My elf is so cute

Chapter 272 The magic water bottle is about to evolve

Chapter 272 The magic water bottle is about to evolve
I couldn't think of it for a while, so Pang Yun didn't think about it anymore. Now the roll call is on time, and there are still students who haven't been counted yet, so don't delay the business.

After the roll call, he found that the students in the class were not absent. Pang Yun nodded in satisfaction, put the list on the desk, and then opened the PPT with the projector in the classroom.

"I checked the list. The students who chose my course are all freshmen. They have been here for a few days. How do you feel? Is college life comfortable?"

Many students in the audience, including Jiang Xiaobei and Lin Chuxia, had smiles on their faces.

These few days, they lived very comfortably.

"Seeing that you are so comfortable, I am too embarrassed to hit you." Pang Yun continued to speak with a smile, but as soon as he said this, he attracted the attention of many students under the podium.

Hit us, what do you mean?
"Do you know what the graduation requirements are for the students of our Magic University's Elf Department?" Pang Yun asked.

Everyone nodded. They still knew this. A few days ago, at the freshman orientation meeting, the school teacher told them again.

Students of the elf department have some special requirements in addition to completing the credits stipulated by the school.

Trainer Academy students must pass through the first [-] floors of the Lost Tower by themselves before graduation. Those who fail to pass will not be able to obtain a graduation certificate.

Before graduating from the Cultivator Academy, not only must obtain the junior elf Cultivator Qualification Certificate, but also their own strength must not fall behind. They must break through the first twenty floors of the Lost Tower.

Jiang Xiaobei has already broken through the Lost Tower, so he naturally understands the difficulty.

The No. 15th floor has to face a total of twelve elite-level elves, and the follow-up control card will definitely become more and more difficult. It is not easy to break through the first thirty floors.

Pang Yun looked at many students in the audience and nodded, and continued to ask: "Since you know, let me ask a little bit, which of you has broken through the Lost Tower? Do you know the difficulty of breaking through the Lost Tower?"

As he spoke, he picked up the list next to him, glanced at it, and suddenly remembered the familiarity he had just had when he called Jiang Xiaobei, and called directly: "Jiang Xiaobei, come, stand up and answer the question."

Seeing that there were 100 people in the class, Jiang Xiaobei was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that his luck would be so "good". With so many people, the teacher was the first to ask him a question.

And, isn't that the teacher who likes to question the students sitting in the front row?

Jiang Xiaobei stood up, Pang Yun looked at Jiang Xiaobei, walked off the podium, stood in the aisle next to Jiang Xiaobei, and asked with a smile: "It's been a few days since you came to school, have you gone through the lost road?" tower?"

Jiang Xiaobei nodded, "I broke through once."

"Oh." Pang Yun started walking in the aisle, bent his fingers and tapped on the desktop of a boy who was playing with his mobile phone, and then continued to ask Jiang Xiaobei: "What floor did you break into?"

"No.15 floor, but No.15 floor did not break through."


This time, Pang Yun's originally indifferent expression changed. He looked at Jiang Xiaobei and asked, "Fifteenth floor?"

He knows what's on the No.14 floor, and at the same time, facing the attack of a full six elite-level elf energy bodies, he can defeat them, break through, and enter the No.15 floor.

Is this something freshmen can do?
"En." Jiang Xiaobei nodded in response.

Newborn, Lost Tower No.15 Floor, Jiang Xiaobei.
Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed across Pang Yun's mind. In an instant, he thought of why he was familiar with the name Jiang Xiaobei.

Two days ago, my old colleague Zhuang Zhao talked to me about Jiang Xiaobei, who passed the examination of an intermediate elf breeder at a young age and became an elite elf breeder, but such a person did not choose their elf breeder Academy, instead ran to the trainer academy next door.

Not only that, he also won No.1 in the freshman assessment.

Under such circumstances, even if I and others want to transfer him to the Elf Cultivator Academy, it will not work.

Unexpectedly, this Jiang Xiaobei chose his own course.

Various thoughts flashed in his mind, and after thinking for a while, he nodded and continued, "I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobei to be so powerful, so come and tell everyone about the information about the first fifteen floors of the Lost Tower, so that everyone understand understand."

