My elf is so cute

Chapter 254 Small Seal Guard Evolution, Seal Messenger!

Chapter 254 Small Seal Guard Evolution, Seal Messenger!
After the results of the college entrance examination are announced, the majority of senior high school students who have taken the college entrance examination will face a busy time again.

They need to check the colleges and universities they can apply for based on their grades and their ranking in the province.

It is really difficult to inquire about school information, professional information, geographical location and other factors.

As the saying goes, a good test is not as good as a good choice.

To a certain extent, this statement is true.

After filling out their applications at the end of June, these students can breathe a sigh of relief, but half a month later, two days before the admission results come out, the waiting is another kind of torment.

Constantly paying attention to the information on the Internet, looking up the minimum admission score form of major universities, if you see that the minimum admission score of the school you applied for is higher than your grade, the whole person will feel uncomfortable for a long time.

The whole person will even fall into a kind of panic: Will I slip out of all six volunteers, no school will accept me, and I will have to repeat for a year?
Although this is basically impossible, the psychological pressure at that time would make people fall into this panic state of mind.

It was like this before Jiang Xiaobei crossed over. At that time, he slipped in his first choice. Before the admission result came out, he was almost stupid, and he always had a feeling that he had to repeat.

Although the end result was good, Jiang Xiaobei was really uncomfortable at the time.

However, all this has nothing to do with him now.

I just need to be happy, pain?That's someone else's!
In this summer vacation, apart from going home once a week, Jiang Xiaobei basically lived in Shanghai.

Because he didn't take the college entrance examination, Jiang Xiaobei didn't need to fill in the application form. When the admission results were announced by the Magic University, he could just inquire directly, and the admission notice would be sent together with other people.

During the period, while filling out their volunteer applications, students from Jiang Xiaobei's class got together for a meal, and invited teachers from various subjects to come together.

The students in Elf Class [-] basically did well in the exam, and the teachers were also very happy.

The only pity is that their homeroom teacher, Lan Ze, did not come.

Before filling out the application today, some arrangements were also made by another substitute teacher. According to that teacher, Lan Ze seemed to ask for leave from the school after their college entrance examination.

It is said that he went to a secret place, and has not come back until now, and he does not know what was delayed.

Jiang Xiaobei was not worried about the safety of his homeroom teacher. As a trainer at the level of a king, it was really difficult for him to encounter difficulties in China that he could not get out of.

After a dinner, Jiang Xiaobei had a small gathering with several other members of the school team. After staying in Xiangcheng for a day, he returned to Shanghai.

Time passed day by day, and the strength of the four elves in Mao Xiaodou was also steadily improving.

On the day of August No. 20, there are still eight days before the school starts at the end of August, in the elite training hall of Fengxue Gymnasium.

The little seal guard stood in the center of the magic gravity meter that had reached three times the gravity, waving his two little paws very easily, doing physical training.

Jiang Xiaobei stood aside, looking at the little seal guard, with a very satisfied smile on his face.

The enrollment time of new students arranged by the Magic University is August 8, and now the level of the small seal guard has reached level 28, and it is completely possible to raise the level to level 31 before the start of school to complete the evolution.

The evolution form of the small seal guard is the seal messenger. After the evolution, the change in body shape will also initially show the excellent combat effectiveness of their ancient war dragon race.

After the little seal guard evolves, I have to find an opportunity to take him to the martial arts gym to learn some secret boxing skills.

Just as Jiang Xiaobei was thinking about the future, a system notification suddenly sounded in his ear:
"Ding! Congratulations, your elf seal guard level has been raised to level 32."

Hearing the prompt at this time, Jiang Xiaobei quickly looked at the little seal guard, and saw that the little seal guard standing on the magic gravity meter emitted a faint white light and was about to evolve.

Jiang Xiaobei was a little surprised by the sudden increase in the level of the small seal guard, but Jiang Xiaobei had already prepared the items needed for the evolution of the small seal guard a few days ago, so he was not too flustered.

Walking to the backpack beside him, Jiang Xiaobei quickly took out items that he had prepared before:

Three dragon blood stones, dragon spirit grass made from the blood of ancient war dragons, dragon scales and purple vein crystal stones that Xia Nai gave him.
Putting these materials next to the little seal guard one by one, Jiang Xiaobei stepped back, quietly admiring the evolution process of the little seal guard.

These materials prepared in advance can enable the small seal guard to obtain the greatest benefits during the evolution process. After absorption, it will have great benefits in improving the strength of the body and polishing the foundation.

The little seal guard picked up the dragon spirit grass in front of him, swallowed it, and then directly absorbed other materials around him.

I saw clusters of red blood mist escaping from the three dragon blood stones, slowly merging into the body of the small seal guard, and the strong will of the dragon contained in these blood mist, was revealed by Shanai's dragon scale next to it. Under the suppression of Longwei, it has no effect on the small seal guard at all, and is absorbed into the body very naturally.

The powerful dragon power contained in the dragon spirit grass and the blood mist of the dragon blood stone made the light of evolution around the body of the small seal guard more and more intense.

The white light blocked Jiang Xiaobei's line of sight, and Jiang Xiaobei could only see that the figure of the little seal guard was getting taller, and finally grew to nearly 1.5 meters before stopping.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobei heard the system prompt again:

"Ding! Congratulations on your elf seal guard evolving into a seal envoy."

After the notification sound fell, the white light around the sealed messenger gradually weakened, revealing the figure of the sealed messenger.

At this moment, the seal envoy stretched out his fists to both sides, and roared to the sky. The three almost absorbed dragon blood stones beside him shattered and turned into three thick blood mist, which melted into his body. in the body.

The spiritual essence in other materials was also directly extracted and poured into the body of the sealing messenger.

After all these poured into the seal messenger's body, the seal messenger's original blue skin suddenly turned red, and intense heat radiated from his body, and the small hood beside him was thinking about whether to cool him down.

There is a lot of energy contained in these materials, even if the seal messenger has evolved now, it is somewhat difficult to absorb so much energy suddenly.

Standing in place, it took more than ten minutes to slowly absorb these energies into the body.

Because of the absorption of these energies, he who had just been promoted to one level was promoted again, and his level directly reached level 33.

Looking at the seal envoy's current level of 33, Jiang Xiaobei suddenly let out a relaxed smile.

The task of this summer vacation is basically completed!
 Thank you for the 10500 coin reward from the clean-loving spider boss, thank you to Zhao Zun for your 100 coin reward, and thank you book friend 20200317103441261 for your 100 coin reward

(End of this chapter)

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