Chapter 253
When the evil spirit Capricornus released a dark blue beam of light and enveloped Jiang Xiaobei in it, Jiang Xiaobei felt that the world around him had changed.

In the surrounding air, except for the water element, almost all other elements were extracted, and Jiang Xiaobei could not sense any other elements other than the water element at all.

Moreover, the world became dark blue, but densely dotted with stars, as if he was in the universe, surrounded by shining stars.

Among the colorful stars, there are also a large number of stars that directly gather towards the water bottle baby. During the infusion of this huge star light, the water bottle baby basically does not need to absorb the water in the pan pool, and directly relies on these star lights. The energy in it can complete the evolution.


Jiang Xiaobei, who was still in shock at the surrounding scene, heard the question and nodded when he saw that it was Chi Yongrui.

Chi Yongrui took another look at the evolving Aquarius baby, smiled, and said to Jiang Xiaobei: "You are lucky enough to subdue a constellation elf. If you train it well, you will have great achievements in the future."

"However," Chi Yongrui's expression suddenly became a little serious again.

"If you let other people know that you have obtained the Constellation Spirit, many people will definitely covet it. With your current strength, it is impossible to keep the Constellation Spirit."

"So, don't make it public in the future. The constellation elf is not displaying a specific skill, and ordinary people can't see it. If you don't take the initiative to tell the outside world, it will be difficult for others to guess that it is the constellation elf."

"Moreover, when the constellation spirits evolve, they will cause some starry sky visions, and they will react with other constellation spirits around them. This time, it happens that the evil spirit Capricornus is nearby, helping to cover up the visions. Be careful next time , when your Constellation Elf evolves again, come to me and help you cover the vision again."

"Yeah, thank you, Principal Chi." Jiang Xiaobei quickly thanked Chi Yongrui, then looked at the dark blue world around him, and asked curiously, "Principal Chi, what is this?"

"This is the domain of the evil spirit Capricorn."

"Field?" Jiang Xiaobei looked at the surrounding scene, and said with a sigh: "So, this is the realm!"

Chi Yongrui smiled slightly, looked at the image of the circular star map above the Aquarius baby, and asked: "Your elf should represent Aquarius among the twelve constellations, right?"

"Well, yes." Jiang Xiaobei nodded, and then the two stopped talking, quietly watching the evolution process of the water bottle baby.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and every second, starlight containing a large amount of energy poured into the body of the water bottle baby, and the large amount of energy made the light of evolution around the water bottle baby stronger and stronger.

After about 10 minutes, the light of evolution around the water bottle baby quickly weakened, and Jiang Xiaobei also heard a system reminder that the water bottle baby had successfully evolved.

The water bottle baby successfully evolved into a magic water bottle.

As the light of evolution diminished, the appearance of the newly evolved magic water bottle was also revealed.

The current magic water bottle, compared with the water bottle baby period, the bottle body of the small water bottle is slender, and the overall size is also enlarged, and the handle of the bottle has changed from the previous two to one; and because the small water bottle can be changed freely The shape, so it is still the same, the change is not very big.

The figure of the magic water bottle was revealed, but the star map above the head did not disappear immediately, but became brighter and brighter, and finally emitted a dazzling starlight, straight into the sky, reflecting the constellation of Aquarius in the starry sky.

Jiang Xiaobei looked up at the pillar of starlight reaching the sky, a little dumbfounded, and turned to look at Chi Yongrui.

Chi Yongrui patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, these visions are covered by the evil spirit Capricorn, and outsiders cannot see these visions."

After hearing Chi Yongrui's words, Jiang Xiaobei felt relieved and watched the changes in the magic water bottle.

I saw that after the water bottle star map on the head of the magic water bottle shot into the starry sky, every so long, an equally bright starlight would feed back and shoot directly into the star map.

At the same time, the water bottle star map is directly integrated into the body of the magic water bottle below.

"Ding! Congratulations to your elven magic water bottle for comprehending the secret technique Starlight Guardian."

Star Guardian?Another secret technique.

Jiang Xiaobei discovered that these constellation elves seem to have many secret skills similar to inheritance, just like the blood memory in fantasy novels, Aquarius babies have two secret skills when they are just hatched, and now they evolve once, and they will learn again without much learning. learned a secret technique.

