My elf is so cute

Chapter 268 Climbing the Tower

Chapter 268 Climbing the Tower
Through the space entrance on the gate, Jiang Xiaobei stepped into the first secret realm of the Lost Tower.

Walking in, he turned his head and looked around.

This is a huge circular tower space. The surrounding walls are made of gray stone bricks. On the walls, at regular distances, there is a raging flame burning, illuminating the entire tower space brightly. .

Behind him, there is a closed door, and there is also a door in the front, both of which are closed.

In front of the front door, there is a stone sculpture, the image is a meow, lifelike, if it is not because of the color, it really looks like a real meow standing in front.

Just as he was observing his surroundings, suddenly a beam of light shot down from the gemstone on the roof and shone on the stone sculpture Meow.

Soon, after shining for a while, the gemstone stopped emitting light, and the previous light seemed to be absorbed by the stone carving, and the entire stone carving glowed faintly.

Jiang Xiaobei watched this change, and just in case, he released Hood and the other four spirits.

Under the watchful eyes of one person and four spirits, another green ray of light shot out from the top of the Meowing stone carving, shining in the open space ahead, and soon, the radiated light turned into a normal-sized Meowing.

Except for a little green fluorescence around the body and a dull expression, the rest is no different from a meow.

Seeing this strange meow that suddenly appeared, Jiang Xiaobei immediately checked the other party's information.

[Elf Name] Energy Body (Meow)
【Elf Level】31
[Elf Talent] None
[Spirit Attribute] Grass

[Height] 1.4m [Weight] 17.5kg [Gender] No gender
【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Spirit Skills] Violent impact, cry, vine whip, parasitic seeds, poisonous mist, hypnotic powder, dash forward, flying leaf knife, photosynthesis, petal dance.

[Spirit Secret Technique] None
[Spirit props] None
[Elf Profile] I am an energy body with no emotions.

energy body?
Seeing the information about this meow-shaped energy body, Jiang Xiaobei somewhat understood what it meant to break into the tower.

It should be to break up this energy body so that we can enter the next level.

I don't know if my guess is right, but I'll know if I try it. Thinking, he pointed at the Meow Meow, and said to the seal envoy beside him, "Seal envoy, go up and break him up."

After hearing this, the seal envoy nodded, and rushed forward, a light blue fluorescent light lit up on his body, and then his whole body seemed to swell in a circle, raised his right fist, and swung towards the opponent violently, Bring up a fist wind.

The energy body meowed in a daze, and it seemed to react when the seal envoy approached his body five meters away. He raised his hands directly, released more than a dozen green petals, and drifted towards the seal envoy.

Dance of petals.

But the seal envoy didn't pay attention to the group dance of petals performed by the other party hastily, and let it attack on his body, then rushed to the energy body Meow Wu, and punched the other party's face.

"Bang!" Under the seal envoy's punch, the energy body meow burst on the spot and turned into a cloud of green mist.

Afterwards, the cloud of green mist converged towards the center, and finally turned into four light beads of the same size, which were respectively shot at the seal envoy, Hoo Xiaodou and the others.

Seeing the light beads coming, the hood was about to intercept them, but the speed of these light beads was very fast, before they mobilized their energy, the light beads directly merged into their bodies.


After the light bead melted into her body, Xiaodou suddenly let out a cry of surprise. In her feeling, after the light bead melted into her body just now, it directly turned into a mass of pure energy and merged into the energy in her body.

Just at that moment, she felt that her energy had actually increased a little. Although it was very small, it was worth the few hours of her cultivation.

Here, you can quickly improve your strength!
Thinking of this, the eyes of Hood Xiaodou instantly lit up with a strong light.

Can quickly improve strength = strength growth = monthly traffic increase = mobile phone that can play for a longer time.

With such a total, Xiaodou immediately felt that every part of this space was very beautiful, and every brick on the wall gave her a particularly cordial feeling.

After listening to Mao Xiaodou and the others, Jiang Xiaobei understood what Bing Xinyue said about the lost tower's ability to quickly increase the strength of elves.

It turns out that it is equivalent to fighting monsters and upgrading. Defeating the energy body in the Lost Tower can obtain energy light balls similar to experience points.

Then this is really a good place!
Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobei raised his head and looked ahead. The door that was closed in front of him had automatically opened at this time, revealing bursts of space fluctuations.

Jiang Xiaobei walked towards the door first, and Mao Xiaodou and the others followed closely behind.

Walking into the second floor of the Lost Tower, Jiang Xiaobei looked around again.

There is no difference from the first floor, the only difference is that in front of the gate leading to the third floor, the elf represented by the stone sculpture is different, this time, it is a Popola.

Soon, another ray of light shot at the stone sculpture, and then, Popola, an energy body emitting blue fluorescence, appeared in this space.

Jiang Xiaobei probed towards this Popola, but found that the level of this Popola was one level higher than that of Meow on the first floor, reaching level 32.

"Ah, no way, the Lost Tower has a total of 80 floors. If you calculate it this way, you won't reach the floor. What will appear is an energy body with a level as high as [-]? Who can break through this?"

Jiang Xiaobei frowned and complained, and then continued to let the seal envoy step forward to defeat the energy body Popola in front of him.

He wanted to rush up again as soon as possible to see if it was really what he thought.

After defeating Popola, like the previous Meow, Popola also turned into four energy balls, which merged into Hood and the others.

Jiang Xiaobei led the elf to go deeper, and then:
The third floor, 33 fireworks.

The fourth floor, level 34 fans.

The fifth floor, level 35 Black Rock.

On the tenth floor, the level 40 Frozen Wraith.

Looking at this elite-level Frozen Wraith, Jiang Xiaobei was really helpless.

Is this Lost Tower really a level up for each level of energy body elves?In the entire tower, only the first [-] floors are suitable for college students like them to break through. After the [-]th floor, it is no longer a place for them to break through.

Looking at the level 40 Frozen Wraith in front of him, Jiang Xiaobei called Mao Xiaodou to defeat it.

After the Frozen Wraith was defeated, like the previous 9 elves, it turned into four energy balls and merged into the bodies of the four elves in the hood.

The energy ball transformed from the elite energy body contains a huge amount of energy. After the water bottle baby absorbed it, it directly broke through to level 35.

The seal envoy feels that he is not very far away from breaking through, and he will be able to break through again in a short time, and his level will be raised to level 34.

However, as the frozen wraith on the tenth floor dissipated, the front door did not open directly as before. Instead, at the top of this space, four beams of light instantly shot out from the crystal stone, shining on the Hoods and small hoods on the four elves.

 Alas, today is Sunday, and tomorrow I have to hand in a lot of homework. Today I made up a day's homework during the day, and I was so dizzy that I was not in the state of coding at all.

  I will continue to write the next chapter, but it may not be possible to write it out. Don’t wait, everyone, it will be written tomorrow.

  At present, I still owe three shifts. Although I still owe it, I will definitely make it up in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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