My elf is so cute

Chapter 271 - Lesson 1

Chapter 271 The first lesson of school

"Is this class so popular?"

Before Jiang Xiaobei chose the course, he really didn't expect it to be like this. At this rate of growth, Jiang Xiaobei felt that his hope of being able to take this course was a bit slim.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobei took out his mobile phone, and clicked on the exchange group for elective courses of the Magic University that he added yesterday.

When joining the group, Jiang Xiaobei did not change his remarks, but used his screen name: just be happy.

Just be happy: I want to ask you guys something, why are there so many people enrolled in the course 'Ice Elf Combat Art' opened by Teacher Bing Xinyue Bing?Is there anything special about it?

Within two seconds, someone replied to the message.

Good-for-nothing old salted fish senior: Oh, I just checked the number of students enrolled in the course, and it has exceeded [-]. This year's students are all LSPs (squinting smile)

Just be happy:? ? ?

Good-for-nothing old salted fish senior: Judging by the reaction of my junior, emmm, no, no, it’s not true that someone chooses Teacher Bing’s course with the intention of learning, right?

Good-for-nothing old salted fish senior: Alright, junior, don’t pretend, who doesn’t know that Teacher Bing is as beautiful as a fairy, no matter what she teaches, I want to take her class, if it weren’t for this class only for freshmen, senior I No matter what you say, you have to redo it again.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobei understood a little.

It turned out that so many people who chose courses, except myself, were all LSPs!
Because freshmen are enrolled, the course selection time is relatively tight, so the time for the three rounds of course selection is a bit rushed.

The first round of course selection is from 8:31 pm to 2:6 pm on August [-]st;
The time for the second round of course selection is from 10:9 p.m. of the same day to 1:9 a.m. of the next day, September [-]st;
The time for the third round of course selection is from 9:1 pm to 2:6 pm on September [-]st.

After the three rounds of course selection, starting from Monday, September 9, the freshmen of Shanghai University of Magic officially started the learning process.

Different from most colleges and universities, the military training of the Magic University is not arranged at the beginning of enrollment, but at the end of the freshman year, during the summer vacation of the sophomore year.

The students of the elf department also have military training, and a strong body is something that everyone should have.

I don’t know that it was Bing Xinyue who helped Jiang Xiaobei confirm this course in the teacher’s backstage. Therefore, even in the first round of course selection, the number of people who chose this course reached a terrifying 500, Jiang Xiaobei still chose it. this course.

Other courses were not selected, but they were all selected in the second and third rounds of course selection.

On Monday, September 9nd, classes will officially start.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't arrange classes this morning, so he got up in the morning and ran around the football field of the nearby school twice, had some breakfast, and Jiang Xiaobei returned to the dormitory.

On Monday, he only had a two-hour elective course from [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m.—Elf Evolution.

The teacher who opened this course was a professor from the Elf Cultivator Academy next door.

Originally, this course was also offered to the students of the Elf Cultivator Academy, but the reason why the elective course is called an elective course is that all students in the school can take it, and the teacher will not talk about some deep knowledge in it.

Moreover, for Jiang Xiaobei, this course was not difficult at all.

Jiang Xiaobei had already memorized many academic theorems about elf evolution that needed to be memorized when he was in high school.

The reason why Jiang Xiaobei chose this course is because the teacher of this course is a senior elf cultivator who has a lot of research on elf evolution. Jiang Xiaobei feels that he can learn something from this teacher. thing.

On the other hand, it was because Lin Chuxia also chose this course. When choosing the course, Lin Chuxia specially recommended this course to him.

In college, it should feel good to have acquaintances in class together.

Jiang Xiaobei thought so.

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobei left the dormitory, and walked towards the teaching building with some hesitation.

There is no habit of taking a lunch break here in Shanghai. Jiang Xiaobei, a northerner, is really not used to it.

He took a nap for 10 minutes at noon, and when he went out now, the glaring sun shone on his body, making his whole brain a bit hazy.

If it wasn't for the first class at the beginning of school, Jiang Xiaobei would have thought of skipping the class, returning to the dormitory, getting into the air-conditioned room again, and sleeping on the soft bed.

Hooded and the others were left in the dormitory by Jiang Xiaobei. He just went to a class, and probably returned to the dormitory directly after the class, so there was no need to take them with him all the time.

Instead of letting them stay bored in the Grunt Ball, it is better to let them stay in the dormitory for training.

As for whether they will train?
"Uh, maybe, maybe, maybe, right?" Jiang Xiaobei hesitated, and finally nodded firmly: "At least, the seal envoy will train!"

The course of Elves Evolution Theory is held at DJ108. When Jiang Xiaobei came to the teacher, there were already quite a few people in the classroom.

As soon as he walked in, he saw Lin Chuxia sitting in the seventh row on the left side of the classroom, patted the seat beside him, and raised his hand towards him.

Jiang Xiaobei saw it, nodded with a smile, walked towards Lin Chuxia's position, walked to his side, put down his schoolbag, and sat next to her.

"Why are you sitting here?" After sitting down, Jiang Xiaobei turned his head, looked at Lin Chuxia, and asked with a smile.

Lin Chuxia's eyes sparkled, and she said with a smile, "I heard that Teacher Pang Yun likes to ask questions of the students sitting in front of her in class. In order not to be mentioned by him, I think it's better to sit here."

Jiang Xiaobei listened, and nodded in agreement. The two of them are not very keen on both high grade points. Under such circumstances, it's better to relax.

The two chatted for a while, and 5 minutes before the start of class, a tall, thin, gray-haired old man with a very kind face walked into the classroom with a briefcase on his shoulders.

He walked to the podium, put the briefcase on the desk, raised his head and glanced at the classroom. After seeing the approximate number of people in the classroom, he nodded and took out a list from the briefcase.

After waiting for a few minutes, after the class bell rang, he picked up the loudspeaker on the desk, clipped it to his collar, and then smiled and said to the students in the classroom with the list:
"Hello everyone, my name is Pang Yun. Before class, let's start the most important part of this class, roll call, and let me see who skipped my class in the first class. If not, Teacher Pang, I think I will remember you for a semester."

Pang Yun's speaking style was very humorous. Listening to his words, many people in the class couldn't help smiling.

"Huang Yunfei?"


"That classmate, raise your hand."

Listening to his words, a boy sitting in the last row of the classroom raised his arms.

Pang Yun looked at him and said with a smile: "Huang Yunfei, right? Remember, in my class, no one sits in the last three rows of the classroom. Remember to sit in the front next class."

"Li Peng?"


"Xu Lin?"

"Lin Chuxia?"


When Lin Chuxia's name was clicked, Pang Yun looked at her twice.

He remembered Lin Chuxia. During the freshman entrance examination two days ago, Lin Chuxia was one of the three junior elf cultivators among the freshmen of the Great Demon Elves.

Being able to become a junior elf cultivator before university is considered very good. Therefore, Lin Chuxia also successfully selected a professor as her mentor.

Pang Yun also wanted to accept her as his student at the time, but seeing that his colleagues chose her, he didn't grab her.

After thinking about it for a while, the roll call continued, calling a few more students, and soon, Jiang Xiaobei's name was called.

"Jiang Xiaobei?"

"Here!" Jiang Xiaobei raised his arm and shouted.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobei nod his head, Pang Yun felt a little strange: Hey, why does this name feel so familiar?
 Thank you for the reward of 1500 coins from the spider who loves cleanliness, thank you for the reward of 123 coins from the leader of Annan Expedition to the North, thank you for the reward of 100 coins from the leader of QAQ, thank you for the reward of 600 coins

(End of this chapter)

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