My elf is so cute

Chapter 273 Happy Water Bottle, Water Bottle Space

Chapter 273 Happy Water Bottle, Water Bottle Space

The strength of the magic water bottle can be improved so quickly, in addition to its natural talent, the help given by the evil spirit Capricorn is also a major reason.

Xu Leilei, Lin Chuxia and the others also have arrangements for several National Days, and most of them are preparing to tame their second elf during the National Day.

After Hou Ziming was accepted as a student by Professor Wu Yu, Wu Yu took him to a secret place full of ghost spirits in the magic city, and helped him subdue a very talented ghost spirit, the spirit.

Jiang Xiaobei has seen it, and the talent has reached dark green, which is considered very good.

Xu Leilei had already considered it before, and was going to take in a fire-type pony as his second elf;
The second elf that Xie Xu is going to tame is a crocodile.

He wanted to subdue a fire elf, but Liji's final evolution form, Dazzling Chicken, is a dual-attribute elf of both martial and fire, and the elf's race value is not low, which is a very good choice.

So the two of them are going to participate in an exchange activity arranged by the school, so as to go to Pengcheng K University, obtain the qualification to enter the secret place of Mount Vesuvius, and go to subdue the elves.

Jiang Xiaobei thought, if the magic water bottle can complete the evolution before they set off, then he can follow.

Let's help them choose an elf with higher talent;

Secondly, Jiang Xiaobei is also planning to go to the inside of Mount Vesuvius to take a look at the fire furnace again, to study its principles, and see if there is a chance to build another one.

Lin Chuxia was not in a hurry to subdue the elves. They were members of the Elves Cultivator Academy, and they were not very eager to do so.

She is now trying to accumulate points, and then she can directly subdue the elves in the school's elf breeding base.

September 9th, the day before National Day.

Taking advantage of the last day of this month, Jiang Xiaobei led four elves into the Lost Tower, using up the last chance of this month.

When they just broke through the No.11 floor, Xiao Shui Ping and Xiao Shui Shui suddenly shouted at Jiang Xiaobei with some joy:
"Bottle!" "Shui Shui!"

They feel that they are about to break through!
After Jiang Xiaobei heard this, he was also a little surprised. Without further ado, he led them out of the Lost Tower and went to Chi Yongrui's dean's office.

It's still class time, and Chi Yongrui usually stays in the office.

When seeing Jiang Xiaobei coming, Chi Yongrui understood Jiang Xiaobei's purpose just by looking at his expression, needless to say.

A blue light flashed in his eyes, and Jiang Xiaobei only felt a strong mental wave, and within a minute, he felt the strong pressure from the evil spirit Capricornus outside.

"Let's go."

Chi Yongrui said to Jiang Xiaobei with a smile, and then walked all the way outside the office building.

I saw that the huge evil spirit Capricornus was floating in the air, attracting the attention of many passing students.

Chi Yongrui grabbed Jiang Xiaobei's shoulders, and a strong spiritual force directly took the two of them into the air and flew to the back of the evil spirit Capricornus.

After the two stood still, the water elements around the evil spirit Capricorn instantly gathered, turning into a light blue shield around him, and then the evil spirit Capricorn flew directly towards the east with the two of them.

The stars are flying fast!

Jiang Xiaobei doesn't know what the current speed is, but what is certain is that the current speed is no longer known how many times faster than the speed of sound.

The surroundings became a little quiet, except for the vibrations from under your feet, the sound of your own breathing and that of Chi Yongrui next to you, it seemed that there were no other sounds in the whole world.

Looking at the things that quickly slid backwards around him, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Royal elf, so terrifying!
Soon, the evil spirit Capricorn slowly slowed down, and Jiang Xiaobei could see clearly at this time, they had already reached the depths of the sea, and there were blue oceans in all directions.

"The water element is the most abundant in the ocean, and there are basically no bystanders, so it's here."

Chi Yongrui smiled and said to Jiang Xiaobei, and then, in the body of the evil spirit Capricorn under his feet, a dark blue light spread out from his body, and soon, when the water bottle baby evolved into a magic water bottle, the evil spirit The dark blue beam of light released by Capricorn reappeared here, enveloping them.

