My elf is so cute

Chapter 270 Course Selection

Chapter 270 Course Selection
Yongye Zhanlong, Prince Youbat, Lord of Rock Armor.

The attributes are dragon, secluded, and earth. These three attributes happen to be restrained by the hooded pocket and the platinum unicorn.

The ice element restrains the dragon and earth elements, while Prince Youbat's secluded element is also restrained by the platinum unicorn, so although it is two against three, it is not at a disadvantage.

Coincidentally, Jiang Xiaobei also wanted to take this opportunity to try how much Sheng Jie Guangyao restrained the ghost elves during the battle.

Although the energy body of the Ghost Bat Prince on the opposite side is not a real ghost spirit, basically there is not much difference.

Seeing the three elves rushing up, Jiang Xiaobei immediately ordered: "Platinum unicorn, use holy light."

The big head of the platinum unicorn nodded, and then a holy light radiated from his pointed unicorn, shining towards the surroundings.

Being illuminated by the holy light, Jiang Xiaobei felt refreshed both mentally and physically, and his whole body was numb, but at this moment, he ignored his own feelings and looked towards the opposite side.

I saw that under the radiance of the holy radiance, Yongye Zhanlong and the Lord of Rock Armor were fine, but Prince Youbat changed greatly.

The flame of a burning candle on the one on his right hand became flickering and erratic at this moment, and the light emitted from his body also became dimmer.

"It sure has an impact."

Jiang Xiaobei could feel that the energy fluctuations emanating from Prince Youbat's body had dropped a lot.

But this kind of elf energy body should have no feeling, so even if it is affected, the expression on the face still does not change.

The Hood and the Platinum Unicorn went forward, the Hood dealt with the Rock Armor Lord and the Dragon of Eternal Night, and the Platinum Unicorn dealt with Prince Youbat.

After nearly 10 minutes of fighting, in the end, Xiaodou and the platinum unicorn defeated the three spirit energy bodies together.

When the battle was about to end, Jiang Xiaobei put away the seal envoy and the magic water bottle.

Today they have each been upgraded to a level, and it is not suitable to continue absorbing the energy light ball at this time, and it is not good to improve their strength too fast.

Therefore, after the three spirit energy bodies were broken up, they turned into 6 energy balls, which were respectively integrated into the bodies of the hooded pocket and the platinum unicorn.

Feeling the greatly increased energy in the body, Xiaodou felt that if he could absorb the energy light ball like this every day, his strength would improve again in less than a month.

The same goes for the Platinum Unicorn. He feels that he is not far away from breaking through. If he absorbs some energy light balls, he can try to break through.

Listening to the feedback from the two hooded pockets and the Platinum Unicorn, Jiang Xiaobei realized just how strong the No. 1 reward for the freshman assessment was.

Ordinary freshmen of the magic and elf department only have one chance to enter the tower every month, but just this, the speed of elf strength improvement of the students of the magic and elf department far exceeds that of other ordinary colleges and universities.

However, counting the rewards of the three chances per month, Jiang Xiaobei will have four chances to climb the tower every month in his freshman year. This reward is too big.

Fortunately, I grasped this assessment and won the first place.

On the No.13 floor, there are still twelve elf stone sculptures.

This time, the number of spirit energy bodies that appeared was five.

Simultaneously dealing with five powerful elite-level elf energy bodies, Hood and Platinum Unicorn said that it was very difficult for them.

Fortunately, the elf energy body does not possess wisdom like the real elves. After some guidance, the five elves gathered together and were wiped out by the ice and fire spin of the hood.

No.14 floor, six spirit energy bodies.

There was one more floor than the previous one, but it was not a big problem. Using the same method, Jiang Xiaobei and the others broke through the No.14 floor without any risk.

But after reaching the No.15 floor, Jiang Xiaobei's face turned green when he saw a total of twelve spirit energy bodies appearing in front of him.

Do you want to do this?

There were still six on the previous floor, but this floor doubled directly, and all twelve were dispatched!
I won't break in!
Jiang Xiaobei exited the Lost Tower directly through the rear gate very conscientiously.

Let's break through after the Hood and Xiaodou's strength improves a little later, and the seal envoy and the magic water bottle break through to the elite level.

Of course, if you fail to break through by the end of next month, you still have to break through.

Such a good way to improve the strength of elves is not in vain.

At two o'clock in the afternoon that day, the school opened the first round of course selection for the elf department.

There are three rounds of course selection, because I am afraid that some students will be kicked out of the course selection and fail to choose the class.

In the dormitory, Jiang Xiaobei sat on the desk, looked at the computer in front of him, and took the "Modu University Teaching List*Elf Trainer Academy" issued by the school when he enrolled, and prepared to choose courses.

The school stipulates that you can apply for graduation after completing all required subjects and reaching the credits.

In theory, it is possible to graduate early, but there is a certain number of credits that can be taken each semester. If you want to graduate early, you have to study in school for at least three years.

It is now 01:30 in the afternoon, and there is still half an hour before the opening of the course selection channel at two o'clock.

Jiang Xiaobei arranged the class schedule on the course selection assistant in advance.

In the first semester, because there are no grades, whether you can choose to take classes depends on your character.

If a class opened by a certain teacher is very popular, and the number of people enrolled in the class far exceeds the rated number, then the system will randomly select the rated number of students to attend the class, and the rest will be kicked out.

After the first semester, when the grades and grade points come out, it will be much better, and those who rank high can choose to take classes.

"For compulsory courses, there are a full 12 credits in the first semester, and two elective courses, a total of 16 credits will be fine."

One credit corresponds to one credit hour, which means that if a certain course has a total of 2 credits, then every week of this semester, this course will start a two-hour course.

In other words, in the first semester, Jiang Xiaobei only took 16 hours of classes every week.

This is not much, but as elves, they have to spend a lot of time training elves and cultivating elves, so these credits are not too small.

"For elective courses, choose one of the 'Ice Elemental Elf Combat Art' taught by this ice teacher. They are all mixed credits, so it's better to take the ice teacher's class."

After searching for more than 20 minutes, Jiang Xiaobei leaned back on the chair, stretched his waist, and said with a satisfied smile:

"You're done, I'll choose courses later."

At two o'clock, Jiang Xiaobei logged into the course selection website, entered his student number and password, and selected all the courses he had selected on the course scheduling assistant.

Then, click on the number of course candidates and look at the courses you have chosen.

"Well, it's okay. Gan! Why are there so many candidates for Teacher Bing's class?"

Looking at the course 'Ice Elf Combat Art' with a rated number of only 100, the number of people enrolled in this course has reached 257 in a short while, and it is still increasing after a refresh.

Jiang Xiaobei was dumbfounded.

 Thank you for the reward of 2000 coins from the spider who loves cleanliness, the reward of 123 coins from the leader of Annan Expedition to the North, and the reward of 100 coins from the leader of Negative Sword Yu Changan

(End of this chapter)

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