Chapter 262 Teaming Up (Two in One) (Happy New Year's Day Everyone)

Three giant purple poisonous needles hit the ice crystal barrier, making a slightly crisp impact sound, and then the poisonous needles shattered and turned into clouds of purple poisonous mist, dyeing the entire ice cover a faint purple.

Apparently, very toxic!
Seeing that his poisonous needle failed to break through the opponent's defense, the sharp-horned spider instantly stopped its body that was about to rush up, and stopped on a tree not far away. A pair of deep eyes looked at Xiao Jiang under the ice cover. North seemed to be looking for an opportunity to attack.

Naturally, Jiang Xiaobei would not shrink back and let this sharp-horned spider attack, and the elves around him immediately ordered: "I will use magic to control the opponent for a moment, and then the hood will directly release the ice whirlwind to trap him. The horned beast uses the dance of petals with the hood."

As for the seal envoy and the magic water bottle, Jiang Xiaobei didn't let them take action. There was no need for him to take action in an elite battle. The cap and the platinum unicorn were enough.

After seeing the cap and the platinum unicorn nodding to show that he understood, Jiang Xiaobei turned his attention to the sharp-horned spider on a tree in the distance, and quietly mobilized his mental power.

This time, the magic he used was the grass magic growth technique.

The sharp-horned spider's figure was hidden in the dense leaves, showing a little figure, looking at Jiang Xiaobei and the four elves shrouded in ice, hesitant.

To him, Jiang Xiaobei and the others were intruders who broke into his territory. In the past, when he encountered such intruders, he would use thunder to repel them, or turn the intruders into his own food.

However, in my own feelings, the aura exuded by the petite white elf and the huge unicorn is very strong, even stronger than myself.

So, he was a little tangled, should he just leave, or fight them and defend his territory?

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong around his body, those leaves and branches started to move, before he could react, a lot of branches grew on the tree below him, binding him tightly .

At the same time as this mutation occurred, he also noticed that there was a strong energy fluctuation emanating from the ice cover in front of him, and the temperature around him was also dropping rapidly.

There is a situation!
The sharp-horned spider began to struggle violently in an instant, purple light flickered on its body, and the branches wrapped around him were immediately corroded by poison, making a chi-chi sound.

The branch corroded by the poison immediately softened, and the sharp-horned spider also broke free at this time.

But, it's too late!
Around him, the icy whirlwind was almost formed, the whistling white whirlwind enveloped him, and the dense and rapidly rotating boulders kept hitting his body, causing his body to be extremely painful.


The sharp-horned spider roared, and a large amount of purple-green energy light burst out from its body, protecting its surroundings, and then it rushed directly in one direction of the ice whirlwind.

Because it was in the woods, the power of the ice whirlwind was reduced a lot, and the sharp-horned spider rushed out after a little effort.

But as soon as he left the tiger's den, he entered the wolf's den again.

As soon as he came out, what greeted him was the dance of petals of platinum unicorns.

The dense wind blades enveloped the sharp-horned spider in the center, and quickly stabbed towards the center, as if the sharp-horned spider was shrouded in a giant wind blade flower.

The dense wind blades hit around the sharp-horned spider, even with the protection of the energy shield, it still caused him serious injuries.

After a while, Dance of Petals' attack ended, followed by Hood's attack.

One minute later, looking at the sharp-horned spider frozen in the ice, Hood slowly stretched out his right hand.

Break the ice!

Looking at the extra 1000 points in the integrator, Jiang Xiaobei happily left here with a hood and a small pocket.

Starting from the sharp-horned spider, it seemed that he had entered the core area of ​​this mountain forest. Jiang Xiaobei ran into another elite-level elf after walking for a while.

Under the combination of Hood and Platinum Unicorn, there was no suspense, and it was easily defeated.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobei didn't go any further, but swept around, looking for elite elves.

If you meet a couple, needless to say, Jiang Xiaobei will automatically turn around and leave, but if you meet a lonely family, you don't have to blame Jiang Xiaobei for bullying too much.

During the period, Jiang Xiaobei also tried to go deeper, but when he saw an ethereal beast with a level as high as 45, he silently retreated.

Although it is said that Hood and the Platinum Unicorn will not necessarily lose to the ethereal beast, but since there are low-level elite elves, why should they fight to the death with these high-level elves?
Points are the same!
Moreover, Jiang Xiaobei understood why the school considered reaching the top of the mountain within the specified time as an assessment.

