My elf is so cute

Chapter 250 Acceptance of Missions

Chapter 250 Acceptance of Missions
After staying in the ice crystal space for half a day, Chen Bing left here with Jiang Xiaobei and Bing Xinyue.

Relying on the space seal, they returned directly to the Fengxue Gym.

Chen Bing sat back on his office chair, looked at Jiang Xiaobei and said with a smile: "Let me tell you in advance, among the disciples of Fengxue Gymnasium, your age is suitable, so you are tentatively appointed to represent Dao Hall to participate in the battle for the temple."

"However, this does not mean that you must be allowed to go. If you don't train the elves well and improve your spiritual power in the past few years, the gymnasium will be replaced at any time."

"Don't think that this temple battle is just for you to get in and get the recognition of the race. If you participate in it when the time comes, there will be many benefits!"

"What's the benefit?" Jiang Xiaobei asked curiously.

Chen Bing smiled slightly, then took a sip of tea calmly, and when Jiang Xiaobei was about to get impatient, he said slowly: "Twelve people who have been recognized by race can enter the King's Space."

"In the king's space, there are many treasures and opportunities, and there are even many inheritances of imperial elves. Think about it, if an elf obtains the inheritance of an imperial elf, it will improve its strength and its own potential. ,"

"Curator, don't worry, I won't let you down." Before Chen Bing finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobei patted his chest and promised.

"Well, let's see how you behave in the future!" Chen Bing smiled, and said to Jiang Xiaobei: "Okay, I don't have anything to do with you, go and do your work."

Jiang Xiaobei nodded, and when he turned around and was about to leave, something suddenly sounded, he turned around again, and asked Chen Bing: "Curator, I have something to ask you, that is, in the twelve spaces Will the sprites appear only there? Are there no other places?"

Chen Bing shook his head when he heard the words, and said: "That's not true. It can only be said that these elves originally existed in these twelve spaces. Later, some elves must have left there and multiplied in other places, so other places will also live there. There are some."

"Why, have you met these elves?"

"Yes." Jiang Xiaobei nodded and said, "I met a baby praying mantis in a secret place in Xiangcheng."

"That's it." Chen Bing thought for a while, and said to Jiang Xiaobei: "It should be that some golden-winged mantises settled there in the past and left some descendants."

"However, without the nourishment of those special spaces in the Temple of Light, these elves are at best stronger in blood, but their talents should not be very strong."

After hearing Chen Bing's words, Jiang Xiaobei relieved a doubt in his heart, thanked him, and left the office.

Leaving from Chen Bing, Jiang Xiaobei no longer stayed in Fengxue Gymnasium, went back to the hotel to clean up, and went directly to the Elf Cultivator Association in the capital city.

The resources consumed to cultivate four elves are indeed terrifying.

Jiang Xiaobei looked at his bank card, and there was not much left. If he didn't want to make money anymore, let's not talk about various training resources, the elf food for Mao Xiaodou and the others would be a problem.

Jiang Xiaobei has been to the Magic City Elf Cultivator Association many times. At that time, his intermediate elf Cultivator assessment was here, so Jiang Xiaobei is not very unfamiliar with the situation inside.

On the large LCD screen in the lobby on the first floor, some rewarding tasks with high rewards were scrolling.

Unlike the bounties on the website, which are all issued by elf trainers, on this task screen, basically anyone can post a task after paying a certain handling fee.

Of course, the return does not have those points, but a unified monetary reward.

Jiang Xiaobei looked at the screen for a while, then turned his gaze away, and walked into the room behind the screen.

It is too troublesome to watch it here, it is more convenient to go directly to the room where the task is received.

In this room, four rows of sixty computers were neatly arranged. Jiang Xiaobei found a vacant seat and turned on a computer with his intermediate elf cultivator qualification certificate.

After the computer was turned on, hundreds of tasks were arranged on the screen from top to bottom according to the amount of remuneration.

Jiang Xiaobei looked at the first reward task, the reward was a full 3000 million, which made his mouth water.

