My elf is so cute

Chapter 252 Evolution of Aquarius Baby

Chapter 252 Aquarius Baby Evolution (Two in One)

Small money?

Jiang Xiaobei was stunned, seeing Chu Jianjun's indifferent expression, he sighed, turned and left.

Sure enough, poverty still limits my imagination!
For the next five days, Jiang Xiaobei would take the Platinum Unicorn to Chu Jianjun's house every morning to treat his Dazzling Chicken.

These days, Jiang Xiaobei and Chu Jianjun also got to know each other well, and they also understood some information about each other from their usual exchanges.

Chu Jianjun can also be considered a rich second generation. Neither of his parents are trainers, but they run a national chain catering company with billions of assets.

Originally, his parents planned for him to inherit the family business in the future. As for the profession of trainer, they just let their son play for fun. The profession of trainer is too dangerous, and there are only a few king-level trainers in the whole country?
Why not go home and inherit the family business!

But who knows, their son has been unrestrained and loves freedom all his life.

He never thought of going home and inheriting hundreds of millions of fortunes, and devoted himself to cultivating elves and breaking into secret realms. He is in his 30s and hasn't even gotten married.

The two old men were angry, but there was nothing they could do, who made it impossible for them to practice the trumpet.

The only tuba, can only let it go.

The platinum unicorn stood in front of the dazzling chicken, and the unicorn above its head exuded a dazzling and holy white light, shining on the dazzling chicken lying on the fire stone bed.

After a few days of treatment and purification, Dazzling Chicken is now more than half healed, which can be seen from the fact that it can only radiate sporadic ghost energy.

The Dazzling Chicken is also awake now, guiding the energy in the body to cooperate with the treatment of the Platinum Unicorn, and the healing effect in one day is much better than before.

After 10 minutes, the Platinum Unicorn stopped its release of holy brilliance slightly panting, and the Dazzling Chicken, who was lying on the fire stone bed, got up at this moment, and gave a grateful cry to the Platinum Unicorn:

Jiang Xiaobei put the platinum unicorn into the Gulu ball, let it rest well, and then said to Chu Jianjun, "Brother Chu, the dazzling chicken has basically been cured now, and it will be completely cured after a few days of cultivation. recovered."

Chu Jianjun was very excited when he saw the Dazzling Chicken returning to normal, and thanked Jiang Xiaobei, "Xiaobei, thank you, if you need anything from me in the future, just tell me."

Jiang Xiaobei shook his head and smiled, chatted with Chu Jianjun for a while, then left.

In the past few days, in addition to helping Dazzling Chicken heal, the rest of the time has also completed the other two tasks.

The originally shriveled wallet was full again, Jiang Xiaobei is in a good mood now, and for a long time to come, he won't have to worry about money anymore.

After buying some caps and pockets for their cultivation resources, Jiang Xiaobei stayed in the magic city and started the elf cultivation process.

I heard that every year when the magic university starts, the school will arrange an entrance test for the freshmen of the elf department. For the students who perform outstandingly in the assessment, the school will give a certain amount of resources in various aspects.

In order to perform better in the entrance test, Jiang Xiaobei naturally had to make good use of this summer vacation.

Time flies, and another week has passed in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Xiaobei was currently in the elite training room of Fengxue Gym, watching the four elves training.

At this time, the hood has switched to the state of ice and fire, with strands of frost and flames lingering around his body, and between his hands, a red and blue energy ball continues to rotate.

For Mao Xiaodou, the secret skill of ice fire spin is not only powerful, but also helps her quickly improve the control over her own energy through training this secret skill, and condenses the somewhat vain energy in her body.

The platinum unicorn was lying in a corner of the training room, seemingly resting, but upon careful observation, he found that the energy in the surrounding wind stones and ice stones was continuously absorbed into his body.

Jiang Xiaobei looked at the status of some platinum unicorns, and nodded with some satisfaction. These days, the strength of platinum unicorns has been steadily improving. Yesterday, the level reached level 38.

There are still more than two months before the school starts in September. Before the school starts, the platinum unicorn should be able to break through to level 40 and become an elite elf.

There is also a magic gravity meter in the training room of Fengxue Gym, and the current little seal guards are still training in it.

At this time, he was in double gravity, waving his little paws, trying hard to train a set of boxing techniques that his grandfather taught him when he was in the Dragon Vein Flame.

