My elf is so cute

Chapter 260 Entering the Examination Secret Realm

Chapter 260 Entering the Examination Secret Realm
In front of Dou Ling Square, there was a huge open space, and at this moment, there were bustling freshmen from the Great Demon Elf Trainer Academy.

In the open space, sixteen different areas were divided with yellow paint lines. Numbers from 1 to 16 were written in the center of the area, representing groups from 1 to 16.

When they entered the school registration information and obtained their student ID cards, the small bags sent to them by the school contained their group information.

Jiang Xiaobei was divided into 13 groups, and Xu Leilei and the others were not in the same group.

However, this grouping has no special significance. It is just to prevent confusion, so it is grouped so that students can be arranged to enter the secret realm.

Jiang Xiaobei stood in Group 13 and looked around, while the others also looked at Jiang Xiaobei.

The two boys beside him looked at Jiang Xiaobei's face and whispered:

"Do you think that is Jiang Shen?"

"What river god?"

"Jiang Xiaobei, Jiang God, the one who wiped out the Beijing University Affiliated High School in this year's National High School Student Spirit Cup."

"Hiss, I remembered when you said that, he also came to the Demon University? It's over, it's over, this assessment hasn't started yet, and I have no chance of being number one."

"I don't want to comment on your face."

Even if the students admitted to the Magic University did not participate in the National High School Student Elf Cup, they basically watched the live broadcast of the game, especially the live broadcast of the semi-finals.

Coupled with the fact that there were too many highlight moments during Jiang Xiaobei's competition, many students from the Magic University recognized Jiang Xiaobei when they saw Jiang Xiaobei.

"Jiang Xiaobei."

When Jiang Xiaobei was looking around, someone behind him called his name.

He turned his head to look, only to find that he was an old acquaintance, the captain of the No. [-] Lieutenant Colonel of Pengcheng, and the elf was the madness of the bronze judge. Unexpectedly, he also came to the Demon University.

"Zhang Kuang, hello." Looking at Zhang Kuang, Jiang Xiaobei also greeted him with a smile.

Zhang Kuang looked at Jiang Xiaobei with a complicated expression.

In the past, he never met an opponent in Pengcheng No. [-] Middle School, and his personality was very arrogant.

But in the battle with Jiang Xiaobei, not only did he lose, but he also lost badly. The bronze judge was severely injured, and his school team was also beaten.

However, facing Jiang Xiaobei now, with complicated emotions, he didn't feel that he hated him.

He also let himself understand the truth that there are people outside of people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

Zhang Kuang looked at Jiang Xiaobei, opened his mouth, finally let out a deep breath, and asked Jiang Xiaobei with a smile, "Long time no see, has your hood broken through to the elite level?"

Jiang Xiaobei was also a little surprised by Zhang Kuang's reaction, and nodded with a smile when he heard the other party's question.

"What about you?"

"Of course I made a breakthrough. Let's compare again when we have time." Zhang Kuang smiled, brows full of confidence.

"Okay." Jiang Xiaobei nodded with a smile.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, a huge rosary crane flew from the sky in the distance.

A middle-aged man with a strong physique stood on the back of the rosary crane and said loudly to the students below:

"Students, line up in groups and follow me."

After the freshmen of Moda formed 16 teams, the rosary cranes flew slowly in one direction, followed by 16 teams.

The rosary crane brought a group of people to a forest and landed. The middle-aged man on its back jumped off, put the rosary crane into the purr ball, and then led a group of students into the woods.

The space entrance to the secret realm is located in this forest.

Jiang Xiaobei and a group of freshmen lined up to enter the secret realm one after another.

Entering the secret realm, Jiang Xiaobei looked around.

The overall environment of the secret realm is similar to Xiangcheng secret realm, surrounded by trees, but the terrain is a little different.

Xiangcheng Secret Realm is a plain terrain, and it is obviously located in a mountain range, with obvious steep terrain.

Surrounding them, there are seniors and sisters in volunteer costumes, who are located under sixteen awnings.

"According to the group, go and get your own equipment." The teacher who led them into the secret realm before shouted to the surrounding students.

Jiang Xiaobei found the awning that marked No. 13, and went to get his props.

An integrator similar to a bracelet, a guardian bracelet, these two things, the other things are gone.

After everyone had collected their belongings, the teacher continued:

"Now, let me tell you about the assessment rules." Afterwards, he talked about the rules of this assessment, basically the same as what senior sister Tang Yuyou told him.


"If the team works together to defeat the elves, the integrator will automatically distribute the points evenly according to the number of people."

"Apart from attacking your classmates, you can do anything else. Whether you want to fight alone or cooperate with others depends on what you think."

"The assessment will officially start at 9 o'clock. You need to arrive at the top of the mountain before six o'clock in the evening. If you don't reach the top of the mountain by the specified time, your points will be cleared and you will be regarded as a failure. The teachers of the school will be waiting for you at the top of the mountain."

After speaking, the teacher released his rosary crane, sat on its back and flew to the top of the mountain.

Jiang Xiaobei and the others stayed where they were, and waited for the assessment to start at nine o'clock.

As soon as nine o'clock came, Jiang Xiaobei wore it on his wrist, and the integrator like a bracelet suddenly made a beeping sound, indicating that the assessment had officially started.

Jiang Xiaobei immediately took out the platinum unicorn's grunt ball, released it, rode on the platinum unicorn's back, rushed into the forest, and ran towards the top of the mountain.

When he first entered the forest, through observation, Jiang Xiaobei found that the elves scattered around were basically of elementary strength, and it was difficult to meet even an intermediate elf.

Here, it was basically a waste of time, so he let the platinum unicorn run up the mountain with his arms in his arms, and stopped when the elves scattered around were almost all advanced in strength.

Jiang Xiaobei jumped off the back of the Platinum Unicorn and released Hood and the others.

"Let's start here."

He was going to start from here and let the sealed messenger challenge the elves to get points.

When encountering an elf that the seal envoy really can't beat, let the platinum unicorn and the hooded pocket take action.

"That's right." Jiang Xiaobei suddenly thought, and asked the magic water bottle, "Is there any water flow around here?"

After hearing this, Xiao Shui Shui leaned out of the small water bottle, felt the surroundings, and then transformed an arm into an arm, pointing in a direction.

"Is it there?"

Seeing Xiao Shuishui's confirmation, Jiang Xiaobei nodded, rode the platinum unicorn again, and led the other elves towards the direction Xiao Shuishui pointed at.

The reason why I want to find a place with water flow is because the seal messenger will definitely suffer some injuries when fighting other elves. In a place with water flow, the magic water bottle can more conveniently condense the water of life to heal the seal messenger.

In this way, the seal messenger will have less worries when fighting.

Five minutes later, the platinum unicorn brought Jiang Xiaobei to a stream.

The stream is not very wide, but it is not thin, and the stream is left from the mountain. Walking up the stream along the stream, you can go directly to the top of the mountain.

"Okay, I'll go straight up along the stream later." Jiang Xiaobei smiled and raised his hand, and said to the other elves.

 Post two chapters together
  Thanks for the reward of 432 coins from Annan Expedition

(End of this chapter)

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