My elf is so cute

Chapter 246 Go to the Fengxue Gym and meet the Ice Emperor

Chapter 246 Go to the Fengxue Gym and meet the Ice Emperor
After refreshing himself, Jiang Xiaobei didn't forget to ask Aquarius Baby to continue to show another secret skill.

Aquarius Starlight, the name is related to constellations, and the effect must be very strong.

Xiao Shui Shui and Xiao Shui Ping took a short rest, and then began to release another secret technique engraved in their minds since their birth.

This time, Xiao Shui Shui retracted into the water bottle.

The two of them stimulated the energy in their bodies together, and then Jiang Xiaobei saw that the body of the small water bottle was lit up with stars, and there were yellow bright threads connected between the stars, and finally connected into a water bottle shape, just like Aquarius constellation in the sky.

Seeing such a scene, Jiang Xiaobei rubbed his hands excitedly, waiting to see the effect of this secret technique.

However, after 1 minute, the starlight on the Aquarius baby's body weakened, but there was no change.

"What's the situation? Is this secret technique just to put on a cool pose?" Jiang Xiaobei didn't understand.

Immediately afterwards, he read the system's introduction to this secret technique:
[Aquarius Starlight] emits the light belonging to the constellation of Aquarius, exploring the secrets of the twelve constellations.

What the hell is this riddle-like introduction?
Jiang Xiaobei said that he didn't understand the function of this secret technique at all, and studied it with Aquarius Baby for a while. After he really couldn't figure it out, Jiang Xiaobei had no choice but to give up.

Picking up the water bottle baby, Jiang Xiaobei explored around Atlantis again, but chose to leave after finding nothing good.

Opening the entrance to the secret realm again through the grass-type badge, Jiang Xiaobei held the water bottle baby in one hand, and the hand in the hood with the other hand, and controlled the water-avoiding spell to leave here.

Before going ashore, Jiang Xiaobei told the water bottle baby to let Xiao Shui Shui retract into the bottle first, and the small water bottle should not make a sound easily, and don't let others find out that he is an elf.

In this way, after Jiang Xiaobei went ashore, although some people found that Jiang Xiaobei was holding a water bottle, they didn't pay much attention to it.

Jiang Xiaobei tidied up and returned directly to the hotel in the secret place of Mermaid Bay.

Let Hood stay with Aquarius Baby in the room to play, while he himself walked out of the hotel and the secret realm of Mermaid Bay, and then bought a high-end Grunt Ball at a nearby elf props store.

After swiping the card, Jiang Xiaobei felt a little helpless seeing the little balance left in the card.

I have to find a way to make money again, otherwise I won't have the money to buy the training resources of Hood and Xiaodou in the future.

Back at the hotel, Jiang Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief after putting the water bottle baby in the grunt ball.

Now in this world, there are already some people who have constellation elves. Although there are not many people who can recognize Aquarius babies, they are afraid that people who care about them will pay attention.

It is safer to put the water bottle baby in the purr ball, so as to reduce the gaze of others observing it.

After subduing the water bottle baby, Jiang Xiaobei also thought that he should leave here.

Here, she played what should be played, and explored what should be explored. Except that she was a little regretful that she didn't get the water badge, everything else was fine.

The next destination is Shanghai.

There are two reasons for choosing to go to Shanghai:

The first point: He doesn’t have enough funds at the moment, so it’s quite easy to earn some money by going to the Elf Cultivator Association in Shanghai to take on some missions.

When Jiang Xiaobei participated in the National High School Elf Cup Competition in Shanghai before, he also specially went to the Association of Elves in Shanghai.

In the hall on the first floor of the Elf Cultivator Association in the Magic City, there is a large screen showing many rewarding tasks offered by trainers or other elf trainers, many of which are very rewarding.

Jiang Xiaobei had seen some tasks that he could solve before, and when he was about to accept them, he discovered that the qualifications for accepting most of the tasks required reaching the level of an intermediate elf cultivator.

At that time, he hadn't passed the intermediate elf cultivator assessment, so he was not qualified.

Now he has it!

The second point: In the past few days, he has relaxed and relaxed enough, and it is time to re-enter the state and train the Hood and the others.

The gym I joined, Fengxue Gym is in Shanghai, where there is a better training environment, and I can go to Teacher Bing for advice when I am free.

The current level of Hood is 39, only one step away from entering the elite level.

At the elite level, it must be a different level. At that time, I have to ask myself about the elf training related issues, and ask what needs to be paid attention to.

Jiang Xiaobei's mobility is very strong, and he came to the magic capital at noon the next day.

As soon as I got off the airport, I took a taxi directly to Fengxue Gym.

After taking a taxi for nearly half an hour, Jiang Xiaobei came to Fengxue Gym again.

Standing on the square in front of the Fengxue Gym, Jiang Xiaobei smiled after seeing the four big characters of the Fengxue Gym. to the hotel.

While he was looking at the phone, suddenly, a thick laughter came from beside him: "Young man, are you standing here, are you going to the Fengxue Gym?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei raised his head and looked to the side.

I saw, beside him, stood an old man about five or sixty years old, wearing pure white short-sleeved upper body, black casual trousers, and a white peaked cap, who was watching with a smile on his face. with him.

Jiang Xiaobei's eyesight is very good. From the smiling eyes of the old man, it can be seen that his pupils have a hint of light blue, not the blue of foreigners, but the ice blue like the color of Hood's hair.

Although it was very shallow, Jiang Xiaobei could still see it.

However, Jiang Xiaobei didn't pay much attention to it. It's quite normal for the color of his pupils to change a little these days.

The reason why he immediately noticed this was mainly because he had a face of a Chinese but had pupils similar to foreigners, which felt a little weird.

"Well, I'll find a hotel nearby first, and then go to the Fengxue Gym." Jiang Xiaobei nodded in response, and then continued to look at the reviews of the surrounding hotels.

"Are you here to study at Fengxue Gym? Or are you a disciple of Fengxue Gym?" the old man continued to ask.

Although he didn't know why the old man asked so many questions, Jiang Xiaobei replied politely, "He's a disciple of Fengxue Gym."

"Hello, disciple of Fengxue Gym." The old man nodded with a smile, turned his head and walked away.

Jiang Xiaobei glanced at the back of the old man leaving, and felt that he had met a strange person, then he didn't think about it, and continued to look for the hotel.

"A top-notch ice element affinity, and a frightening dragon breath on his body. I still have this kind of disciple in the Fengxue Gym. I have to check his information carefully."

The old man walked into the Fengxue gymnasium talking to himself.

As soon as he entered the gymnasium, a male staff member of the Fengxue gymnasium walked towards him. After the staff member raised his head and saw the old man, his whole body trembled instantly. Say hello:

"Hello, curator!"

"Well, go and do your work." The old man nodded and continued to walk inside.

"Yes." The staff member replied, and after seeing the old man walking away, he whispered:

"I didn't expect to meet the curator today. I have to brag with others when I go back. We also chatted with the majestic trainer who is titled Ice Emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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