My elf is so cute

Chapter 248 Ice Crystal Cave

Chapter 248 Ice Crystal Cave (Happy Christmas Eve Everyone)
As he said that, Chen Bing's eyes lit up with an icy blue light, and the snowflake-shaped space seal in his hand suddenly produced bursts of space fluctuations, and Jiang Xiaobei, Bing Xinyue, Chen Bing, and Mao Xiaobei were soon captured. Covered up.

Enveloped by this spatial fluctuation, Jiang Xiaobei only felt a little dizzy, and his body swayed for a while. When he came back to his senses, he looked around and saw that the environment had completely changed.

The surroundings are no longer Chen Bing's office, but a world that seems to be completely made of ice.

Jiang Xiaobei looked around and found that they seemed to be located in a huge iceberg. The height of about [-] meters above was covered by ice, and the sky could not be seen at all.

The ground is also completely composed of ice-blue ice, but there are many thick iron chains hanging from the surrounding mountain walls, and they are located in a very wide passage, surrounded by many giant ice. Blocks, like a mirror, reflected the shadows of their group.

"Doudou?" Mao Xiaodou leaned behind Jiang Xiaobei, looking around curiously.

In her perception, the ice energy contained in the surrounding ice blocks is extremely pure, only slightly worse than that in ice spirit stones.

It would be fine if there were only a few, but around here, as far as one could see, almost all the places were made up of ice cubes containing pure ice energy, which would be a bit scary!

Mao Xiaodou felt that the cultivation results she had obtained by practicing here for one day were completely comparable to those obtained by practicing outside for four or five days. Immediately, she told Jiang Xiaobei what she had discovered.

In fact, Jiang Xiaobei can roughly judge it without a hat and a small pocket.

In his perception, the surrounding ice elements are extremely rich. If he releases a primary ice magic here, the power can almost be compared to the intermediate magic cast outside.

"Is this the ice crystal space? It really is extraordinary."

Chen Bing looked around a few times, then smiled and took out a grunt ball, releasing an ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger nearly five meters tall.

Lan Ze's one, in front of this ancient ice crystal tiger, is almost equivalent to a kitten.

Feeling the ferocious aura coming from this ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger, Hoodou jumped in fright, hugged Jiang Xiaobei's thigh, and hid behind him, only daring to poke his head slightly, looking at this Giant Ice Crystal Ancient-toothed Tiger.

Jiang Xiaobei was also taken aback by the size of this ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger, and then he collected his mind and checked its information.

[Elf Name] Ice Crystal Ancient Toothed Tiger
[Elf level] 95 (royal level elf)
[Elf Talent] Lavender
[Spirit Attribute] Ice

[Height] 4.9m [Weight] 3221kg [Gender] Male

【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Spirit Skills] Ice Crystal Barrier, Snow Fan, Legendary Power, Blizzard.
[Spirit Secret Technique] Ice Hell, Cold Haze, Ice Wind and Tiger Roar
[Elf props] Ice God Amber Soul

[Elf Profile] The strongest of the contemporary Ice Crystal Ancient Toothed Tiger race, the King of the Ice Crystal Ancient Toothed Tiger, possesses powerful ice power.

Having seen Xia Nai's gorgeous information panel before, and seeing the information about this ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger, Jiang Xiaobei's heart is not too turbulent.

The only thing he cared about was that this ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger was the strongest in the entire race, and was even called the king of the ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger.

In that case, he must have a high voice in the entire Ice Crystal Ancient Toothed Tiger clan, and as Chen Bing's elf, this means that the Fengxue Gym has a very good relationship with the Ice Crystal Ancient Toothed Tiger clan.

What the curator said before is indeed true, I guess it will be enough to make soy sauce by yourself!

The giant ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger glanced around, saw that it was behind the ice crystal space, raised its head and roared excitedly, and let out an ear-splitting roar.

