My elf is so cute

Chapter 251 Curing the Dazzling Chicken

Chapter 251 Curing the Dazzling Chicken

The second task Jiang Xiaobei accepted was to formulate a detailed long-term cultivation plan for elves.

There are two types of elf cultivation programs: long-term and short-term;
The short-term cultivation plan is aimed at a certain stage of the elves. If the plan is appropriate, the elves can be improved at a certain stage, but after passing this stage of strength, this plan is no longer suitable.

As for the long-term plan, although it does not mean that the elves can use it for life, it can also be used for a long period of time, such as the training plan from apprenticeship to professional level;

It includes small training programs at various stages, and can be connected at the same time, interlocking.

Therefore, although the price of making a short-term training plan is not very expensive, if you make a long-term plan, the price will increase a lot.

The task Jiang Xiaobei accepted was to make a training plan for an ice-type snow spirit beast from beginner to professional level, and the reward was as high as 50.

In a luxuriously decorated villa on the outskirts of Shanghai, Chu Jianjun sat silently on the sofa in the living room. While puffing, he put the remaining cigarette butts in the ashtray, and then lit another cigarette. with one.

It has been a month since that time I explored the forest of mist.

When he first came out, the dazzling chicken could still suppress the ghostly energy in his body with various fire-type elixir, but a week ago, as the condition in his body deteriorated again, the dazzling chicken could no longer hold on up.

Now Dazzling Chicken has been in a coma, but he has traveled all over the country, and even invited many senior elf trainers, but none of them can heal Dazzling Chicken's injury.

Now, he was almost desperate.

After smoking a cigarette again, Chu Jianjun took out his mobile phone, just in time to see the message that someone had accepted the task he posted in the Magic City Fairy Square.

In the past few days, many people have accepted the task, but without exception, they have not succeeded, so he is not very happy to see someone accept the task.

Click on the information to see:
Receiver: Jiang Xiaobei, an intermediate elf trainer.

Seeing this, he was even less interested. Many high-level elf cultivators he had found were helpless. What could an intermediate elf cultivator do?

However, with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, he sent Jiang Xiaobei his home address and phone number to contact him.

Jiang Xiaobei had already accepted three tasks at this time, and wandered around the Magic City Elf Cultivator Association for a while in a bored manner.

After he felt that it was almost done, he logged into the elf cultivator website on his mobile phone, and sure enough, three messages came from the background.

All are home address information and contact numbers.

Jiang Xiaobei thought about it, the dazzling chicken is now being eroded by the energy of the ghost system all the time, and he doesn't know when his condition will worsen, but the other two tasks are not so urgent.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobei directly went out to take a taxi to the home address provided by Chu Jianjun.

When he came to Chu Jianjun's community, he called Chu Jianjun.

After about 10 minutes, Chu Jianjun, with messy hair and a strong smell of smoke, came to the gate of the community, looked around, but found that, apart from the security guards, only Jiang Xiaobei was standing at the gate of the community .

But looking at Jiang Xiaobei's young appearance, he looks like a high school student, not an intermediate elf trainer at all!
"Could it be that I was released as a pigeon?"

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobei was also looking at Chu Jianjun.

This middle-aged man who appeared to be in his 30s had a solid physique, but he was a bit rough and unshaven, and he looked like he hadn't showered for several days.

After looking at it twice, Jiang Xiaobei still stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Chu Jianjun?"

"Well, I am, are you Jiang Xiaobei?" Chu Jianjun asked in surprise as he saw Jiang Xiaobei approaching.

"Yes." Jiang Xiaobei nodded.

It's over!After Chu Jianjun heard Jiang Xiaobei's admission, he no longer had confidence in the success rate of this mission.

Although, becoming an intermediate elf cultivator at such a young age shows that Jiang Xiaobei is a genius with extremely high achievements in the future, but future achievements do not represent current achievements.

So young, how high can the level go?
"Alas~" Chu Jianjun sighed, and then said to Jiang Xiaobei, "Come with me."

The other party paid a handling fee of [-] yuan, so he couldn't let the other party take a look at it, and besides, taking a look at it wouldn't affect Dazzling Chicken's current state.

Chu Jianjun led Jiang Xiaobei all the way to the basement of his home. Before he went in, Jiang Xiaobei felt a strong fire element.

After walking in completely, Jiang Xiaobei knew the source of the fire element.

In the center of the basement, there is a huge fiery red stone bed, about three meters long and wide, with a strong fire light emitting from it.

"Such a big Fire Spirit Stone?" Jiang Xiaobei was a little startled.

Such a large piece of fire spirit stone is worth at least tens of millions, and it cannot be bought with money.

I didn't expect, I didn't expect, this sloppy uncle can hide everything, so rich.