Jiang Xiaobei had seen this set of boxing techniques, and after a systematic analysis, this set of boxing techniques was indeed very suitable for the basic physical training of the little seal guard, so Jiang Xiaobei asked him to practice this set of boxing techniques on the gravity meter.

Although the little seal guard is a bit gluttonous and likes to eat snacks, he is the most serious of the four elves during training, completing the tasks Jiang Xiaobei taught him every day.

Unlike the small hood, I want to be lazy from time to time.

Moreover, Hood Xiaodou now understands her own advantages very well. Whenever Jiang Xiaobei finds out that she is being lazy, she starts to show off her cuteness to Jiang Xiaobei.

Attempt to pass the test with cuteness!

Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobei turned his head to look at the hood, took it and found that the hood was secretly looking at him now, and when he found himself looking towards her, the hood immediately turned his head over, controlling the hood in his hand. The red and blue energy balls spun quickly, pretending to be training hard.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobei shook his head helplessly, and cursed at Xiaodou with a smile, "Little slob!"

Xiaodou curled his lips after hearing this, turned his head and stuck out his tongue at Jiang Xiaobei, made a grimace, and then felt that the energy ball was a bit unstable, so he quickly turned his head to stabilize the energy ball, but it quietly decreased energy output.

Seeing that Hood and Xiaodou was being lazy again, Jiang Xiaobei didn't say anything, instead he secretly smiled.

From the very beginning, Jiang Xiaobei knew that it would be difficult for Hood to complete the task with both quality and quantity, and Hood would definitely be lazy and paddle when he was not paying attention.

Therefore, when Jiang Xiaobei explained his training plan to Mao Xiaodou at the beginning, he increased the amount of training.

For example, in fact, the hood only needs to maintain [-]% of the energy output control, even if it has completed a day's tasks.

But when Jiang Xiaobei told her, he deliberately stated that [-]% of the energy output was required. Under this premise, even if the hat was lazy, he would not dare to be too lazy, and would maintain at least [-]% of the energy output .

In this way, in fact, it is considered that the hood has over-completed the training task.

Hood, hood, as the saying goes, the height of the devil is one foot, and the height of the road is one foot, you should stop trying to play tricks on me.

Jiang Xiaobei finally set his sights on Aquarius Baby.

Aquarius Baby is the fastest elf Jiang Xiaobei has ever seen, bar none.

Under the premise of the blue talent, the body of the water bottle baby is composed of a small water bottle and a small water bottle. Except that these two body parts cannot be separated, they are actually equivalent to two elves.

If two elves cultivate at the same time, it is equivalent to twice the cultivation speed of elves with the same talent, and the level improvement is naturally very fast.

Now it's only a dozen days since the water bottle baby just hatched, he has already been promoted from level 20 to level 23, and if he goes up one level, he will evolve into a magic water bottle.

With such a fast level-up speed, Jiang Xiaobei was also afraid that his foundation would not be stable, so now let Xiao Shui Shui and Xiao Shui Ping conduct different training.

The little water bottle continued to practice, absorbing energy to improve its strength.

Xiao Shuishui, on the other hand, trained the various skills he had mastered.

Jiang Xiaobei specially divided an open space for the two of them, allowing Xiao Shuishui to fully display various skills. The only pity is that there are no lakes and springs here, and the Jingling waters cannot be used to condense the water of life.

If you have time, you can go to the campus of the Demon University for a stroll. There is a lot of water in the Panchi, so if you use the Jingling water area to condense the water of life, it will have no effect.

Water of life is something that babies can't produce a lot in an instant at the current level, so it's right to prepare more. In case of an emergency, this can save lives.

Thinking in this way, Jiang Xiaobei brought Level Baby to the campus of the Magic University that afternoon.

Now, the National High School Student Fairy Cup is over, and many high school students who were originally on the campus of the Magic University have left, so basically the young people who are still in school are students of the Magic University, Jiang Xiaobei's seniors and sisters.

However, it's summer vacation now, and there are still a small number of people staying in school. Jiang Xiaobei walks on the path next to the Mo Dapan Pond, and it is basically difficult to meet anyone.

Coming to a relatively remote location next to Panchi, Jiang Xiaobei released the water bottle baby.

"Come on, condense some water of life with the water of pure spirit." Jiang Xiaobei took out a small jade bottle and said to the water bottle baby.

"Bottle!" "Shui Shui!"