Immediately, he clicked on the task and checked it. After half a day, he turned off the interface with some discomfort.

This task was issued by a Heavenly King-level powerhouse. His ace Elf Sonic Dog has been at the peak of the first stage of the King-level for a long time. No matter what method he tried, he just couldn't comprehend the domain and break through to become the second-stage of the King-level.

So he issued this reward in the hope that an elf cultivator could find a way to help him break through.

Jiang Xiaobei originally wanted to accept this task to take a look, but when he clicked to accept the task, an interface box popped up on the interface, which displayed: This task must be authorized to be a senior elf cultivator or above access.

"Damn!" Jiang Xiaobei exited the task interface cursing.

Continue to browse down, basically the top tasks are some tasks to help the elves improve their strength and complete breakthroughs, and a small number of tasks are to help the elves formulate training plans, or heal the elves from injuries.

After Jiang Xiaobei read them one by one, he felt a little bit sure and wrote it down in his heart, and then continued to look down.

After reading all the first thirty missions, he turned to the front and clicked on the first mission he wrote down that he felt sure about.

Cures a professional grade dazzing chicken.

According to the information of the mission, this dazzling chicken and his trainer have traveled to the secret realm of the forest of mist before.

The Mist Forest is located outside William's Castle. There are many powerful ghost and demon elves gathered in it. It is very dangerous. In China, trainers below the professional level are not allowed to enter it.

Even with professional trainers among them, the degree of danger is not small.

The trainer of this dazzing chicken, the trainer who issued this task, encountered a group of dark night skeletons when he was heading to the foggy forest.

The leader of the night skeleton group is a powerful professional night troll.

Surrounded by the night skeleton group, the trainer and his elves also spent a lot of money to escape.

After getting out of trouble, his ace elf dazzling chicken also fell down.

Because in the process of fighting the night troll, a large amount of ghost energy was invaded into the body of the dazzling chicken, and these ghost energy caused great damage to the body of the dazzling chicken under the control of the night troll.

Moreover, in the process of fighting against the ghost energy, these ghost energy gradually eroded into the original flame of the dazzling chicken, and continued to erode the dazzling chicken.

Because it is connected with the origin of the dazzling chicken, if these ghost energy are eliminated rashly, it will cause irreparable damage to the dazzling chicken, and may even cause the dazzling chicken to lose its life.

After asking for help in vain, the trainer offered a reward task to the Magic City Elf Cultivator Association, hoping that someone with a way could help.

There are two reasons why Jiang Xiaobei chose this task.

The first point is, of course, that the remuneration is very rich. The full 800 million financial remuneration can be said to be more than half of the net worth of an ordinary professional-level trainer. It seems that this trainer also spent a lot of money in order to heal his elf.

The second point is that Jiang Xiaobei thought he could heal Dazzling Chicken's injury.

The source of this confidence is a secret technique that the Platinum Unicorn learned during its evolution - holy brilliance.

Holy brilliance can heal wounds on the soul, and has a strong purification and restraint effect on demon-type, ghost-type and other attributes, so Jiang Xiaobei feels that he can heal the dazzling chicken.

After careful consideration for a while, Jiang Xiaobei chose to accept the task.

In order to prevent some people from randomly accepting tasks and affecting the normal process of accepting tasks, the Magic City Elf Cultivator Association set up a condition for accepting tasks.

If you want to accept a task, you need to pay a deposit of [-]% of the task's reward. If you can complete the task, the deposit will be refunded. If you can't complete the task, the deposit will be divided into two parts. Another share is given to the person who posted the bounty.

After paying the entire [-] deposit with some heartache, Jiang Xiaobei saw the sign that the mission was successfully accepted displayed on the screen in front of him.

Now, all he needs to wait for is the trainer who issued the mission to contact him.

Thinking about it, he looked at another task.

Here, a person can take up to three tasks at the same time. In order to save time, Jiang Xiaobei is going to take at least two tasks at the same time, and he will not stop until he has earned enough training resources for Mao Xiaodou and others in the near future.

 first change


(End of this chapter)

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