My elf is so cute

Chapter 261 Battle against the elite sharp-horned spider

Chapter 261 Battle against the elite sharp-horned spider

At this time, in a place deep in the forest of the secret realm, a huge flaming dragon stood quietly in front of a tree. Although it didn't make any movements, the aura emanating from it made no elf around dare to approach it. .

On the tree, a handsome-looking young man leaned against the tree and lay on a trunk with a leaf in his mouth, looking very leisurely.

Half a day later, he sat up again, spit out the leaves in his mouth, rubbed his sore shoulders, and complained: "Damn, the male protagonists lean on each other like this on TV, they look so handsome and chic, I didn't expect So uncomfortable."

"I won't believe in those crap TV shows anymore." Saying that, Chen Botian jumped down from the tree, dusted himself off, and then raised his hand to look at his watch.

"The assessment has just started, so let's go again around noon, juniors and juniors, I hope you can get more points, seniors, I can't wait."

Chen Botian was one of the ten sophomores arranged by the school to interfere with the freshmen's assessment. In order to win this spot, he did not know how much effort he had spent.

This is a beautiful job. They can get a lot of points in this assessment, which can almost equal to the sum of points they can get from taking school tasks without rest for a month.

If it weren't for the school's regulations, the top [-] students in the sophomore year would not be able to accept this assignment, and Chen Botian would not have been able to do this job.

As time passed, the sun in the sky of the secret realm slowly rose to the center, and the time came to noon.


The seal envoy let out a wild roar, and quickly rushed to a Black Rock. The energy of the dragon on his right fist condensed crazily, and accompanied by bursts of dragon roars, he punched Black Rock.

Faced with the powerful attack of the seal envoy, Black Rock was instantly knocked into the air and hit a big tree, which was broken on the spot.

After breaking the big tree, Black Rock fell to the ground and passed out.

The seal envoy also slowly calmed down the surging dragon energy in his body, and the overwhelming aura emanating from his body also slowly calmed down.

The magic water bottle immediately released a drop of water of life, which merged into the body of the seal envoy, and the slight injury suffered in the battle was instantly healed.

"Woo~" the seal envoy thanked the magic water bottle.

Jiang Xiaobei raised his hand to look at the integrator in his hand, and the points on it increased by 125 points.

It was already past twelve o'clock at noon, and after nearly three hours of fighting, the seal envoy defeated nearly 20 high-level elves, and the integrator in Jiang Xiaobei's hand also had more than 3000 points.

"The ancient war dragon race is indeed stronger as it fights." Jiang Xiaobei looked at the seal envoy and sighed.

After so many battles in the morning, the strength of the seal messenger has improved a lot, not in level, but in combat ability.

Other types of elves, even if they experienced twice as many battles as the sealed messenger, would not be able to achieve such progress.

The ancient Zhanlong embodies the word Zhan, using Zhan to support Zhan, and the more you fight, the more courageous you become!
They are a race born to fight!
Through the battle, I have cultivated an aura that I will win. Under such circumstances, the ancient war dragon clan can explode with a combat power that is much stronger than the basic strength.

This is also the reason why the ancient war dragon can rank among the top elf races.

Jiang Xiaobei also used this assessment to let the seal envoy find suitable opponents to fight and fight.

However, the morning's battle was over, and Jiang Xiaobei didn't intend to continue.

In this assessment, even if they don't want to get No.1, they still have to get a little more points, so Jiang Xiaobei is going to go deeper in the afternoon with a hood and a small pocket, looking for elite elves to fight.

At noon, after a brief rest, Jiang Xiaobei continued to set off with a hood and pocket.

Walking up the stream, I met a lot of elves along the way, but basically they were all elves with high-level strength. After walking for a long time, I still didn't meet a single elite-level elf.

But not for nothing.

The high-level elves I met, under the attack of the hooded pocket and the platinum unicorn, basically couldn't hold on to the second move, and they were already defeated, so Jiang Xiaobei's points were also increasing rapidly.

After another hour, Jiang Xiaobei felt helpless.

"Are there so few elite-level elves? Up to now, we have encountered quite a few elves at level 39, but none above level 40?"

Just as he was complaining, Jiang Xiaobei's mental power to explore the surroundings suddenly felt something strange somewhere.

Moreover, around that place, there was not a single elf, it was quiet, except for plants, there were almost no other life forms.

"There is a situation!"

Jiang Xiaobei touched the guardian bracelet, and signaled Hoodou and the others to be careful, then quietly walked towards the place where Jiang Xiaobei sensed the abnormal movement.

After walking past a thick tree, Jiang Xiaobei looked in one direction, and suddenly his pupils shrank.

There was a huge spider web not far ahead, and a huge horned spider was lying on the web, with sharp horns on its head, looking at Jiang Xiaobei with big deep eyes.

And beside the sharp-horned spider, there is a rabbit entangled in many spider webs, its whole body is purple, and it hangs motionless on the spider web.

In Jiang Xiaobei's perception, the rabbit was lifeless, and it seemed that it was caught by the sharp-horned spider as food and placed on the spider's web.

In this world, besides elves, there are also ordinary animals. Although there is a food chain between elves, there are also many elves who will not feed on intelligent elves.

Jiang Xiaobei looked towards the sharp-horned spider.

[Elf Name] Sharp Horned Spider

[Elf level] 40 (elite level elf)

【Elf Talent】Green

[Spirit Attributes] Insect type, Poison type
【Height】1.1m 【Weight】27.5kg 【Gender】Female

【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Spirit Skills] Poison Needle, Violent Impact, Curse of Darkness, Crazy Grasping, Leaf Flying Needle, Quick Movement, Poison Mist, Poison Sting, Bloodsucker, Entangling Strike.

[Spirit Secret Technique] None
[Spirit props] None
[Elf Profile] There is a pointed horn on the top of the head, and the spider web weaves is very poisonous.

The level has just reached level 40, and you can fight.

After reading the information about this sharp-horned spider, Jiang Xiaobei made an instant judgment in his mind.

Just when he was about to let the hooded pocket and the platinum unicorn attack, the six spider legs of the sharp-horned spider flicked, jumped directly onto a nearby tree, and then quickly rushed towards Jiang Xiaobei.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Xiaobei smiled slightly, and said directly: "Hat and pocket, ice crystal barrier."

After Hood Xiaodou heard it, he released a layer of transparent ice almost instantly, enveloping Jiang Xiaobei and the other elves in it.

The moment the sharp-horned spider was covered by the ice cover, it rushed to the trees near Jiang Xiaobei and the others, the purple stripes behind him lit up, and then three purple poisonous needles condensed in front of him, shooting towards the ice cover.

(End of this chapter)

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