There are many powerful elves ahead, if you encounter one with a bad temper, it will chase you and hit you. In this case, it is really not an easy task to reach the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there are two bungalows with a large area and luxurious decoration. In the bungalows, there are rows of chairs, and more than 20 elf teachers from the magic university are sitting there.

There were five people sitting in the front row, each of whom looked imposing.

Sitting on the far right is a middle-aged man with a very strong physique. He has a short cut and is wearing a black short sleeve, showing his muscles full of strength.

Beside him, sat a handsome middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses who looked gentle and elegant. His pair of peach blossom eyes looked very charming, and he was smiling and looking ahead.

In the center, sat an energetic old man. Although his hair was gray, he looked very energetic.

The person on the far left is Bing Xinyue, and sitting next to her is a middle-aged woman with a deadpan expression, and even a little coldness, who looks like she is in her 50s.

These five people are all professors of the Great Demon Elf Trainer Academy, Heavenly King trainers.

With their identities, if they don't want to, they don't have to come. Even if they don't accept students, it's no big deal.

Behind the five of them are the other teachers of the college. Although they are not professors, they are at least professional trainers with rich teaching experience.

At this time, everyone in the room was looking at a large screen in front of the room.

On the big screen, it is the current top ten players in this assessment, as well as their points.

On the screen, the number one ranked is: Xiao Yuwen, with 9230 points.

Second: Zhao Yuan, 7140 points.

Third: Jiang Xiaobei, 6980 points.

Sixth: Hou Ziming, 5590 points.

Eighth: Crazy, 4805 points.

Xiao Yuwen went directly to the depths of the mountain forest at the beginning of the assessment, looking for elite elves to challenge and earn points, while Jiang Xiaobei spent the whole morning fighting with the seal envoys, and now he started to find elite elves to challenge , so the points obtained are more than 1 points lower than that of No.2000 Xiao Yuwen.

However, from noon onwards, Jiang Xiaobei began to rush forward, all the way to No.3, which attracted the attention of many teachers.

The old man in the middle suddenly smiled and asked Bing Xinyue: "Xiaobing, I remember that Jiang Xiaobei belongs to your Fengxue Gym, right?"

Bing Xinyue nodded to the old man, nodded respectfully and said: "Yes, Teacher Sun, so this time I also want to be his mentor."

Sun Shoude smiled and shook his head, "How many times have I told you, although you have taken my class before, but now we are colleagues, there is no need to call me a teacher anymore."

Bing Xinyue smiled when she heard the words, but at this moment the woman beside her laughed and said, "Old man Sun, call you a teacher, I'll see how proud you are."

"Hmph!" Sun Shoude stared at the words, and muttered, "I don't know as much as you crazy woman."

"What did you say?" Wu Yu stared, stood up and pointed at Sun Shoude's nose, about to explode.

"Just say you're a crazy woman? You hang out with some ghost elves every day, I think you're going to be a ghost if you're not crazy!" After being pointed at the nose, Sun Shoude also stood up and faced Wu Yu shouted.

At this time, the elegant middle-aged man coughed twice, stood between the two of them, and smoothed things over with a smile: "Professor Wu, Professor Sun, please stop arguing, calm down, so many people are watching."

Wu Yu looked around and continued to point at Sun Shoude, "You wait with me." After she finished speaking, she sat back in her seat, closed her eyes and stopped talking.

"Hmph, you stay in that ghostly place every day, and sooner or later you have to move to the south of the school." Sun Shoude also sat down angrily, muttering non-stop.

To the south of the Devil's University, there is a mental hospital.

The muscular middle-aged man sitting on the far right had already taken out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket and was about to watch a play, but unexpectedly he stopped.

For the friendship of his colleagues, he had to sigh and silently put the melon seeds back into his pocket.

The elegant middle-aged man is Xiao Tianxing, who is Xiao Yuwen's father, a king-level trainer who trains electricity-type elves; the muscular man is called Zhao Xiong, a king-level trainer who trains martial-type elves.

Zhao Xiong looked a little bored, so he chatted with Xiao Tianxing:
"Old Xiao, your daughter is very powerful, and she is the first in the freshman assessment. Are you interested in letting him learn from me?"