In the center of the Huolingshi stone bed, lay a dazzling chicken about 1.9 meters tall, with his eyes closed, his complexion was not very good, the flame above his head was almost disappearing, and the only small flame was still somewhat gray; In addition to the energy fluctuations of the fire system, the body also emits energy fluctuations of the ghost system.

When Jiang Xiaobei saw this dazzling chicken, he immediately frowned and was about to step forward to observe.

But Chu Jianjun stopped him with his hand. He looked at Jiang Xiaobei, frowned and said, "The Dazzling Chicken is not in a good condition now, and it depends on this fire spirit stone to hang its life."

Although he didn't say anything about not letting Jiang Xiaobei touch the dazzling chicken, Jiang Xiaobei still understood what the other party meant. The other party didn't trust him and didn't think he could cure the dazzling chicken.

Jiang Xiaobei wasn't annoyed by this, after all, his age made him less credible.

He looked into Chu Jianjun's eyes and said, "I know you don't believe me, don't worry, I won't touch Dazzling Chicken, I'm just watching from the sidelines."

Looking at Jiang Xiaobei's firm eyes, Chu Jianjun thought for a while, and finally sighed and lowered his arms.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't say much, walked to the side of Dazzling Chicken, combined with the information detected by the system and his own judgment, he thought that what he thought before was feasible.

Immediately, he turned his head and said to Chu Jianjun, "Mr. Chu, I have a way to cure your dazzling chicken. Would you like me to treat it?"

Then, before Chu Jianjun could answer, he told Chu Jianjun his judgment and thoughts.
"Your elf can't wait for too long, and I can guarantee that if I treat it this time, even if it can't be cured, it won't make the injury worse."

Chu Jianjun glanced at Jiang Xiaobei, and after a while, looked at the dazzling chicken lying on the fire stone bed, feeling a little uncomfortable, and it was difficult to make a decision for a while.

Jiang Xiaobei looked at him quietly and didn't say much.

"Alas~" After a long time, Chu Jianjun sighed heavily, and said to Jiang Xiaobei: "Go ahead, even if it doesn't get cured, I don't blame you, in fact, I also know that the dazzling chicken can't last much longer long time."

After hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei nodded, took out the platinum unicorn's grunt ball, and released it.

Chu Jianjun looked at the holy platinum unicorn, a little surprised, he knew this kind of elf.

A month ago, before entering the Misty Forest, the evolutionary form of the Platinum Unicorn had just emerged, but Chu Jianjun still noticed it because of its handsome appearance.

At that time, I thought that I would have a chance to tame a little unicorn myself, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

Jiang Xiaobei took out a small jade bottle at this time, uncorked the bottle, pinched the dazzling chicken's mouth, poured a few drops of water of life into his mouth, and then transmitted sound to the platinum unicorn road:

"Use holy radiance on the blinding chicken."

The platinum unicorn nodded, and then he closed his eyes, and a holy white light shot out from his unicorn, shining directly on the lying dazzling chicken.

As soon as the holy white light shone on the dazzling chicken, Jiang Xiaobei and Chu Jianjun heard a chi-chi sound, and then clusters of dark gray mist emanated from the dazzling chicken, dissipated in the air, and in the holy light Under the light, it dissipated on the spot.

These are the ghostly energy in Dazzling Chicken's body!
Chu Jianjun looked at this scene with a little surprise, as if it could really cure Dazzling Chicken!
During this process, the body of Dazzling Chicken still emits a faint, imperceptible light blue light all the time.

This is the protective effect of the water of life on the body of the dazzling chicken.

As the ghost energy in the dazzling chickens was forced out by the holy light, the flames on the top of the dazzling chickens gradually recovered and gradually increased.

The platinum unicorn continued to display the holy light for about 10 minutes, and the energy in its body was exhausted, and it stood aside panting.

And after these 10 minutes of treatment, although Dazzling Chicken is still in a coma, his physical condition is obviously much better than before.

"Although Dazzling Chicken's physical condition has improved a lot, only a small part of the ghost energy that invaded its origin has been forced out, and it needs to be treated later. Now that the platinum unicorn's energy is exhausted, I will come back tomorrow. Let's go." Jiang Xiaobei said to Chu Jianjun after putting the platinum unicorn into the Gulu ball.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry to trouble you." At this time, Chu Jianjun's attitude towards Jiang Xiaobei can be said to have taken a 180-degree turn.

For him, Jiang Xiaobei's ability to cure his Dazzling Chicken is his ancestor!

With that said, he turned on his phone, clicked on Jiang Xiaobei that the task was successful, and then submitted a reward of 1000 million to Jiang Xiaobei.

Jiang Xiaobei was stunned when he saw a total of 1000 million rewards in the reward message from his mobile phone.

"You gave too much, and it hasn't been completely cured yet, so it doesn't count as completing the task."

"It's okay, it's just a small money, it's just a small money." Chu Jianjun said indifferently.

 the second
(End of this chapter)

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