The small water bottle and Xiao Shui Shui both responded, and then the small water bottle and Xiao Shui Shui directly jumped into the pan pond, sank, and then a circle of light blue light appeared, and the water flow in the pan pond was crazy. Converging towards the light blue aperture.

Jiang Xiaobei stood on the bank and watched, as if there was a whirlpool in the pan pond, and the surrounding water flowed towards the water bottle baby in the water, and many water spirits living in the pan pool jumped out of the water and headed towards the water bottle. Baby look in this direction.

"Ah, this? The commotion is a bit loud, isn't it?" Jiang Xiaobei scratched his head in embarrassment as he looked at the eyes of the elves around him.

I didn't consider that there are some water spirits living in this Panchi. Although the water absorbed by the water bottle baby is a drop in the bucket for the Panchi, it caused a lot of movement and had some impact on the surrounding elves.

Just when Jiang Xiaobei was hesitating whether to stop the water bottle baby, a system notification sound suddenly came from his ear:
"Ding! Congratulations on raising your elf water bottle baby to level 24."

Ok?Level up?
At the same time, the water bottle baby in the pan pond emitted a strong white light, with a little starburst in it, which is a sign that the water bottle baby is about to evolve.

The Aquarius baby evolved, and the original cleansing water area was directly interrupted. However, the speed at which he absorbed the surrounding water flow did not decrease, but instead increased several times, and even the absorption area increased several times.

A circle of dark blue circular star pattern resembling a starry sky appeared above the water bottle baby surrounded by white light, and many star light spots lit up in it, forming a simple water bottle shape.

The star map slowly rotated, and the surrounding water frantically converged towards the star map, and after the star map was transformed into dots of light like stars, they poured into the evolving water bottle baby.

With the absorption of the water, the star map became brighter and brighter, causing more and more commotion. Jiang Xiaobei felt that if he didn't do anything, even if there were few people in the school, it would attract some attention.

After thinking about it, he was about to release the small hood, preparing to let it release a white mist to cover the movement here.

But before he released the hood, a huge elf suddenly broke out of the water not far away, attracting Jiang Xiaobei's attention.

Jiang Xiaobei turned his head to look, and was stunned.

The elf that appeared was another constellation elf, the emperor-level elf of Chi Yongrui, the head of the Demon University Trainer Academy, the evil spirit Capricornus.

How could he be here?

After the evil spirit Capricornus appeared, he glanced at the evolving Aquarius baby, and a flash of surprise flashed in his huge eyes. Then he thought for a while, flew directly above the Aquarius baby's star map, and roared to the sky:

Then, a dark blue beam of light emanated from his body, soared into the sky, and spread towards the surroundings, covering the entire Panchi Lake and the surrounding environment in the dark blue beam of light.

Except for Jiang Xiaobei, everyone else was excluded from the place surrounded by dark blue beams of light.

At the same time as the evil spirit Capricorn roared and the dark blue beam of light shot up into the sky, all the trainers and elves at the Heavenly King level and above in the entire Demon City looked towards the Demon University.

Above the Fengxue gymnasium, Chen Bing frowned and looked towards Moda, and said with some doubts:
"I didn't feel the fluctuations in the battle! Is Lao Chi's Capricorn in heat or something? What's the ghost screaming there?"

Beside him, Bing Xinyue rolled her eyes after hearing what her teacher said.

My own teacher is really disrespectful.

Chi Yongrui was originally staying in his dean's office, reading a book leisurely, when he suddenly heard the roar of his own evil spirit, Capricorn, and when he went out, he saw a dark blue beam of light not far away.

Seeing this situation, his face changed, and while his mental power surged, the surrounding water elements gathered to form a white cloud under his feet, leading him to fly towards the evil spirit Capricornus.

When Chi Yongrui flew over, the evil Capricorn also noticed his trainer, and let Chi Yongrui in directly.

When Chi Yongrui flew in, he saw the evolving Aquarius baby. Seeing this somewhat familiar evolution scene, Chi Yongrui instantly understood why the evil spirit Capricorn would do this.

Later, Chi Yongrui noticed Jiang Xiaobei beside him.

"Hey, Jiang Xiaobei? Why are you here?" Chi Yongrui asked, then glanced at the evolving Aquarius baby, realized it, and asked in surprise, "Are you the trainer of this constellation elf?"

 one more

  Thanks to the book friend 20191127143041817 for the reward of 100 coins, and thanks to the clean spider boss for the reward of 238 coins

(End of this chapter)

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