My elf is so cute

Chapter 256 Freshman Admission

Chapter 256 Freshman Admission
There are two colleges in the Elf Department of the University of Magic City, the Elf Trainer Academy and the Elf Cultivator Academy.

Every year, the two colleges recruit more than 1000 new students, the trainer college recruits more than 700 people, and the trainer college recruits more than 300 people.

There is only one major in the Elf Trainer Academy, which is the trainer major.

Each person can tame a lot of elves. The elves have different specialization directions, but the combination of multiple elves can be very comprehensive, so there is no need to divide different majors.

The school is a course selection system. In addition to some compulsory courses, the school offers many elective courses every year.

For example, in a certain semester, a course on defensive elves is offered. If students need it, they can take this course during the course selection period and study it.

However, the Elf Cultivator Academy has many majors.

Because there are many types of elves, there is a lot of elf information and knowledge involved, and manpower is sometimes poor, so it is impossible for an elf trainer to take care of all aspects of knowledge.

Therefore, there are some majors in the Elf Cultivator Academy, such as:

Major in elf evolution research, elf food research, and elf props production.
The popularity of these majors is different, and the competitive pressure is also different.

The arrangement of the Magic University in this regard is that the freshmen do not distinguish between majors, and study in a large category, and wait until the end of the freshman semester before choosing a major.

At that time, the ranking will be determined based on the comprehensive ranking of the college entrance examination results and the academic performance of the freshman year.

Those who rank high can choose majors at will, and those who rank low can only choose some unpopular majors.

At the same time, the elf department has no class concept.

Only mentors.

The freshman chooses a tutor. Once the tutor is selected, basically there will be no change in the next four years of university. The tutor will give you some help in the process of studying in Shanghai University.

At the beginning of the term, the school will arrange an assessment to record the assessment results and performance during the assessment.

The teachers of the school select students based on their performance in the assessment.

If you perform well, you will even be favored by the professors of the Magic University and be selected as your student.

You know, in the trainer academy, the professors of the magic university are all heavenly king-level trainers; in the trainer academy, the professors of the magic university are also at the level of senior elf trainers.

If the freshman chooses the tutor to be a professor at the school, in the next four years of study, he will naturally get more help than under the hands of those ordinary teachers.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't think too much about this. Bing Xinyue had told him back then that the university could choose her as his tutor. With such a choice, Jiang Xiaobei would naturally not refuse.

The day before the start of school, Jiang Xiaobei and Xu Leilei set off together for the magic city.

During this summer vacation, Xu Leilei's meow has also successfully evolved into a magic cat. It is bigger than the two of them, with a height of 1.8 meters, and its waist circumference is not much worse than its height.

It was as fat as a ball.

For the two of them, Jiang Xiaobei's own luggage was handed over to Platinum Unicorn, and Xu Leilei's luggage was also handed over to Magic Cat. The journey was very easy.

On the morning of the first day of school, the two of them set off from the hotel and went to the school.

The registration location of the freshmen was told in the admission notice, and it was set up in the Xuanling Tennis Hall of the Shanghai University of Magic.

At the time of the National High School Student Fairy Cup Competition, because they lived in the Magic University, the two of them were very familiar with the environment in the Magic University, unlike some students who searched everywhere like headless chickens, but couldn't find it.

In the school, because new students registered, not only the elves, but also the liberal arts, science and engineering students started school on this day, so the school was full of parents and students, and it was very lively.

There are also quite a few elves around, and like Jiang Xiaobei and the others, they all help carry luggage.

Jiang Xiaobei took this opportunity to check the surrounding elves.

"As expected of the Demon University, there are basically no elves below level [-] around here, but none of them have reached level [-]."

Inside the Xuanling Tennis Hall, ten passages were set up in each of the two rows. At the end of the passage, there were some volunteer seniors and sisters, helping to distribute some necessary items for new students.

In front of each channel is a device for processing student ID cards. You only need to enter your student ID number, perform face recognition, and then you can take out your own student ID card.

According to the instructions on the nameplate, Jiang Xiaobei found his own passage and walked over.

Sitting at the table is a very beautiful senior with light makeup on her face and long black hair hanging behind her head. She is playing with her mobile phone with her head down. Behind her is a girl wearing a The girl with a peaked cap covered Jiang Xiaobei's sight, making it impossible to tell what she looked like, and she was hitting the king with her head down.

Noticing that someone was coming, the senior raised her head and saw Jiang Xiaobei standing in front of the table.

"Hello, senior." Jiang Xiaobei greeted the pretty senior with a smile.

"Hello." The senior sister saw Jiang Xiaobei's handsome smile, her eyes lit up.

Then, she frowned slightly, and looked at Jiang Xiaobei, "I feel like you are very familiar, junior, I seem to have seen you somewhere."

"Let me think about it, by the way, you are, you are Jiang Xiaobei, the Jiang Xiaobei from Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School?" After thinking for a while, the senior sister asked why Jiang Xiaobei was so familiar.

She also watched the National High School Elf Cup back then, and she was very impressed by the semi-final match in which Jiang Xiaobei's Hooded Dolls defeated the High School Affiliated to Beijing University.

Jiang Xiaobei was also a little surprised to see his senior sister recognize him.

He didn't expect that almost half a year had passed since that game, and there were still people who could remember him clearly.

However, Jiang Xiaobei did not forget the business, smiled, then looked at the machine beside him, and asked the senior, "Sister, what should I do?"

Upon hearing this, the senior sister quickly explained to Jiang Xiaobei what to do. Under her guidance, Jiang Xiaobei quickly got out his student ID card.

After filling out another registration form, the senior sister handed him a small bag containing some information brochures, and everything was done.

"Junior Jiang Xiaobei, please add a WeChat account. If you need help, just contact me." The senior took out her mobile phone, opened WeChat and said to Jiang Xiaobei.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't expect a girl to ask for his WeChat account on the first day he came to university. After adding this senior's WeChat account, he asked, "Sister, I haven't asked for your name yet."

"Oh, my name is Tang Yuyou. I'm a sophomore. My tutor is Professor Xiao Tianming. Professor Xiao is very kind. I recommend you to choose him as your tutor!"

"Well, I'll think about it, thank you Senior Sister Tang."

"You're welcome, Junior Jiang Xiaobei, do you know where your dormitory is? Would you like me to take you there?"

"Don't bother senior sister."

Xu Leilei, who had completed the registration procedures earlier, watched Jiang Xiaobei chatting and laughing with a beautiful senior, and remembered that when he went through the process just now, the senior didn't pay much attention to him, and felt a pain in his heart .

Sure enough, the joys and sorrows of people are not connected, at this moment I only feel that they are noisy!

 Thanks for the reward of 2000 coins from the clean-loving spider boss, thank you for the 100 coins reward from the aimless boss, and thank you book friend 20170131171944508 for the 100 coins reward

  At present, the monthly pass is full of [-], and one more change is owed.

  Currently owes 2 more

(End of this chapter)

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