My elf is so cute

Chapter 247 Battle of the Temple

Chapter 247 Battle of the Temple (Two in One)

Chen Bing walked slowly up the stairs, towards his office on the top floor of Fengxue Gym.

On the way, some people greeted him respectfully, and he also responded with a smile, without any airs of being a title trainer.

After walking all the way to his room, he sat on the desk. He picked up the phone on the desk and dialed a number. Ten seconds later, Director Zheng of the Personnel Department of Fengxue Gym came from the other end of the phone. :
"Curator, what do you want me to do?"

"Haha, Xiao Zheng, please bring me the information of all the young disciples of our Fengxue Gym."

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll send it over right away."

In less than 5 minutes, Director Zheng came to Chen Bing's curator's office with a stack of information bags in his arms.

"Curator, there are a total of 30 young disciples under the age of 53 in our gymnasium, and their information is here." After finishing speaking, he put these materials on Chen Bing's desk, and then stood aside quietly wait.

Chen Bing nodded, waved to Director Zheng and said, "Okay, go and do your work, and I'll call you later when something happens."


After Director Zheng left the room, Chen Bing began to look through the files.

There was a person's name and profile photo on the cover of each file bag. Chen Bing simply flipped through it, and easily found the file belonging to Jiang Xiaobei.

Immediately, he took it apart and looked at it.

"Hey, the referrer is Xinyue? I haven't seen her recommending others before."

There were only some simple information recorded in the file information, so he couldn't see anything, so after a brief look, Chen Bing took out his mobile phone and called Bing Xinyue.

Soon, the phone was connected, and Bing Xinyue's slightly surprised voice came from over there:
"Teacher, you came out? Where are you now?"

"Just came out of it, and now it's in the gym."

"Teacher, you are really good. You have been in the secret realm for nearly half a year. You don't ask anything. Give me such a big gym, and I won't do it again in the future."

Hearing Bing Xinyue's grievance-filled voice, Chen Bing smiled awkwardly.

"From now on, this Fengxue Gym will be handed over to you. Isn't this to let you get used to it in advance?"

"Heh, I don't want to give it to anyone I love. You are in the gymnasium now, right? Wait a minute, I'll be right there." Before Chen Bing could speak, he hung up the phone.

"Oh, this girl, she's so old, she doesn't even know how to feel sorry for me as a teacher. It's been a waste of years." Looking at the phone that was hung up, Chen Bing shook his head and said with a smile.

Afterwards, he stood up, looked down at the venue of the Fengxue gymnasium through the window, and felt a little emotional:

"Old man, I have never been married in my life, and I don't have a child. As for Xinyue, a disciple, I don't bother to care about her. I really don't know who should hand over this gymnasium in the future."

In less than 10 minutes, Bing Xinyue rode the ice crystal phoenix to Fengxue Gym.

Walking into the Fengxue Gym, without stopping along the way, he came directly to Chen Bing's office on the top floor.

As soon as she walked in, she saw Chen Bing wearing a white peaked cap, leaning on the office chair, listening to the music on the phone leisurely.

Seeing this scene, Bing Xinyue thought that in the past six months, in addition to being busy with school affairs, she also had to take care of some affairs of the Fengxue Gym, and was busy going around every day.

But my teacher, the real manager of Fengxue Gymnasium, explored the secret realm very leisurely, got annoyed all of a sudden, didn't say anything, turned around and left here, went to his office downstairs, and put a All the papers that needed to be written were carried up and placed on Chen Bing's desk with a clatter.

"Teacher, you are back, just to take a look at the affairs of our gymnasium during this period." Afterwards, she took a cup of tea, sat on the sofa beside her and looked at Chen Bing quietly.

Chen Bing looked at this pile of documents, his brows twitched, and he was not in the mood to listen to music anymore. He pushed these documents aside with a toothache, and said to his apprentice with a smile:

"Ahem, these are not important. I called you just now to ask you something."

Bing Xinyue didn't speak, but still looked at him quietly.

"Oh, I'm 70 or [-] years old. You, an apprentice, don't know how to be considerate of my old bones, and you do so many things to me just after you come back?" Chen Bing said helplessly.

"Hehe, you are not old. You can stay in the secret realm for half a year. Isn't it easy to handle these affairs?"

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about these things for now. I'm looking for you this time because I really have something to do. Tell me about Jiang Xiaobei."

Hearing this, Bing Xinyue didn't tease her teacher any more, she frowned and asked, "Why are you asking about Jiang Xiaobei, have you seen him?"