Soon after this tiger howl, Jiang Xiaobei heard many tiger howls one after another, and then he saw three petite ancient-toothed ice crystal tigers running out from the bend in front of him. Followed by a group of ice crystal cubs and ice tiger babies.

The three ice crystal ancient-toothed tigers ran up to Chen Bing's ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger, lowered their tiger heads respectfully, and showed respect to him, but a group of ice crystal cubs and ice tiger babies didn't care so much, excitedly Going around the giant ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger.

Chen Bing's Ice Crystal Ancient-toothed Tiger looked at the juniors in the clan with kind eyes, then turned his head to Jiang Xiaobei and the others whispered twice, and then walked forward first.

Chen Bing nodded, followed behind the ancient ice crystal tiger, and walked forward.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobei and Bing Xinyue immediately followed.

The three of them and a group of tigers walked for a while, turned a lot of wide-area bends, and came to an ice cave.

In front of the ice cave, there were more than [-] ice crystal ancient-toothed tigers standing. The first one was also very huge, and it was only slightly smaller than Chen Bing's one.

However, this ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger is like the ancient war dragon patriarch in the flames of the dragon veins. It can be clearly seen that it is a bit old, and its tiger eyes are slightly chaotic.

Jiang Xiaobei checked it out, and the information showed that the Ice Crystal Ancient-toothed Tiger was as high as level 90, and it was also an imperial elf.

Chen Bing said to Jiang Xiaobei at this time: "The leader is the patriarch of the Ice Crystal Ancient-toothed Tiger clan, and is also an imperial elf. I will take you up later to say hello."

"Hmm." Jiang Xiaobei also responded through sound transmission using mental power.

After they approached, the Patriarch of the Ice Crystal Ancient Toothed Tiger came up to him and started talking with Chen Bing.

After chatting with one person and one tiger for a while, Chen Bing pulled Jiang Xiaobei up and introduced him to the Patriarch of Bingjing Ancient Toothed Tiger.

In fact, I didn't say anything, just let Jiang Xiaobei get acquainted with the patriarch of Bingjing Ancient Toothed Tiger, so that they could get acquainted.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Xiaobei withdrew.

The current him, the patriarch of the Bingjing Ancient Toothed Tiger, Chen Bing, hardly have any common language, just introduce and get to know each other.

After stepping back, he pulled the hood and came to the side of Bing Xinyue, looked at almost a hundred elves around him, and asked Bing Xinyue with a smile:

"Mr. Bing, is there any special elf training place here?"

Now that they are all here, how can we do it without some benefits?

Bing Xinyue glanced at the small hood behind Jiang Xiaobei, the corner of her mouth curled up, and said, "Come with me."

As she spoke, she walked towards Chen Bing's giant ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger, and Jiang Xiaobei hurriedly followed behind.

At this time, the giant ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger was lying on the ground, playing with some of its juniors and baby ice tigers around it.

"Uncle Hu, can you take us to the Ice Crystal Cave?" Bing Xinyue walked up to the giant Ice Crystal Ancient-toothed Tiger and asked.

Hearing this, the giant ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger raised its head to look at Bing Xinyue, and then turned its gaze to the small cap next to Jiang Xiaobei. After two glances, he nodded his huge tiger head.

Afterwards, he yelled at a group of ice tiger babies who were playing around him in a low voice, then got up and walked towards a certain direction.

A group of baby ice tigers ran around obediently after the roar of the giant ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger.

Seeing the cuteness of these ice tiger babies, Jiang Xiaobei was a little moved, and wanted to tame an ice tiger baby.

But he understands that the ice tiger baby is not the kind of elf that he needs especially for him now, and with his current ability, it is a bit difficult to earn enough resources for the four elves in Hood and Xiaodou. The words of elves will definitely affect the growth of other elves.

Therefore, he can only say that elves like the ice crystal ancient tooth tiger have no destiny for him.

Turning his head to see that Bing Xinyue and the giant ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger were about to go far away, he hurriedly followed with a hood and pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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