My elf is so cute

Chapter 263 The Hood and Small Pocket Upgrade

Chapter 263 The Hood and Small Pocket Upgrade

"Xiao Yuwen, I'll deal with the Fire Dragon, and you can deal with the remaining Sonic Dog as soon as possible, and then help me deal with the Fire Dragon." Looking at the two elves opposite, Jiang Xiaobei said to Xiao Yuwen.

Xiao Yuwen glanced at Sonic Dog twice, then nodded slightly.

"it is good!"

Under the signal of Jiang Xiaobei and Xiao Yuwen, the three elves, Hoodou, Platinum Unicorn, and Kula gradually showed strong energy fluctuations, ready to attack at any time.

Chen Botian, who was standing opposite, saw this scene, felt the aura of the three elves, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

It feels a bit mysterious!
When I met Xiao Yuwen, although the opponent's Kula was strong, I felt that he was not the opponent of my Blazing Dragon. In addition, the opponent only had one elf, so Chen Botian was ready to go.

Who knew, he ran into Jiang Xiaobei again on the way, and even possessed two elite-level elves.

Are all freshmen this year so strong?

Thinking about it, he shook his head again, denying what he had just thought.

Before I met these two, the other freshmen I met were just so-so, and they didn't pose any threat to him, so I easily snatched their points.

These two people should be the top talents among the freshmen.

After thinking about it, he immediately raised his right hand, waved it at Jiang Xiaobei and Xiao Yuwen and said, "Wait a minute, junior, don't rush to do it!"

"We are all students of the Devil University. As your seniors, I feel that peace is the most important thing for us. It would be too hurtful to fight, so I will leave first, seniors."

As he said that, he was about to command his blazing dragon and leave here.

For this kind of top talent, not to mention whether he can beat them, even if he can win, Chen Botian doesn't want to offend them too much.

"Huh?" Seeing this situation, Jiang Xiaobei and Xiao Yuwen immediately looked at each other.

Although there was no words, the two understood each other's meaning in an instant.

Throw him!

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobei commanded: "Hao Xiaodou, switch to the ice and fire form, and then attack the fire dragon together with the platinum unicorn, regardless of the sonic dog."

The hood and small pocket in the state of ice and fire are its strongest state.

There are two energy cores in the body, which have double the energy compared to elves of the same level, and can also perform skills of two attributes that restrain each other at the same time, and the combat effectiveness is very strong.

As soon as Jiang Xiaobei finished speaking, the cap and the platinum unicorn immediately took action.

Almost instantly, the hair color of the hood changed from pure blue to half red and half blue, and a little flame and frost lingered around his body.

The hood stretched out her hands, and a circle of icy blue light lit up on her right hand. Between the gathering of icy elements, a beam of icy blue light shot out instantly; at the same time, in her left hand, a circle of light was also lit. A fiery red halo was formed, the blazing fire elements frantically gathered, and then a thick beam of flame energy shot out.

Aurora light!Crit gun!

Two skills with completely different attributes shot at the blazing dragon in an instant.

The energy of the wind system surged on the platinum unicorn's body, and it also released a large number of wind blades in an instant, attacking the blazing dragon.

On the side, Xiao Yuwen also commanded Ku La and launched an attack on Sonic Dog.

A fiery red shield instantly appeared around the Raging Fire Flying Dragon's body, protecting his body.

However, the two skills of the critical strike gun and the aurora light attacked the same position of the fiery red mask, and due to the characteristics of the attribute, it instantly caused a strong explosion, directly bursting the mask.

The powerful impact even made the Raging Fire Flying Dragon retreat several steps, and the faint energy shield on the guardian bracelet lit up around Chen Botian on his back, protecting him from taking damage.

While the fire dragon was retreating, the wind blade released by the platinum unicorn also came, and the dense wind blade instantly attacked the whole body of the fire dragon.

Without the protection of the fiery red shield, the Raging Fire Flying Dragon suffered a burst of baptism from the wind blade of the platinum unicorn, and suffered some minor injuries on the spot, with many tiny wounds densely scattered all over its body.


The Fiery Flying Dragon screamed in pain, glaring at the platinum unicorn angrily, the intense fire energy in its mouth gathered, and then sprayed a thick pillar of flame directly towards the platinum unicorn.

The platinum unicorn immediately dodged aside.

Chen Botian jumped off the back of Raging Fire Flying Dragon, walked to the back, frowned and looked at Jiang Xiaobei and Xiao Yuwen, but didn't say anything.

Now he has understood the thoughts of the two juniors opposite him. He was greedy for the other party's points just now, and now they also want their own points.

In this case, let's fight, see if you two geniuses are stronger, or me, an old senior, is stronger.

The battle of the five elves was divided into two battle fields.