Chen Bing nodded and said: "I saw him downstairs just now, and I noticed something. After reading his information, it said that you are the referrer, so I asked you to ask, and you gave me the information you know about him. Say it."

"En." Bing Xinyue nodded, and told Chen Bing all the information she knew about Jiang Xiaobei.

"I didn't expect this young man to be an intermediate elf cultivator." After Bing Xinyue finished speaking, Chen Bing had some understanding of Jiang Xiaobei's affairs.

"It turns out that the dragon aura emanating from him belongs to the ancient dragon king Xia Nai. No wonder it is so powerful even though there is only a slight aura."

Hearing Chen Bing mentioning the ancient dragon king Xia Nai, Bing Xinyue suddenly became curious and asked, "Teacher, do you know this ancient dragon king Xia Nai?"

"I know a little bit, this ancient dragon king, Xia Nai, can be said to be the king of the dragon clan, the most powerful dragon elf." As he spoke, Chen Bing sighed again: "Even the ice dragon king we met back then has the advantage of restraining attributes. Next, it is not necessarily its opponent."

"So strong?" Bing Xinyue couldn't believe it.

The scene of the Ice Dragon King that she and Chen Bing met back then was still deeply imprinted in her mind when she overthrew the Emperor-level Ice Crystal Ancient-toothed Tiger. Even stronger.

Chen Bing sighed, and said, "Spirits like Xia Nai and the Ice Dragon King have already surpassed the level of emperor-level elves and reached another level."

"But for such a long time, Ice Crystal Ancient Toothed Tiger and I tried every means to work hard in that direction, but we couldn't even touch the threshold." When Chen Bing said this, his expression was a little lonely.

It was the first time for Bing Xinyue to see her teacher's expression, and she was thinking about what to say to comfort her teacher, when she suddenly saw Chen Bing looking at her expectantly and said:
"So, Xinyue, in order for the teacher to achieve this goal, you should help the teacher manage this Fengxue gymnasium, and I will pass on the position of owner to you later."

After listening to her teacher's words, Bing Xinyue's worried mood disappeared in an instant, and her face was darkened.

It turns out that after talking so much, are you waiting for her here?

"Hehe, you'd better deal with the matters on the table first." After finishing speaking, Bing Xinyue stood up and was about to walk away. Seeing this, Chen Bing said hastily:
"Don't rush away, there is something else I want to ask you."

Bing Xinyue stopped leaving and turned to look at her teacher.

"There are still three years left, and the battle for the temple is about to start. Do you think Jiang Xiaobei is capable of representing our gymnasium?"

Hearing this, Bing Xinyue frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "Three years later, with his strength, it will be about the same, but I still have to ask his opinion on this matter."

"All right, he is nearby now, you can inform him and ask him to come to my office."

"it is good."

At this time, Jiang Xiaobei was arranging some of his clothes in a hotel room near Fengxue Gym.

In the next month or so, I will spend here. It is estimated that I will leave and go home for a few days before the start of school.

Just as he was using the washing machine in the hotel to wash clothes, his cell phone rang suddenly.

He saw the note, it was Bing Xinyue, and immediately answered the channel: "Hello, Teacher Bing."

"Well, Jiang Xiaobei, are you near the Fengxue Gym now? If you are, come to the curator's office."

"Ah? Okay, I'll be right there."

Although he didn't know what he was looking for, it shouldn't be a trivial matter for him to go to the curator's office, so he quickly packed up and went straight to Fengxue Gym.

The hotel is not very far from the Fengxue Gym, Jiang Xiaobei only spent 5 minutes running to the Gym, and then relying on his own Fengxue Gym disciple certificate, after entering, he went straight to the curator's office on the top floor.

Before arriving at the curator's office, Jiang Xiaobei knocked on the door, and Bing Xinyue's voice came from inside.

"come in."

Jiang Xiaobei opened the door and walked in. The first thing he saw was Bing Xinyue sitting on the sofa, and then he saw Chen Bing sitting on the desk.

Looking at Chen Bing who greeted him earlier, Jiang Xiaobei was stunned for a moment, then saw the old man wave his hand at him, and said with a smile:
"Hey boy, we meet again."

Seeing Chen Bing sitting on the desk, Jiang Xiaobei asked in disbelief, "Are you the curator?"

"Why, doesn't it look like it?" Chen Bing teased Jiang Xiaobei with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobei really didn't feel like it. In his original imagination, the trainer titled Ice Emperor should be the kind of person who is very serious, meticulous, and looks as cold as an ice cube.

Who would have thought that there is such a person who is smiling all the time and dressed in a trendy way.