Looking at the familiar dark blue beam of light, Jiang Xiaobei took out the Gulu Ball and released the magic water bottle.

When the evil spirit Capricorn released its domain in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, its powerful energy fluctuations and the power of law emitted by the imperial elves instantly attracted the attention of title trainers from various countries around the Pacific Ocean.

In the United States, in a luxuriously decorated villa.

An elegantly dressed white-haired western old man was shaking a goblet in his hand, sipping fine wine. Suddenly, he felt a faint breath of law coming from a distant direction.

Immediately, he disappeared in place out of thin air, and the next second, he appeared in the sky, looking towards the Pacific Ocean, with a faint golden light in his eyes.

"Capricorn breath, what is this eastern pool doing?"

Sakura Country, in a gymnasium.

An old man in samurai uniform was working cross-legged on the smooth wooden floor with his eyes closed. A samurai sword was sealed in a scabbard, floating quietly in front of him.

After feeling the breath of the evil spirit Capricornus, his eyes suddenly opened, and there was a flash of light in them.

A sharp breath instantly filled the entire room.

Soon, he shook his head and slowly closed his eyes again.

As if nothing happened.

"The way is different, it is not suitable to be my opponent."

In a secret place in the Pacific Ocean.

This is a desolate secret place, in a plain, there is no life breath.

In the middle of the plain, there are several thick stone pillars. Ordinary human beings are as small as ants in front of these stone pillars. These stone pillars are somewhat messy and close together.

Below, among the stone pillars, are filled with black withered flowers.

A person was quietly suspended in front of these black flowers, and strands of dark red energy overflowed from the black objects inside the flowers and merged into the person's body.

With the integration of dark red energy, the aura emanating from this person became stronger and stronger.

The space was quiet, and suddenly, the person who had closed his eyes opened his eyes. What is horrifying is that the pupils of this person are blood red!
"The evil spirit Capricorn? The strength is not bad, but, hehe, if the twelve constellation spirits are not gathered together, it is basically useless."

As he spoke, he closed his eyes again and continued to absorb the dark red energy.

And in front of him, among the black withered flowers, there was a weak dragon roar full of anger and tyranny from time to time.

After waiting for 10 minutes, Chi Yongrui breathed a sigh of relief without feeling the aura of other imperial elves coming from around him.

Nobody bothered.

"let's start!"

Jiang Xiaobei nodded, and then let the magic water bottle try to break through.

At this time, the magic water bottle couldn't wait any longer, and began to frantically absorb the water elements that were filling up around it.

Like all rivers and seas, the water in the ocean below is crazily absorbed by the magic water bottle.

After passing through the light blue aperture in front of the magic water bottle, the water was instantly filtered into pure energy, which was absorbed into the magic water bottle.

Jiang Xiaobei waited for about 5 minutes, and finally a system notification sound came from his ear:
"Ding! Congratulations, your elf magic water bottle has been upgraded to level 38."

As the reminder sounded, a dense white evolutionary light appeared around the body of the magic water bottle in front, accompanied by a little bit of starlight.

A water bottle star map also appeared around its body.

"Ding! Congratulations, your magic water bottle has evolved into a happy water bottle."

"Ding! Congratulations to your Elf Happy Water Bottle for comprehending the secret technique, Water Bottle Space."

After waiting for a long time, as the light of evolution dissipated, the figure of Xiaoyao Aquarius was revealed, and the star map of Aquarius around him was also integrated into his body amidst the starlight.

"Water bottle space?" Hearing the name of this secret technique, Jiang Xiaobei was a little curious, and instantly clicked on the system's introduction to this secret technique.

[Water bottle space] The free water bottle opens up a space inside the bottle, which can store items. The size of the space increases with the strength of the free water bottle.

Jiang Xiaobei: (`д')
"Could it be that this is the legendary storage space?"

 Thank you for the reward of 1500 coins from the boss who loves cleaning, thank you to the book friend 20171112225201465 for the reward of 100 coins, thank you to the boss of Hanjiang YWY for the reward of 100 coins, and thank you to the boss of Qingruo Qingfeng for the reward of 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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