My elf is so cute

Chapter 264 Meet Senior Sister, Escape!

Chapter 264 Meet Senior Sister, Escape!
Hearing this voice, Jiang Xiaobei immediately turned his head to look at the small hood.

I saw that the two ice spirit stones that Hood held in both hands exuded a strong cold light, and then poured into her body through Hood's hands, and the aura emanating from Hood was stronger than before. Improve a lot.

After a while, the aura emanating from Hood's body slowly subsided,


Slowly opening his eyes, feeling his improved strength, Hoo Xiaodou turned his head and yelled at Jiang Xiaobei in some surprise.

Because, Jiang Xiaobei had promised her before that every time her strength improved, within that month, she would be able to get an extra 5 gigabytes of traffic for her to play.

Her data quota has been used up this month. Counting today, there are still two days left in this month. Originally, she thought that she would have to endure the pain of being disconnected from the Internet for two days. Suddenly raised!
"Got it!" Jiang Xiaobei shook his head amusedly.

Then, he raised his hand and glanced at his watch, which showed that the time was two o'clock in the afternoon.

"There are still four hours, and one hour is left for the journey, so there are still three hours left to get points, so we have to speed up."

Half an hour later, Jiang Xiaobei stood next to a kaka bird that had been knocked out on the ground, frowned and looked deep into the forest, feeling a little hesitant.

In the past half an hour, this elite Kaka bird was the only elite elf he found.

The elf-level elves in this area are basically about to be wiped out by him.

If you don't go deeper, the speed of gaining points will be greatly slowed down; but if you continue to go deeper, the risk is also very high. If you encounter a powerful elf that injures the Platinum Unicorn and the Hood, then you will have to The process of earning points is terminated.

After thinking about it, he decided to take a deeper look.

If he encounters an elf with a level above 45, he will retreat directly, and if he encounters an elf with a lower level, he will directly attack.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobei rode on the back of the platinum unicorn and walked slowly towards the depths of the forest.

Now Jiang Xiaobei also felt that the deeper the mountain forest was, the more intense the energy elements in the air were. This should be the reason why the deeper the elf was, the stronger it was.

As he continued to go deeper, Jiang Xiaobei began to have more elite-level elves that were difficult to meet in the previous area.

In line with the principle of being cautious, when encountering elite-level elves living in groups, retreat; when encountering elves above level 45, do not disturb. Jiang Xiaobei searched for a while, but still found many low-level elves.

The growth rate of points in the integrator in his hand accelerated again.

"Don't run, you can't escape." Riding on the platinum unicorn, looking at the Sun Leopard God who was fleeing frantically in front of him, Jiang Xiaobei released his mental power to send a sound transmission to him.

"Lie on the ground obediently, and I promise not to hit you." As long as the elves show no resistance, the integrator will automatically get points.

But the Sun Leopard God would believe Jiang Xiaobei's words, speed up his escape again, and slowly distance himself from the Platinum Unicorn.

Seeing this, the platinum unicorn in the rear activated the wind energy in its body, released the wind power of its skill, and accelerated itself.

The speed of the two sides gradually approached again, Jiang Xiaobei sat on the back of the platinum unicorn, holding the hood, ready to let the hood attack at any time.

Just when the distance between the two sides was reduced to a certain distance, and Jiang Xiaobei was about to let the hood attack, suddenly, a thick ice-blue beam of light shot from the front, and shot directly at the running Sun Leopard God .

In the next second, with the sound of clicking, the Sun Leopard God was instantly frozen in a huge ice cube.


Jiang Xiaobei stopped the Platinum Unicorn in an instant, looked at the direction of the icy blue beam of light ahead, and frowned and looked forward.

I saw, in the dense forest ahead, slowly walked out a huge elf like a lion, covered in snow-white fluffy hair, with a pair of big amber eyes shining fiercely, in front of the body out of thin air Three ice-blue crystals are suspended.

"Drink! Snow! Crazy! Beast!" Jiang Xiaobei said the elf's name word by word, and then searched for information about the snow-drinking wild beast.

[Elf Name] Snow Drinking Beast

[Elf level] 46 (elite level elf)

【Elf Talent】Green

[Spirit Attribute] Ice

【Height】2.0m 【Weight】227.5kg 【Gender】Female

【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Spirit Skills] Blowing Snow, Row, Aurora Ray, Air Element, Spirit Recovery, Violent Impact, Ice Fist, Abyss Wound, Ice Smash.

[Elf Cheats] Roar of Ice, Frost Armor

[Spirit Items] Snow Spirit Necklace

[Spirit Introduction] The powerful Snow Wind Elf, the darling of ice and snow, can greatly improve the combat effectiveness in the ice and snow.

A level 46 snow-drinking mad beast!Also has elf props.

Jiang Xiaobei realized something, and looked behind the Snow Drinking Beast. Sure enough, another girl slowly walked out from the bushes that the Snow Drinking Beast walked out of.

The girl was wearing a white short-sleeved upper body, skinny jeans, a yellow peaked cap, and her hair was combed into a ponytail. She looked very youthful and beautiful.

However, Jiang Xiaobei has no intention of admiring beauties now, this girl is obviously a sophomore senior, she is not a good person!

"Let's go!" Jiang Xiaobei didn't care about the sun leopard, and let the platinum unicorn leave here.

As soon as the platinum unicorn turned around, another Frozen Wraith slowly walked out from a bush behind and intercepted them.

Seeing this Frozen Wraith at level 41, Jiang Xiaobei's expression suddenly collapsed.

"Primary school brother, are you in such a hurry to leave? Don't you plan to say hello to my senior sister?" The senior sister's laughing voice came from behind.

When Jiang Xiaobei turned his head, a bright smile appeared on his face again: "Senior sister was joking, I'm not going to leave, but fly from the sky!"

As soon as his words fell, a pair of huge energy wings appeared on the platinum unicorn, and with a sudden wave, it flew directly into the sky.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobei's eyebrows lit up with a dense green light, and a dozen thick vines lit up directly from the senior's feet, winding towards her.

When the vines were about to touch the senior sister, an energy shield instantly lit up around the senior sister, protecting her from being hurt by the vines.

However, it also trapped her in the vines, and the dense vines entangled the energy shield around her, making her figure invisible to the snow-drinking wild beasts outside.

The Snow Drinking Beast, who was eager to protect the lord, did not chase after Jiang Xiaobei and the Platinum Unicorn immediately, but immediately swung her sharp claws, tore apart the vines, and shattered her body trapped in the vines. The trainer was rescued.

After Qiu He came out from the vine, he gritted his teeth and looked at the figure of the platinum unicorn in the distant sky, and jumped directly onto the back of the snow-drinking beast.

"Come up!"

 Thank you TrainHeartne for the reward! , Thank you for being happy, boss, for the reward of 100 coins, and thank you, boss QAQ, for the reward of 999 coins

(End of this chapter)

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