However, Jiang Xiaobei is naturally happy to hear about this kind of thing. The stronger the magic water bottle, the better.

Since the birth of the evil spirit Capricornus, he has rarely encountered other constellation spirits. Until today, he has encountered no more than one constellation spirit.

The magic water bottle is the first constellation elf he has encountered with the same attributes as his own. Now seeing it, the evil spirit Capricorn is naturally very happy.

He took the magic water bottle and chatted aside, and gave him some pointers on cultivation issues from time to time, and told the magic water bottle some problems that they need to pay attention to when they are practicing constellation elves.

For example, under the starlight, the cultivation speed of the constellation elves will increase a little.

Jiang Xiaobei was naturally very happy to see this situation.

The guidance of an imperial elf is not something you can have if you want it.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobei stayed aside, quietly communicated through spiritual power, listened to some experience talks of the evil spirit Capricorn, and wrote down many useful things.

After an entire hour, the evil spirit Capricorn stopped chatting and put away his domain.

Chi Yongrui told Jiang Xiaobei some things again, and returned to his residence with the evil spirit Capricornus. Seeing that it was getting dark, Jiang Xiaobei also returned to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, as soon as he turned on his phone, he saw Xu Leilei sent him a message.

Xu Leilei: Xiaobei, what should I do? I'm so panicked!
Jiang Xiaobei:? ? ?

Soon, a message came from the other side.

Xu Leilei: You don't know?

Jiang Xiaobei: What's the matter?
Xu Leilei: Oh, the results of the college entrance examination will be out tomorrow, I'm so panicked!I feel like I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Jiang Xiaobei: Huh?so fast?

Jiang Xiaobei really didn't know, either he had a lot of fun these days, or he was so busy that he didn't have any free time, so he really forgot about the college entrance examination results.

However, he is recommended, and his college entrance examination results have nothing to do with him.

At this moment, Xu Leilei sent another message.

Xu Leilei: Hahaha, it suddenly occurred to me that my grades in this college entrance examination must be better than yours.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobei was speechless.

I didn't even take the college entrance examination, and my test score was zero. What's so happy about being higher than myself?
Xu Leilei: Xiaobei, think about it, when you check your score tomorrow, the college entrance examination score is zero, and all subjects are duck eggs, hahaha!Just thinking about it makes me laugh.

Jiang Xiaobei: . . .

Jiang Xiaobei: Yes, I'm a duck egg, I know my grades in advance, so I don't panic.

Jiang Xiaobei: Tsk tsk tsk, unlike some people, it’s not only hard to fall asleep tonight, but also can’t fall asleep when the admission results are coming out in a few days. They keep refreshing their phones, anxiously waiting for the admission results display.

Xu Leilei:. . .leave.

The next morning, Jiang Xiaobei was training with Mao Xiaodou and the others when the phone rang.

It was Xu Leilei who called.

Jiang Xiaobei smiled, it seems that this guy did well in the exam, otherwise he wouldn't have called himself so early.

Select Answer.

"Hey, Xiaobei, guess how many points I got in the college entrance examination?" Xu Leilei's excited voice rang from the phone.


"Can you speak human words, do you think I can get full marks in the test?" Xu Leilei's dissatisfied voice came from the phone.

"I believe you!"

"Forget it, I won't talk to you, my college entrance examination score is 591 points, plus 20 additional points, Shangmo University is basically stable, ah, so excited, so excited!"

"Tch, you didn't get a full score in the test, you're so excited, hang up." Jiang Xiaobei hung up the phone, and then felt a little itchy in his heart, and wanted to check his score.

Although I didn't take the test myself, it didn't stop me from checking my score.

So, he logged on to the score checking website and checked his score.

"Sure enough!" Jiang Xiaobei patted his forehead with a wry smile as he looked at the zero eggs on one side of the website.

If I knew it earlier, I would have written a little bit. This whole side of zero eggs is quite disturbing to watch.

 Thanks for the reward of 223 coins from the clean-loving spider boss, and thanks to the book friend 20200522124657038 for the reward of 100 coins

  Finally made up, no more owed
(End of this chapter)

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