In the first field, Mao Xiaodou and Platinum Unicorn teamed up to fight against the Fiery Flying Dragon, and the two sides were evenly matched.

In the battle field of the three elves, the flames are raging, the frost is drifting, and the hurricane is howling. The battle scene is very exciting. The surrounding mountains and forests are devastated. flame.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Xiaobei quickly released the magic water bottle and asked him to extinguish the surrounding flames.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't dare to do such a thing as setting fire to the mountain and cutting off children and grandchildren.

In the second battle arena, it was a one-sided situation.

Although Sonic Dog moves very fast, Kura is even faster!
He couldn't dodge Kura's attack at all, but Kura could dodge his attack, and he was also inferior to Kura in terms of strength, which led to a one-sided situation, and Sonic Dog was crushed by Kura.

Ku La displayed his own secret technique, the field of thunder and magnetism.

With him as the center, within a radius of 20 meters, dense blue-purple lightning lingers around, like a thunder pool.

The Sonic Dog is located in the field of lightning and magnetism, and it is under the attack of lightning all the time. It is numb all over, but it does not feel any pain, but its control over the body has also been greatly reduced.

Ku La has been sticking to the Sonic Dog, constantly causing the Thunder Magnetic Field to cause damage to the Sonic Dog.

After a while, the paralyzed Sonic dog lost feeling in both front legs, and bent directly, causing him to fall to the ground. Seeing this, Kula, who was floating in the air, bent his mouth and pointed one hand towards Sonic. The dog stretched out, and an electromagnetic pulse shot out instantly amidst the terrifying electric light gathering.
After solving the Sonic Dog, Kura immediately rushed towards Hood and the others, joining the battle against the Blazing Wyvern.

Ku La joined in, and the stalemate changed instantly. The Raging Fire Flying Dragon was overwhelmed with two fists, and it didn't last long before being knocked down by the concentrated fire.

Looking at the two and three elves surrounding him, Chen Botian covered the integrator on his wrist, his face wrinkled.

Afterwards, he looked at Jiang Xiaobei and Xiao Yuwen flatteringly, and said with a smile: "Students, you see, it's not easy for me to exchange points for seniors, and everyone is also a student of the Devil University, so why don't you grab my points?" Is it over?"

Hearing Chen Botian's words, Jiang Xiaobei rolled his eyes, and looked at him amusedly: "Senior, what do you think?"

"Let me tell you," as Chen Botian said, he saw a dense ball of fire appeared on one hand of the hooded pocket, and a faint cold light shone on the horn on the top of the platinum unicorn's head. Jiang Xiaobei looked at his Eyes are also dangerous.

Immediately, his face changed, and he said with some heartache: "I said, it must be according to the normal process. I lost because I am not good at learning as a senior. These points will be regarded as tuition fees."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to reveal the integrator inside, Jiang Xiaobei also took out his own integrator, put it on top of the opponent's integrator, and drew half of the opponent's points.

Seeing that there were five thousand more points in the integrator, Jiang Xiaobei almost laughed from ear to ear.

"Brother and sister, can I go?" Chen Botian looked at the integrator with heartache, then looked at Jiang Xiaobei and Xiao Yuwen, and asked.

"Senior, go slowly, I won't see you off." Jiang Xiaobei smiled and waved at Chen Botian.

Seeing Chen Botian's disappearing figure, Xiao Yuwen curled her lips, and was about to leave with Ku La.

"Xiao Yuwen, happy cooperation!" Jiang Xiaobei smiled at Xiao Yuwen.

"Hehe, it's not pleasant at all!" Xiao Yuwen said angrily, then released her second elf, the holy griffin, jumped onto his back, and left directly.

Jiang Xiaobei smiled, and then they headed to the stream area with a hood and a small pocket.

After the battle just now, the Hood and the Platinum Unicorn have consumed a lot. It is estimated that they will have to cultivate for a while before they can continue to search for elves and earn points.

However, in the case of earning [-] points at one time, Jiang Xiaobei is not so urgent about obtaining points.

Taking out some spirit stones for Mao Xiaodou and the others to rest, Jiang Xiaobei sat on a boulder by the stream, looked at the more than 1000 points in the integrator in his hand, and fell into deep thought.

I snatched a senior's points just now, and I am about to catch up with my hard work all morning plus noon. To get points, it seems that I should grab the seniors quickly!
If he can grab another one, he can go directly to the top of the mountain.

But the senior is so easy to grab, and those who can come to the magic university are not weak. If it weren't for Xiao Yuwen's help, I probably wouldn't be able to defeat the senior just now.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, a system prompt came from his ear:
"Ding! Congratulations, your elf hooded doll has been upgraded to level 42."

(End of this chapter)

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