My elf is so cute

Chapter 267 The Lost Tower

Chapter 267 The Lost Tower

Soon, all the students had chosen their tutors.

Students can see the tutor's information, and similarly, the tutor can also see the students' information. They don't just select students based on their rankings in this assessment, but also based on their comprehensive information.

Although five professors came, only three actually accepted students.

One is Bing Xinyue, who took Jiang Xiaobei as a student.

The second one is Xiao Tianxing. His daughter Xiao Yuwen originally applied to Bing Xinyue to become the other party's student, but Bing Xinyue did not agree and directly rejected her application.

In desperation, Xiao Yuwen had no choice but to choose her father as her university tutor.

The third one is Wu Yu, she accepted Hou Ziming as her student.

Among the top ten students, only Hou Ziming's elf was a ghost elf, and she saw that Hou Ziming was talented, so she accepted him as her student.

With so many students, they naturally wanted to choose professors as their tutors, so the five tutors also received a lot of applications.

But only Jiang Xiaobei and the other three became the professor's students, and the others finally chose the remaining teachers as their mentors.

Of course, as a tutor, it is only a tutor. It is impossible to be like a high school head teacher. Many students probably only meet with their tutors a few times a year.

In college, you can really rely on yourself, choose courses by yourself, study by yourself, and train and train elves by yourself.

Just after selecting a tutor, students and tutors naturally want to meet and chat.

Jiang Xiaobei knew Bing Xinyue very well, but he still followed Bing Xinyue to her office.

"Sit." Walking into the office, Bing Xinyue pointed to the sofa beside her and said to Jiang Xiaobei.

Then she sat in her office chair and told Jiang Xiaobei some information about Mo Da.

"The Lost Tower of the Demon University is a very good secret realm. It is of great help to your trainers below the king level. You won No.1 in this freshman assessment, and the reward is three more times a month. Tower opportunity, this reward is very good, you have to firmly grasp this opportunity to see if you can break into the top [-] rankings before your sophomore year."

"Tomorrow is the last day of this month. You'd better go to the Lost Tower to take a look tomorrow, and use the four opportunities this month to familiarize yourself with the rules."

"Also, in the next two days on weekends, take one day to go to Fengxue Gym, and let my teacher take you to the ice crystal space. At the same time, if you have any questions, just ask him directly."

"By the way, are you in love?"

"Ah?" He was listening to Bing Xinyue explaining some information to himself, when he suddenly heard the other party's question, his brain circuit jumped too fast, and Jiang Xiaobei didn't react for a while.

"No." After reacting, Jiang Xiaobei smiled awkwardly.

Bing Xinyue looked at Jiang Xiaobei, the corners of her mouth curled up, "It's good if you don't have it, you have a lot of time to train elves. In your freshman year, your goal is to break into the top [-] in the Lost Tower ranking."

Jiang Xiaobei nodded, but he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

Rushing into the top [-] in the Lost Tower also means ranking in the top [-] in the Great Demon Elf Trainer Academy. At that time, I was just a sophomore.

However, it is quite good to work hard according to this goal.

"If you have nothing to do, you can go back first. By the way, have you joined the large group of colleges?" Bing Xinyue asked Xiang Jiang Xiaobei, and continued after seeing him nodding: "It's good to join, and many notifications from the college will Post it inside, and the next two days are course selection time, don’t forget.”

The next morning, Jiang Xiaobei got up early and went to the secret place of the Lost Tower of the Demon University.

At the end of each month, it is the most lively place in the Lost Tower secret realm, because the ranking in the Lost Tower is settled once a month to determine the distribution of rewards for the next month.

Therefore, many students choose this last day to climb the tower, hoping that they can get a good ranking.

Jiang Xiaobei walked into the secret realm of the Lost Tower through the space entrance in the school.

This is a huge hall. The whole hall is circular. There is a huge stone tower in the center of the hall. It is hundreds of meters high by sight. It stretches directly into the sky through the giant skylight above the hall, straight into the sky.

On the ground of the hall, with the bottom of the stone tower as the center, a solar array is inscribed, and a faint fluorescent light is lit up on the array, making the sunlight in the sky continuously converge towards the central stone tower. A giant gemstone shines brightly under the sunlight.

On the periphery of the hall, there are two stone tablets, one of which is engraved with densely packed words, all of which are complex secret realm words. Of course, there are translation explanations beside them.

The above are some tower breaking rules and information about the lost tower.

On another stone tablet, a full hundred names are written in Chinese characters, and this one is the ranking list of the Lost Tower.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, Jiang Xiaobei felt a little emotional. He never imagined that one day he would be able to take the elves to the tower.

Just as Jiang Xiaobei fell into memories, there was an uproar around the leaderboard ahead, interrupting Jiang Xiaobei's memories.

"I didn't expect that Yi Hongyu broke into the tower this time, and broke into the top ten of the leaderboard."

"He's just entered his junior year, and he can break into the top ten of the rankings. If it weren't for some pervert, he would probably be number one in the rankings when he graduates this year's senior year. It's a pity."

"There is one thing to say, this year's junior year is really abnormal. Li Zheng, who rushed into the top ten of the Lost Tower rankings when he was still a sophomore, is now ranked third, and now there is another one Yi Hongyu."

"These rookies are too strong. As a senior, I'm still not far away from the top [-]. Sigh, people are better than others, and I'm so pissed off!"

After listening to the chatting of a group of seniors in front, Jiang Xiaobei glanced at the names on the leaderboard again, and his eyes fixed on the top three:
No.1: Luo Yunfei

No.2: Gu Lingyu

No.3: Li Zheng
These three are the top three bosses in the school!
In the future, I will also let my name appear in it.

Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobei took his student card and walked to the counter in front of the gate of the Lost Tower, ready to go through the procedures for entering the tower.

Although there are many people who want to enter the tower, in the Lost Tower, there is actually a space that does not interfere with each other, which can accommodate many people entering the tower at the same time.

Jiang Xiaobei lined up, and it was his turn after half a day.

The staff swiped the card in front of a machine, and the screen instantly displayed Jiang Xiaobei's information and the remaining number of tower entries this month.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobei, a freshman in grade, had entered the tower four times, the staff member was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobei in surprise.

No.1 in the freshman entrance examination, so it is him!

Afterwards, the staff deducted Jiang Xiaobei's chance to enter the tower, then took out a stone token from a side drawer, handed it to Jiang Xiaobei, and said, "This is the Passport of the Lost Tower, take this pass , after entering from the entrance, you can break into the tower."

"Oh, okay, thank you." Jiang Xiaobei took the token and walked towards the entrance of the Lost Tower gate.

Walking in, you can see that there are many closed doors on the first floor. The difference is that there is a token-shaped groove in the center of some doors.

In the center of some gates, tokens were placed on the grooves, and bursts of fluorescence radiated from the entire gate.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Xiaobei walked to a gate with a groove, and put the token in the groove.

Immediately, a burst of dazzling light lit up on the gate, and then bursts of space fluctuations emerged, and a space entrance appeared in the gate in front of Jiang Xiaobei.

Without hesitation, Jiang Xiaobei stepped into the entrance of the space first, and walked into the inner space of the gate through the entrance of the space.

As Jiang Xiaobei stepped into it, the original space entrance on the gate disappeared instantly, and this gate became the same as other gates where tokens were placed.

 Thank you Dazai for the reward of 1500 coins, thank you for the reward of 1500 coins for the boss who loves cleanliness, thank you for the reward of 500 coins for the boss who loves my mother

(End of this chapter)

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