My elf is so cute

Chapter 266 The assessment is over, choose a tutor

Chapter 266 The assessment is over, choose a mentor

Along the way, there were no elves blocking the way, and Jiang Xiaobei arrived at the top of the mountain smoothly.

When he reached the top of the mountain, it was exactly five o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still an hour before the end of the assessment.

At this time, there are already many students on the top of the mountain.

He looked around and saw Xie Xu and Xu Leilei in the crowd.

Xie Xu and Xu Leilei also saw him and were walking towards him.

Jiang Xiaobei put away the platinum unicorn and the hoodie, let them rest in the grunt ball for a while, and then faced the two people who came over.

"Why did you come here so early?" Jiang Xiaobei looked at the two of them and asked curiously.

"Ham, don't mention it." Xu Leilei sighed, and said to Jiang Xiaobei: "Both of us met seniors."

Xie Xu took up the conversation and said with a smile: "The difference is that Xu Leilei's points were robbed. He didn't bother to find the elves anymore, so he came up directly, while I fled directly to the top of the mountain, and the points were not robbed."

"Squad leader, what about you? Why are you here so early?" Even though they both graduated from high school, Xie Xu still called Jiang Xiaobei the squad leader, and it hasn't changed.

"The points are almost enough, so let's go up. By the way, how many points have you two gained?" Jiang Xiaobei asked.

"Hey, I originally had more than 3000 points, but I was robbed of half of them. Now I only have more than 1000 points. I guess I will be at the bottom." Xu Leilei said with a sigh.

"I only have more than 4000 points." Xie Xu also sighed.

"Xiaobei, how much are you?"

"Twenty-four thousand." Jiang Xiaobei answered truthfully.

"What? Twenty-four thousand, why are there so many? Could it be that you snatched the senior?" Xu Leilei was a little stunned. He originally estimated that Jiang Xiaobei had about fifteen thousand, but he still underestimated Fa Xiao.

Xu Leilei's voice instantly attracted the attention of other students around him. When they heard the number [-], they all looked at Jiang Xiaobei in shock.

Jiang Xiaobei smiled slightly, neither admitting nor denying the question of whether he robbed the senior.

Standing and chatting with Xu Leilei and Xie Xu, another half an hour passed quickly.

Xiao Yuwen flew up on the sacred griffin, glanced at the many students below, saw Jiang Xiaobei, and let the sacred griffin land beside Xiao Yuwen.

"Jiang Xiaobei, how many points do you have?"

"Twenty-four thousand, what about you?" Jiang Xiaobei responded and asked.

"Not as high as you." Xiao Yuwen turned around and left after hearing the number twenty-four thousand.

In the next half an hour, many students climbed up from the bottom of the mountain one after another. Hou Ziming also climbed up during this time period, and came to Jiang Xiaobei and the others.

Hou Ziming got a lot of points, [-] points.

Fighting alone, many elves in this mysterious mountain forest are no match for the evil mist of the ghost elves. After all, the attack methods of the ghost elves are too weird.

When the time came to six o'clock, a whole bell rang suddenly on the top of the mountain, and then a pale yellow light lit up on the entire mountain top. If you look at it from a distance, you can see a huge pale yellow The shield enveloped the entire mountaintop.

In a one-story house on the top of the mountain, the teachers of the Magic University came out one after another and walked to the platform built by the school on the top of the mountain.

Jiang Xiaobei saw Bing Xinyue's figure in the crowd at a glance.

The teacher who led them into this secret place before walked up to the stage and raised his voice to the freshmen on the top of the mountain and said:

"Students who haven't reached the top of the mountain after the assessment is over will be considered to have failed the assessment, and their points will be cleared."

"As for the students on the top of the mountain, the points you get this time will be counted as rewards for your assessment, and you also have special rewards for the top ten students."

"Now, check your integrator, it has your ranking on it."

As soon as the words fell, countless students who were looking up at the teacher lowered their heads to check the ranking displayed on the integrator on their wrists.

Jiang Xiaobei also looked down at the past:
Jiang Xiaobei, with 24320 points, ranking: 1.

"Oh." Jiang Xiaobei was very happy to see that he was ranked first, although he had expected it.

"Ah, 592nd, it really ranks at the bottom." Xu Leilei sighed, and then looked at the others. He was not surprised when he saw Jiang Xiaobei ranked first, but when he saw Xie Xu's ranking At that time, he couldn't help but yelled out.

"What's the situation, you can rank 4000 with more than 99 points? Do you want to be so nonsense? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come so early in the morning."

"Hehehe, are you envious?" Xie Xu didn't expect to be in the top [-], so he smiled smugly.

Jiang Xiaobei poked his head towards Hou Ziming, who was on the side, and asked, "Hou Zi, how long are you in line for?"

Hou Ziming stretched out the integrator on his hand and showed it to Jiang Xiaobei, and saw that it showed:

Hou Ziming, with 13240 points, ranking: 6.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobei nodded and gave Hou Ziming a thumbs up.

At this time, the teacher on the stage continued: "I will announce the rewards for the top ten students."

"No.10 to No.4, in the first year of freshman year, one more chance to break into the Lost Tower every month."

"No.3 and No.2, the chance to break into the tower is increased twice a month."

"No.1, increase the chance to enter the tower three times a month."

Hearing this reward, Jiang Xiaobei's interest was instantly aroused.

Breaking through the Lost Tower, this reward seems to be very good.

I heard senior sister Tang Yuyou say before that in the Lost Tower, defeating the phantom of the elves can gain a lot of benefits, and it is also very helpful to improve the strength of the elves. I don't know the specific effect yet.

After the assessment is over, let's take a look.

"Next, the students choose their tutors on the integrator."

As soon as the teacher finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobei saw that the situation displayed on the integrator in his hand had changed, and a whole row of teacher information appeared.

The names of the teachers ranked in the top five are displayed in red fonts, and their titles are professors.

For example, the one ranked No.1 is:

Professor Sun Shoude, a heavenly king-level trainer in the field, is good at guiding and training earth elves. He has brought out five heavenly king-level trainers and won
Click on its name to see a lot of detailed information.

Jiang Xiaobei also clicked on Bing Xinyue's information, but Teacher Bing's information was a bit brief. He only mentioned his trainer level and identity, which was far less detailed than that of Sun Shoude, who ranked first.

After watching for a while, Jiang Xiaobei finally sent an application to Bing Xinyue.

A university tutor is better than an acquaintance.

Soon, Bing Xinyue passed her application, and Jiang Xiaobei's integrator showed:

The application is approved, congratulations on becoming a student of Professor Bing Xinyue.

 keep writing
(End of this chapter)

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