"You?" Xiao Tianxing glanced at Zhao Xiong's muscles, and then thought about his daughter's training with him, and she has developed a whole body of muscles!
Xiao Tianxing shook his head, let this terrible thought leave his mind, and said with a wry smile: "Let's forget it, that girl doesn't have martial spirits either."

"It's fine if you don't want to." Zhao Xiong shook his head with some regret, then continued to look up at the screen, and suddenly burst into foul language:
"His mother! What's the matter?"

I saw that on the screen, Jiang Xiaobei, who was originally ranked third, instantly increased his points by more than 5000, directly surpassing No.1 Xiao Yuwen, and became the new No.1.

Jiang Xiaobei was originally looking for elite elves around the forest to get points.

After defeating another elite-level elf, Jiang Xiaobei just wanted to move his position and go to other places to search, but he felt a strong energy fluctuation not far away.

There are strong elves fighting there!
Immediately, Jiang Xiaobei put the seal envoy and the magic water bottle into the grunt ball, put on a hood and pocket, rode on the back of the platinum unicorn, and rushed towards the direction of the energy fluctuation.

After driving for a while, Jiang Xiaobei saw, ahead, Xiao Yuwen was riding on the back of a sacred griffin, holding Ku La, and flying towards them quickly.

Behind her, there is a huge flaming dragon flying towards her as if chasing her. The flaming dragon has extraordinary momentum and looks extremely powerful.

The most important thing is that there is still a person standing on the back of the Raging Fire Flying Dragon.

Sophomore senior?

Almost instantly, Jiang Xiaobei had a judgment in his mind.

When Jiang Xiaobei saw Xiao Yuwen, Xiao Yuwen also saw Jiang Xiaobei. Immediately, her eyes lit up, and she waved to Jiang Xiaobei and shouted: "Jiang Xiaobei, come and help me!"

Hearing this, instead of stepping forward to help her, Jiang Xiaobei ordered the Platinum Unicorn to turn around and run away.

Why should I help her? It's no good.

When Xiao Yuwen saw Jiang Xiaobei turn around and run away, her lungs hurt from anger!
This disrespectful guy turned around and ran away, he was so mad at my old lady!
Xiao Yuwen let the sacred griffin below him chase Jiang Xiaobei, turned her head to watch the flaming dragon flying closer, gritted her teeth, and shouted at Jiang Xiaobei: "Hey! Jiang Xiaobei, let's cooperate. After defeating this senior, his points will be given to you!"

Both seniors and freshmen, no matter who beats the other, can get half of the points in the opponent's scorer.

Then, within an hour, the integrator was in a protected state, and the points in it would no longer be taken by others, so Xiao Yuwen said that she was not going to ask for points.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei directly stopped the Platinum Unicorn, and said to Xiao Yuwen with a smile:
"It doesn't matter whether we accumulate points or not. It's just that we can't let this senior bully us too much and take our freshmen's points at will. I decided to give him some color and let him know that our freshmen are not easy to mess with. By the way, you just said , give me all the points, right?"

Xiao Yuwen looked at Jiang Xiaobei expressionlessly, making Jiang Xiaobei a little embarrassed.

It was Chen Botian who was chasing after them.

The Fiery Flying Dragon landed about 20 meters away from Jiang Xiaobei and Xiao Yuwen. Chen Botian looked at the platinum unicorn under Jiang Xiaobei and the small hood beside him, raised his brows, and took out another Grunt Ball. The elves in it were released.

It is a sonic dog whose strength has reached the elite level.

Jiang Xiaobei checked the information on Sonic Dog and Raging Fire Dragon, and after reading it, his expression was relaxed.

The level of the fire wyvern is 45, and the level of the sonic dog is 41.

And he took a look at the current level of Xiao Yuwen's Coola, which has reached level 43. With the help of Coola with this strength and the help of the hooded pocket and the platinum unicorn, it is still possible to defeat the opponent.

But he didn't care.

After the strength of the elves reaches the elite level, the gap in strength between each level is much larger than before. The 45-level fire dragon is still a great threat.

Flame Wyvern, Sonic Dog and Kura, Hood, and Platinum Unicorn are facing each other, and the battle may happen at any time.

 Thank you TrainHeartne for the 10000 coin reward, thank you for the clean spider boss for your 100 coin reward, thank you for meeting the boss at the corner for your 100 coin reward, and thank you for your 400 coin reward

  Currently owed three changes, in the next three days, make up
(End of this chapter)

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