Chapter 255

This summer vacation, Jiang Xiaobei set a lot of tasks for himself.

The first one is to let the water bottle baby evolve into a magic water bottle.

This task was completed in June or so.

Moreover, after nearly two months of training, the magic water bottle has come from behind, directly surpassing the previous small seal guard, and its level is the same as the current seal envoy's level, which is level 33.

After the evolution of the magic water bottle, the star map was integrated into his body, which not only enabled him to comprehend the secret technique of star protection, but also improved his talent from light blue to blue.

Originally, the talent of light blue was already terrifying, but now that it has been upgraded to blue, the speed of level improvement is even more terrifying, not to mention, the two parts of the body of the magic water bottle can be cultivated at the same time.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobei was surprised, but not surprised, that the level of the magic water bottle increased so quickly.

Maybe, it won't be long before the level of the magic water bottle will surpass that of Mao Xiaodou, becoming the highest level elf in Jiang Xiaobei's hands.

However, the magic water bottle tends to be auxiliary. If you really want to fight, you still need to look at the cap and small pocket to seal the messengers.

The second task is to let the small seal guard reach level 32 and evolve into a seal messenger.

This task was completed just now, and it was still overfulfilled. The level of the seal messenger was raised to level 33.

The third task is to raise the platinum unicorn's level to level 40 and become an elite elf.

This task was also completed a week ago.

However, after reaching level 40, it is much more difficult to improve the level.

Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobei turned his gaze to the small hood.

At this time, the cap and pocket saw that the seal envoy had evolved, so he stopped paying attention, quietly ran to Jiang Xiaobei's backpack, stretched out his small hand and took out his mobile phone.

As if feeling someone watching her, she looked up and met Jiang Xiaobei's gaze.


Jiang Xiaobei smiled playfully, looking at the hood and the phone in her hand.

"Doudou~" Mao Xiaodou didn't put down the phone immediately, looked at Jiang Xiaobei fawningly, and called out like a baby.

Jiang Xiaobei nodded to Mao Xiaodou with a smile, and said, "You can play!"

Hood:! ! !

She couldn't believe her ears. During the training time, her trainer, the Demon King Jiang Xiaobei, allowed her to play with her mobile phone?

To be honest, at this moment, Xiaodou felt a little flustered.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
She looked at Jiang Xiaobei a few more times, and found that Jiang Xiaobei really didn't stop her, so she gradually felt relieved.

It seems that his cuteness attack has worked!
Hood Xiaodou thought happily, turned on the phone, clicked on Station B, and found that something was wrong with the interface of Station B.

Why did the page fail to load?

She looked it up, only to find that it seemed that the phone card was in arrears.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobei also smiled and walked to Mao Xiaodou's side.

"Haha, does it show that there is no traffic? The mobile phone is in arrears?" Jiang Xiaobei looked at Mao Xiaodou with a worried expression, and continued: "From now on, I will charge a certain amount of money to your mobile phone every month. Call charges and traffic."

"If you don't train well, next month, I will deduct your phone bill and data, so that you will basically not be able to use your mobile phone next month."

"Of course, if you train hard, the monthly traffic and phone bills are definitely enough for your rest time. Even if you perform well, you can get more money next month."

Looking at the devilish smile on Jiang Xiaobei's face, and listening to what Jiang Xiaobei said just now, Hoodie froze.

For the first time, she felt that her trainer was such a dog!
"Don't look, hurry up and go to training." Jiang Xiaobei looked at Mao Xiaodou's unlovable expression, suppressed a smile, and said to her.

With a drooping face in the hood, he walked to the side step by step, took two ice spirit stones, and absorbed them.

Every few minutes, she sighed, feeling that the future was bleak.

Life is not easy, Dudou sighs!
Jiang Xiaobei turned on the phone with a smile, and liked an article on the Internet called the Ten Ways to Cure Elf Internet Addiction.

"The ten methods are very good. Do you want to go back and try other methods on Hood?"

Jiang Xiaobei thought about it with a smile, and finally let go of this cruel idea for Hood.

As a three-good trainer in the 21st century, we should stop doing this.

After the elf level reaches level 40, it will become extremely difficult to improve each level.

Perhaps before level 40, in less than a year, the level of the elves has increased to more than 30 levels, and the average level can be increased by one level every few days.

However, after reaching level 40, it may take several months of hard work before the elf's level can be increased by one level.

Now it has been two months since Hood broke through to level 40, and Hood's current level is only 41. Although it is about to break through again, compared to before, the speed is still slow. how many times.

You know, Hood's current talent is dark cyan, which is better than most of the elves, and the improvement speed is so slow, one can imagine how slow the improvement speed of those elves whose talents are weaker than Hood's the point.

This is also why, every year in the college entrance examination, many people's elves have reached the level of more than 30, but when they graduate from university, there are very few students whose elves have reached the professional level.

Even in Magic University and Beijing University, there are only a few who become professional-level trainers after graduating from university every year.

One year of high school can increase the level of elves by more than 30 levels, but four years of university can't increase the level of elves by another 20 levels.

From this data, we can see how difficult it is to increase the level of elves after level 40.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Xiaobei had the idea to control the time when Mao Xiaodou played with his mobile phone, so he must be trained well.

After the little seal guard evolved into a seal messenger, Jiang Xiaobei returned directly to Xiangcheng.

There is still about a week before the start of school, and it is time to go home, accompany my parents, and prepare the clothes that need to be brought when the school starts.

He asked the other people in the school team group. Except for Jiang Xiaobei, Hou Ziming who was recommended to the Demon University Trainer Academy, and Lin Chuxia who was recommended to the Demon University Trainer Academy, among the other four,

Because of the points reduction, Xu Leilei and Xie Xu were also successfully admitted to the Magic University Trainer Academy. Li Jinbo and Huang Xin were not admitted to the Magic University because of their poor grades and not many points. key universities.

The few of them chatted for a while, and Jiang Xiaobei asked if they wanted to go together when school started.

Jiang Jianguo and Tao Hui had also been to the Magic University during the competition, and they had a better understanding of the environment of their son's school. Coupled with Jiang Xiaobei's persuasion, they no longer planned to follow, and just let their son go by themselves when the school started.

The others, except Xu Leilei, were followed by their parents. Only Xu Leilei, like Jiang Xiaobei, wanted to go to school by himself.

So, Jiang Xiaobei and Xu Leilei, the two brothers, agreed to go together when school starts.

(End of this chapter)

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