At this time, Bing Xinyue on the side said to Jiang Xiaobei: "Jiang Xiaobei, how is your hooded doll's strength now?"

After hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei took out the gruntball from the hood, released the hood, and said, "Now we are almost promoted to the elite level."

Chen Bing and Bing Xinyue felt the breath of the cap and pocket, and they both nodded.

Bing Xinyue continued to ask: "Now I want to ask for your opinion on something. Now I have an opportunity to let you represent the gymnasium to participate in the battle for the temple. Are you willing?"

"The battle for the temple?" Jiang Xiaobei had never heard of this term, and asked with some doubts: "What is the battle for the temple?"

Chen Bing took off the peaked cap on his head, touched his gray hair, and said, "The battle for the temple is a group of people competing for the five-year ownership of the temple space."

"In the center of the Pacific Ocean, there is an island with a secret place called the Temple of Light."

Temple of Light! ?
Hearing this name, Jiang Xiaobei's pupils shrank.

He knew that this secret realm was once the location of VIP pets. There were 13 spaces in it, corresponding to water spirit beasts, red lotus beasts and other VIP pets.

Jiang Xiaobei continued to listen.

"Among them, there are twelve spaces representing various attributes."

twelve?Isn't it thirteen?

Jiang Xiaobei was a little puzzled, but he still listened to Chen Bing's information about the Temple of Light.

"Each space represents an attribute, and there are top elves representing this attribute living in it, for example:"

"Ice crystal space: Ice crystal ancient tooth tiger race."

"Fighting Space: Demon-tailed war cat race."

"Mechanical Space: The Mister Drill Race."

"Cute Space: Little Angel Angel Race."

"Demon Dimension: Little Devil Loki Race."

"Dark Poison Space: Purple Dark Fox Race."

"Rock space: Rock armor lord race."

"Red Lotus Space: Red Lotus Beast Race."

"Insect Space: Golden Wing Mantis Race."

"Ghost Space: The Ghost Bat Prince Race."

"Water Spirit Space: Water Spirit Beast Race."

"Dragon Space: Eternal Night Fighting Dragon Race."

"These twelve spaces correspond to the twelve attributes of ice, martial arts, machinery, cuteness, demons, poison, earth, fire, insects, ghosts, water, and dragons."

Jiang Xiaobei quietly listened to Chen Bing's introduction, and after Chen Bing finished the introduction, he secretly said in his heart:

"There is an ordinary department missing."

Chen Bing continued: "It's okay to enter this secret realm of the Temple of Light, but if there are no special props in those attribute spaces, we humans will be subject to certain restrictions after entering, and people over the age of 25 cannot enter."

"Ah this? You can't enter if you are over 25 years old?"

Hearing this condition, Jiang Xiaobei was a little surprised.

Why does this sound like a fantasy novel, only the younger generation is allowed to enter, and the older generation is not allowed to enter?
"Yes." Chen Bing nodded, and continued: "After the younger generation enters, you need to obtain the approval of the elf race among them, so that you can obtain the space seal."

As he said that, Chen Bing took out a snowflake crystal that looked like it was carved from ice, and said to Jiang Xiaobei: "That's it, with this space seal, within the next five years, you can Use this space seal to enter the space at will."

"This is the space seal of the ice crystal space."

"This seal was originally a seal of spaceless energy obtained in the Temple of Light. It was brought into the corresponding space by competitors. If it is recognized by the race in it, the patriarch of the elf race in the space will lead you to some places. One place fills the seal with the space energy of the corresponding space."

"This kind of space seal can only be recharged once, and then it can't be recharged. The energy of one recharge is only enough to last five years."

"That's why there is a saying about the Battle of the Temple every five years."

"But don't worry too much. Over the years, the ice crystal space has been under the control of our Fengxue Gym, and our relationship with the races in it is also very good. If it is not too bad, it is basically our Fengxue Gym. of."

"If you agree, after three years, your hooded doll must be at least at the senior professional level, so, do you agree now?" Chen Bing looked at Jiang Xiaobei and asked.

"Yeah." It sounded like there was no harm, Jiang Xiaobei directly agreed.

"Okay, now I'll take you to the ice crystal space to have a look."

 Thank you Luo Yu Moran for the huge reward of 10000 coins, thank you book friend 20191127143041817 for your reward of 100 coins, thank you for your reward of 100 coins, thank you for your reward of 588 coins for Loving Sunset and Wanfeng

  The previously owed one update and one more update will be completed in the next two days

(End of this chapter)

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