30 copies of the elf daily to the students.

The newspaper was printed in color, and there were some pictures attached to it. After Xie Xu sent it out, when he took his own copy and read it, he saw the picture of the platinum unicorn in the middle at first sight.

"So handsome!" Xie Xu said subconsciously, and then looked at the title of the module where the picture is located:

Another evolutionary form of the Bronze Unicorn - the Platinum Unicorn.

Author: Jiang Xiaobei.

"Damn, I really compare people to people, and I'm so pissed off. I'm here to study hard to prepare for the college entrance examination, and the monitor made another paper."

Xie Xu said enviously, but compared to other students, he is still very relaxed now.

The Devil's University gave him a 30-point drop in admission. With his grades, as long as no accidents happen, entering the Devil's University is a sure thing.

"Xu Erlei." Xie Xu poked Xu Leilei who was endorsing in front of him, and said to him with a newspaper: "Look at what big things the squad leader has done."

Xu Leilei turned his head, glanced at the picture of the platinum unicorn, and said with a calm smile:

"I've known this for a long time. One thing to say, the platinum unicorn is really handsome. It makes me want to tame a little unicorn in the future."

"Have you seen it? Come, come, tell me." Xie Xu said excitedly.

Xu Leilei looked around, as if to see if there was a teacher. After looking for a while, he poked his head over. Seeing this, Xie Xu lowered his head and looked at Xu Leilei, ready to listen to him talk about the Platinum Unicorn.

"Study, don't chat!" After finishing speaking, Xu Leilei smiled, turned around and continued to endorse.


When Yan Muqing saw in the newspaper that the author of the thesis was Jiang Xiaobei, he pursed his lips with a complicated expression.

It has been almost two months since that confession failed, and she and Jiang Xiaobei never talked again.

Before, she gradually paid attention to Jiang Xiaobei because of his looks on the one hand, and because of his excellence on the other hand. Later, as she got along with her classmates, she felt that she fell in love with Jiang Xiaobei. Xiaobei.

I often think of him, and I can't help but look at his space, talk about it, and see if there is anything new about him.

Many times, when I hear some things, which are obviously irrelevant, I will turn several corners in my heart and think of Jiang Xiaobei. I have never felt this way before.

While watching the live broadcast of the National High School Elf Cup, she watched Jiang Xiaobei shine in that arena and led the Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School team to win the runner-up, and she was also happy for him.

Because of Jiang Xiaobei's excellence, Yan Muqing also worked hard to make herself a better self, studied hard, and trained her elves seriously. Now in the elf class of Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, her grades are also among the best.

Originally, she was planning to confess her love to Jiang Xiaobei after the college entrance examination.

However, because Jiang Xiaobei has already obtained the qualification to be sent to the Devil University, he basically doesn't come to the school to attend classes. Since Jiang Xiaobei came back from the competition, it has been almost a month since Jiang Xiaobei didn't come to the classroom once.

That April 4st, Jiang Xiaobei came to the school suddenly, she was a little surprised, but also afraid that Jiang Xiaobei would not come again.

With his own grades and the strength of the elf Xiao Tiantian, it would be very difficult for him to be admitted to the Demon University without extra points.

So, even though she knew that confession might not be successful, she was still brave once, and took advantage of the elf training course to stuff the love letter she had written before into Jiang Xiaobei's schoolbag.

In the end, Jiang Xiaobei still rejected her.

Alas, looking at the situation now, it is difficult for them to even be friends.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobei was staying in the secret realm of Xiangcheng, commanding the small seal guards to fight a level 21 ethereal beast.

After nearly two months, the little seal guard's current level has reached level 19, and he is only one step away from being promoted to level 20, becoming an intermediate elf.

As a top dragon elf, even though there was a huge level gap, the little seal guard did not show signs of weakness in the process of fighting against the ethereal beasts.

After a simple test, the little seal guard has found the weakness of the ethereal beast, which is at the root of the blade on its back.

Legend power!

The little seal guard didn't delay any longer, and immediately used this top-level skill, his physical strength increased rapidly, and at the same time, he also rushed directly towards the ethereal beast.

After the little seal guard comprehended the legendary power skill, Jiang Xiaobei conducted some tests on the power of this skill in reality.

According to the performance of the small seal guard, Jiang Xiaobei understood some characteristics of the skill Legendary Power.

After this skill is released, it can enhance the various abilities of the little seal guard, making him stronger, faster, and stronger.

The increase effect increases with the increase of the elf level, and now with a small seal guarding the strength of level 19, the increase effect has almost reached 20%.

Under the increase of the legendary power, the little seal guard is not a void spirit beast at all, and directly rushed up to be tough.

The ancient Zhanlong clan's greatest hobby is fighting, this is their idea engraved in their blood.

The Void Spirit Beast saw the small seal guard attacking, felt the oppression from him, and had an urge to run away directly.

But the small seal guards attacked very fast, and the ethereal beast's agility and speed were not very good, so they couldn't dodge at all, so they had to put their fists in front of them to resist the attack of the small seal guards.

But who knows, the seemingly menacing punch of the little seal guard landed on the arms of the ethereal beast, but it made him feel that it didn't have much attack power.

How is this going?

The next second that the Void Spirit Beast was stunned, the little seal guard turned his flexible body, quickly turned to the left side of the Void Spirit Beast, and punched the root of the blade of grass on its back with a not very heavy punch.

The Void Spirit Beast, which was standing firmly in place, immediately lay down on the ground under this punch, and its body twitched for a while.

Watching the little seal guard defeat his opponent, Jiang Xiaobei walked over and patted him on the head, then walked to the side of the Void Spirit Beast, a green light condensed in his right hand, and blended into the Void Spirit Beast's body with Jiang Xiaobei's control among.

This is the primary grass-type magic, the growth technique. Although it is an auxiliary type of magic, it has an excellent healing effect on the grass-type elves.

Seeing that the ethereal beast had almost recovered, Jiang Xiaobei took the small seal guards and walked towards the moon pomelo forest not far away.

Before, Jiang Xiaobei found the moon pomelo forest with a hood and pocket, and the kaka bug from before was still there.

Although the Kaka bug was very talented, but because there was no systematic training, it was still stuck at level 19 and failed to be promoted to an intermediate elf.

However, after such a long time, Kakachong still knew Jiang Xiaobei, and although Hoodou had evolved, after a simple identification, he still recognized him.

Now, when Jiang Xiaobei took the small seal guards to find the elves to fight, the cap and the platinum unicorn stayed in the moon pomelo forest to rest.

In the past two days, Hood's level has been raised by another level, and now he has reached level 39, and he is still one level away from reaching the level of an elite elf.

However, at this level, the difficulty of upgrading is not small.

Jiang Xiaobei estimated that it would take nearly another month to accumulate this level before successfully upgrading.

Because the Platinum Unicorn leveled up too quickly before, Jiang Xiaobei has been asking him to suppress the leveling up recently, to polish the foundation, train skills, and research secret techniques.

The level is still at level 37 and has not been improved.

(Poor face) It is estimated that the third shift will not be completed today, only the second shift.

I don't know if I don't write my homework. I am shocked when I write it, so there are so many.

After completing today's second update, I owe a chapter, and I will have time to add it next week. (The number of words in this section of the card is free of charge)
 Thanks to the old driver of Xiuxian for the reward of 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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