My elf is so cute

Chapter 265 Defeated sister, go to the top of the mountain

Chapter 265 Defeated sister, go to the top of the mountain
After flying for a while, the platinum unicorn landed on the ground and ran away.

First, because although the platinum unicorn can fly, its flying speed is not very fast, not much faster than its running speed.

Secondly, the target is too obvious in the air, and it is more suitable to escape the opponent's tracking in the woods.

After about ten minutes, the platinum unicorn stopped panting.

Jiang Xiaobei jumped off the Platinum Unicorn's back, looked around, but didn't see the other party chasing him.

However, his frown did not relax.

An elf like Snow Drinking Beast has a very sensitive sense of smell. Among the elves, the strength of the sense of smell can be ranked among the top five.

An elf breeder once tested that in the snowy field, if he smelled the scent, even if you ran more than ten miles away, he could still be tracked by the scent left on the road.

Now, although it is not sure whether the opponent will spend a lot of effort to catch up, it is still necessary to prepare as soon as possible.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobei can also go directly to the top of the mountain now, so that senior sister won't come to snatch his points again, but Jiang Xiaobei also wants to give it a go, if he can snatch the opponent's points, he really doesn't have to Then look for the elves to get points.

Now, the only thing that could pose a threat to the snow-drinking beast was the Ice and Fire Spin with the full force of the hood.

With the current level of Hood and Xiaodou as high as 42, the ice and fire whirl cast, the Snow Drinking Beast really may not be able to resist.

Jiang Xiaobei looked around, trying to find a suitable place to ambush.

Hooded Hood casts Ice and Fire Spin. If you want to ensure that you have enough power, you must accumulate power for a period of time. During this time period, it is naturally impossible for the opponent to stand and watch you accumulate power.

Therefore, it is necessary to charge up the hood in advance and get ready. When the opponent comes, he and the platinum unicorn will work together to control the opponent for a moment, and let the hood attack.

After searching around, Jiang Xiaobei finally determined a suitable ambush site.

In front of him to the left, there are two large boulders that are as tall as a person, close together, and there is this dense bush behind. If you don't look in front of the two boulders, you can't see what's inside.

It's not easy to hide Jiang Xiaobei and Platinum Unicorn in the space, but it's more than enough to hide the small body of the cap and pocket.

When the time comes, I and the Platinum Unicorn will find a chance to control each other for a while, whether or not we succeed will depend on our luck.

Zhuang He rode on the back of the Snow Drinking Beast, and ran all the way in the direction of Jiang Xiaobei.

On the way, the snow-drinking mad beast kept sniffing the smell in the surrounding air, and then adjusted its direction bit by bit.

When it reached a certain position, the Snow Drinking Beast suddenly stopped its running figure, sniffed the surrounding air for a while, then turned its gaze to the two boulders not far in front, and then turned to the Zhuang He growled twice in a low voice.

Zhuang He nodded, looked at the boulder in front of him, and laughed loudly: "Primary school boy, I'm a college student now, why are you still playing this hide-and-seek trick?"

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a rustle of grass behind the boulder in front of her, and then Jiang Xiaobei rode out on a platinum unicorn.

He smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't expect to be discovered by you, senior."

Zhuang He snorted, "You can't run away, just obediently hand over your points."

Jiang Xiaobei sighed, shook his head, looked at the platinum unicorn under his feet, and said to Zhuang He: "Sister, do you know what's special about the platinum unicorn?"

Listening to Jiang Xiaobei's words, Zhuang He frowned. How did she know what is special about this newly discovered elf evolution form?

It is said that it was discovered by a genius elf breeder surnamed Jiang. I didn't expect to find out just now that this elementary school boy has one. The luck is really good.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and hand over the points, so that you can get more points."

Jiang Xiaobei shook his head, and said to the Platinum Unicorn, "Use Holy Radiance!"

The platinum unicorn on the top of the platinum unicorn immediately emitted a strong holy light, shining around.

A layer of ice crystal armor instantly condensed around the body of the Snow Drinking Beast, ready to defend against the opponent's attack.

But who knows, this is not an attack by the other party. The warm light shines on her body, making her body feel refreshed, even her soul and spirit are very refreshed. This kind of refreshment makes her body feel a little dizzy. soft.

"Ugh~" Zhuang He was also illuminated by the holy light, and instantly moaned comfortably.

"So cool!"

Vines bound.

Taking advantage of the fact that the other party relaxed under the holy light and his body was refreshed, Jiang Xiaobei instantly mobilized all his mental power, cast the vine restraint, and bound the snow-drinking mad beast firmly.

Faced with this situation, Snow Drinking Beast reacted instantly, and immediately wanted to break free from the shackles of the vines, but because of the holy light, her body was still a little numb, and she couldn't use her strength.

For a while, he couldn't break free.

Then, she felt that a huge and explosive energy wave appeared behind Jiang Xiaobei in an instant.

Looking up, she saw Xiaodou jumped up from the boulder behind her, raised her hands upwards, and a huge ball of red and blue energy was suspended above her head.

Afterwards, the giant energy ball blasted towards the Snow Drinking Beast and Zhuang He who were bound by vines.

Before fainting, Snow Drinking Beast saw Jiang Xiaobei put his hands together for the last time, as if he was praying for someone.

Then there is no more then.

Under the protection of the guardian bracelet, Zhuang He was not harmed, even if the energy in it was consumed by 60.00% in an instant, and although Snow Drinking Beast used her secret skill Frost Armor in advance, it was of no avail.

The hood consumed more than half of the energy in the body, and this move caused the Snow Drinking Beast to be severely injured on the spot, and the snow-white hair on its body became scorched black.

Seeing the fainting snow-drinking beast, Jiang Xiaobei walked over, took out a small bottle, and fed the snow-drinking beast some water of life to help it recover from its injuries.

My purpose is to make it incapable of fighting, not to kill the opponent.

After feeding the water of life, Jiang Xiaobei walked to Zhuang He with a smile, and held out his integrator.

"Feng Shui turns around, senior sister."

"Hmph!" Zhuang He was very straightforward, gave Jiang Xiaobei a hard look, threw the integrator to Jiang Xiaobei, and transferred half of the points to him.

Seeing that there were more than 8000 more points in the integrator, Jiang Xiaobei handed the bottle to Zhuang He with a smile, and said with a smile: "Senior sister, accept it, there are some medicines for healing injuries, waiting for you After the snow-drinking mad beast wakes up, feed it to her again, and it should be fine."

Looking at the total of [-] points in the integrator, Jiang Xiaobei directly let the platinum unicorn fly him to the top of the mountain.

 Second update,

(End of this chapter)

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