My elf is so cute

Chapter 269 Continue to Break into the Tower

Chapter 269 Continue to Break into the Tower
The hooded and small pockets that were illuminated by the light all had a look of surprise on their faces, and then slowly closed their eyes.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Xiaobei didn't know exactly what happened, but judging from the state of Mao Xiaodou and the others, it shouldn't be a bad thing.

He stood where he was, waiting quietly.

After 3 minutes, the seal envoy was the first to open his eyes.

Jiang Xiaobei asked him in a low voice: "What happened to the light just now?"

"Woo~" The seal envoy told Jiang Xiaobei about it.

The light just now, after shining on him, directly merged into his body, refined the energy in his body, and made the energy in his body more pure.

Originally, due to absorbing a lot of energy light sphere, the somewhat vain energy in the body suddenly became solidified.

After listening to the seal envoy's narration, Jiang Xiaobei nodded thoughtfully.

That's it!
Breaking through the tower on the first ten floors increases the amount of energy in the elf's body, and a ray of light here increases the quality of the energy in the elf's body.

This Lost Tower is really a good place!
After waiting for a few more minutes, Mao Xiaodou and the others opened their eyes one after another, with smiles on their faces, and it seemed that they had gained a lot.

Looking at the door leading to the No.11 floor that has been opened in front of him, Jiang Xiaobei said with a smile:

"Let's go!"

Walking into the No.11 floor of the Lost Tower, Jiang Xiaobei discovered that the situation was not quite what he expected.

In front of him, before the door leading to the next floor, there is no longer a stone sculpture as before.

Instead, there are a total of twelve stone sculptures with different shapes, and the elves represented by the stone sculptures are exactly the elves in the twelve spaces in the Temple of Light that Chen Bing told him before.

Ice crystal ancient tooth tiger, water spirit beast, red lotus beast
"The situation is different from before. Does this level allow us to defeat the twelve elves?" Jiang Xiaobei murmured to himself suspiciously, and the situation changed.

On the top, a beam of light shot out from the crystal stone, shining on the red lotus beast among the twelve stone carvings.

Suddenly, a red light appeared, and then in front of the stone carving of the red lotus beast, a red lotus beast exuding light red fluorescence appeared. It was tall and nearly two meters high, and its eyes were comparable to those of the energy body elves on the first ten floors. Said, also a little smart.

As soon as he appeared, he turned his gaze to Jiang Xiaobei's side, and a scorching flame appeared in his right palm, which faintly appeared in the shape of a red lotus.

Jiang Xiaobei hurriedly searched towards the red lotus beast of the same size.

[Elf Name] Energy Body (Red Lotus Beast)

【Elf Level】40
Seeing that there was only level 40, Jiang Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't level 41, everything would be fine.

In the process of his investigation, the Red Lotus Beast had fully charged, and its right palm was raised towards Jiang Xiaobei, and a thick pillar of fire shot out from the center of the red lotus-shaped flame in front of his palm.


Seeing the jet of flames, Jiang Xiaobei didn't need to say anything, the platinum unicorn took a step forward, and soon, a light blue wind barrier that was spinning rapidly appeared in front of them.

The ice crystal barrier on the hood is an ice-type skill, not suitable for blocking fire-type skills.

The flame jet shot at the wind barrier, and the bursting flame was drawn to the surroundings by the fast-flowing wind. The seemingly powerful flame jet failed to break through the wind barrier in the end.

During this process, Jiang Xiaobei didn't let Mao Xiaodou and Platinum Unicorn attack.

He quietly looked at the remaining eleven stone sculptures behind him for a long time, but there was no movement at all.

"Could it be that only after defeating this red lotus beast, will the elves in those stone carvings appear one by one?"

Frowning, thinking about various possibilities, Jiang Xiaobei then gave Mao Xiaodou and Platinum Unicorn an order to get rid of the energy body Red Lotus Beast in front of them as soon as possible.

This No.11 floor is really different from the first ten floors!

Jiang Xiaobei looked at the red lotus beast that was fighting against the capped pocket and the platinum unicorn, feeling a little emotional.

Although the level of the Red Lotus Beast is the same as that of the Frozen Wraith on the tenth floor, no matter in terms of energy strength or combat ability, it is not in the same level.

If the previous Frozen Wraith didn't know anything about combat, then this Red Lotus Beast was a battle-hardened existence, and during the battle, its energy was used very delicately.

It took a lot of effort for the hooded pocket and the platinum unicorn to break up the energy body, the red lotus beast.

The energy body, the red lotus beast, was broken up and turned into four energy balls, which merged into the four bodies of Hood and Xiaodou.

The seal envoy, who was already on the verge of breakthrough, completed the breakthrough in an instant after absorbing this energy ball.

"Ding! Congratulations, your elf seal envoy level has been raised to level 34."

After hearing the system prompt, Jiang Xiaobei smiled slightly, and then looked at the remaining stone sculptures ahead.

But what surprised him was that the stone sculptures didn't move. Instead, the door leading to the No.12 floor behind the stone sculptures slowly opened.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobei was a little surprised. He walked closer and felt it. The door was indeed opened, and he felt very clearly the constant spatial fluctuations on the door.

Turning his head and looking at the twelve stone sculptures that were completely motionless, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't understand why there were twelve stone sculptures in this space since only one energy body elf would appear?

Can't figure it out. Can't figure it out.

Shaking his head, Jiang Xiaobei walked into the No. 12 floor of the Lost Tower with a hood and a pocket.

Standing in the space on the No.12 floor, Jiang Xiaobei looked at the twelve stone sculptures in front of him that were exactly the same as those on the No.11 floor, and said helplessly: "Could it be that the next twelve floors are for us to challenge this Twelve elves of different races?"

Just as he was speaking, three beams of light shot out from the crystal above in the center of the space, shining on three of the twelve stone sculptures, namely the Eternal Night Warrior Dragon, the Bat Prince, and the Rock Armor Lord.

Half a minute later, the energy bodies of three elves appeared in this space, standing together, all eyes were on Jiang Xiaobei who was standing in the front.

Jiang Xiaobei looked at the three level 40 spirit energy bodies and had some guesses in his mind.

These layers seem to be gradually increasing the number of elves, allowing him to challenge.

Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't help turning his attention to the twelve stone sculptures.

Oh my god, if a whole dozen elves charge up together, how can this be fought?
Now with the strength of Hood and Platinum Unicorn, it is okay to deal with three or five level 40 elves at the same time, but if there are more, it will not be able to deal with it.

Twelve, it is estimated that they will not be able to break through until the seal envoy and the magic water bottle also become elite-level elves.

However, looking at the three spirit energy bodies that were about to attack, Jiang Xiaobei felt that it was better to get rid of them first, and then think about what to do next.

 Thanks for the reward of 100 coins from Annan Expedition to the North, and thanks to the book friend 20200706163022995 for the reward of 250 coins

(End of this chapter)

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