Jiang Xiaobei nodded when he heard the words, and then told the others about the information on the first fifteen floors of the Lost Tower.

Among the many students in the class, most of them are students of the Elf Cultivator Academy. After hearing this, their expressions changed instantly.

Most of the students who choose this elective course are students of the Elf Cultivator Academy, and they are not very keen on elf battles, so after coming to university, they have never thought about how to train elves.

But now, after hearing the information about the No. 15th floor of the Lost Tower that Jiang Xiaobei said, everyone was dumbfounded.

There are 12 elite elves on the fifteenth floor, what should we do on the twentieth floor?
The students of the Trainer Academy all looked at Jiang Xiaobei with some admiration.

As expected of a boss, the existence of the first freshman assessment, our elves have not yet broken through to the elite level, and he can solve six elite-level elves at the same time.

Really no comparison, no harm!
Soon, Pang Yun began to talk about the course information.

"Elves are a special kind of creature. What makes them special is that apart from being able to control powerful unnatural forces, they can evolve!"

"The process of evolution is the process of life transition, and this process is completed in an instant, which is basically impossible for other creatures except elves."

"Before the appearance of elves, evolution also existed in our world. However, this process is gradual, and new traits are produced by genetic mutations. The evolution is slowly completed through natural selection. This process is very long. !"

"However, after the elves reach a certain level of strength, they can instantly realize the body shape and the evolution of life. This situation is not a miracle. Therefore, we, now, will tell you about this miracle in this class. information."

Pang Yun explained the course content to the PPT. Jiang Xiaobei listened, then turned to look at Lin Chuxia, and saw that she was listening to the class seriously, her eyes were shining, and there was a notebook open in front of her.

So serious!

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the bell for the end of get out of class rang on time, and Pang Yun also stopped the lecture in good time.

"Jiang Xiaobei, come here!"

Jiang Xiaobei, who was packing up his things, was taken aback when he heard this, and raised his head to look at Pang Yun, only to see that Pang Yun was also looking at him.

"Go, I'll wait for you at the door of the classroom." Lin Chuxia put the notebook into her small schoolbag, then carried it on her back, and said to Jiang Xiaobei with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobei shrugged helplessly and walked towards Pang Yun.

"Jiang Xiaobei, I've read your paper on the evolution of little unicorns, and it's very well written." Seeing Jiang Xiaobei walk in, Pang Yun said to him with a smile.

"I also know that you are unlikely to transfer to another school. Come on, add me on WeChat, and if you have any questions in the future, feel free to ask me." He then turned on his phone.

After adding WeChat, the two chatted for a while, and then Jiang Xiaobei left.

"What did Teacher Pang Yun talk to you about?" Lin Chuxia stood at the door of the classroom, holding the shoulder straps of her backpack with both hands, and looked at Jiang Xiaobei playfully.

"It's nothing." Jiang Xiaobei smiled, "I just want to talk to me about my elf trainer."

"Understood." Lin Chuxia waved his hands clearly, "Sure enough, Mr. Jiang's reputation has spread among the teachers, and I admire him."

"Do you still have class?" Jiang Xiaobei smiled and shook his head, then asked.

"No, what about you?"

"I'm gone too, let's go back to the dormitory, and I have to prepare dinner for Hood and Xiaodou."

In a blink of an eye, more than 20 days have passed since the start of school at Shanghai Magic University, and there are still a few days before the National Day holiday.

Originally, this National Day holiday, Jiang Xiaobei planned to go out with other people to have fun, or go home to spend time with his parents, but seeing the magic water bottle that has reached level 37, Jiang Xiaobei decided against it the idea.

The magic water bottle evolves into a happy water bottle at level 38. During this period of time, Jiang Xiaobei can only stay in the magic university honestly.

When the magic water bottle feels that he is about to break through, he has to go to Chi Yongrui for help, and let his evil spirit Capricorn help cover up the constellation vision when the magic water bottle evolves.

Before that, Jiang Xiaobei also greeted Chi Yongrui in advance, in case the other party had something to do and happened to be away from school.

If that's the case, Jiang Xiaobei really has no place to cry.

The same water constellation elf, the evil spirit Capricorn is very good to the magic water bottle. In the past 20 days, he has come to the magic water bottle many times and taught him a lot of cultivation knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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