My elf is so cute

Chapter 275 Red Golden Flame

Chapter 275 Red Golden Flame

After Li Xuanfeng communicated with the relevant person in charge of K University, soon, the relevant person in charge came to lead them to the secret place of Mount Vesuvius.

Entering Mount Vesuvius again, the billowing heat wave rushed towards us, mixed with the billowing sulfur smell. After entering again, many students from the Demon University immediately frowned and covered their mouths and noses.

Jiang Xiaobei and the others had been here before, so they were mentally prepared in advance, and their expressions didn't change much.

The person in charge of K University left after distributing some necessary protective equipment to them.

Standing in front of everyone, Li Xuanfeng raised his voice and said:

"Gather here at [-]:[-] p.m. Everyone pay attention to safety, stay away from magma, and send out a distress signal as soon as possible in case of danger. Well, that's all I want to say. Let's move around freely."

As he said that, he released a huge sonic dog, which rode on his back, and then the sonic dog ran straight into the distance.

Jiang Xiaobei looked at Sonic Dog and Senior Li Xuanfeng who quickly disappeared into the distance, and blinked.

"It's hidden deep!"

Although the sonic dog was full of restraint, it was difficult to see its true strength just from its appearance, but it certainly couldn't trouble Jiang Xiaobei.

During his investigation, the sonic dog's level was as high as level 51, a proper professional level elf.

And Jiang Xiaobei had inquired before that among all the students of the Elf Trainer Academy in the school, there were no more than [-] who could reach the level of a professional trainer.

I really didn't expect that the person who came to lead them to participate in this mission was a senior who was ranked high in the school.

After Senior Li Xuanfeng left, Jiang Xiaobei and a group of people also dispersed separately.

Jiang Xiaobei and the others did not choose to enter the volcano from the Vesuvius crater, but searched for signs of Keliji in the surrounding mountains.

Keli chickens generally don't live in slightly dark caves.

Within 5 minutes of searching, Jiang Xiaobei and the others met three Keli chickens, they formed a circle, sat and rested, and when they saw Jiang Xiaobei and the others approaching, they immediately stood up and looked at Jiang Xiaobei vigilantly. North them.

Xie Xu looked at the three standing chickens, and immediately turned his head to look at Jiang Xiaobei.

In this world, although it is impossible to quantify the talent of elves like the system, and have an accurate measurement method, general elf trainers can judge the approximate talent of an elf through observation and combined with their own experience .

Therefore, this is also the reason why when they choose the second elf, they hope that Jiang Xiaobei will follow and help.

Jiang Xiaobei took a glance, the talents were orange, orange, and yellow.

Seeing such talent, he instantly lost interest and shook his head at Xie Xu.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobei shaking his head, Xie Xu's anticipation disappeared in an instant, and the three of them stopped paying attention to the three standing chickens and continued walking forward.

Along the way, I met a lot of chickens, but the talents were all orange, yellow and the like, and I didn't meet a single elf who had reached the green talent.

This situation was also within Jiang Xiaobei's expectation, the green level talent is considered very good, it is really not something that can be encountered casually.

After searching for more than two hours, Jiang Xiaobei and the others finally met a Keli chicken whose talent reached the green level.

However, this crocodile lives in a crocodile group, and the leader is a dazzling chicken that has reached level 39.

After helping to find the elf with excellent talent, Jiang Xiaobei will not be busy with the rest. Whether he can subdue the Keli chicken depends on Xie Xu himself.

Twenty minutes later, after Xie Xu's little fire monkey defeated the leader of the Dazzling Chicken, the Keli chicken was abducted by Xie Xu with a look of admiration.

Looking at Keli Chicken next to Xie Xu, Xu Leilei was a little envious.

This guy Xie Xu has subdued the elf in less than half a day, and he doesn't know when he will find it.

But the fact is exactly what Xu Leilei thought, the three of them searched for six o'clock in the afternoon from noon, but they couldn't find it, so they had to go back to gather.

However, their exchange mission lasted for three days, so they didn't find it on the first day, so they were not in a hurry.

The next day, the three of them headed straight into the interior of Vesuvius at first.

They kept searching outside the volcano yesterday, but failed to find it. Today they changed their search location.

Before coming in, Xu Leilei bought some food specially made for elves like pony foals in advance. If they can meet them, they can increase the possibility of subduing them.

Their luck was good today, and they found a foal in a cave inside Mount Vesuvius.

The talent has also reached the level of light green.

After Xu Leilei spent a lot of effort, he managed to subdue him.

So far, both Xie Xu and Xu Leilei have successfully subdued the elves they expected, and Jiang Xiaobei can also go about his own affairs.

Separated from the two, after searching for a while, relying on his strong memory ability, Jiang Xiaobei successfully found the original passage.

After more than half a year, it seems that nothing has changed here. There are still a group of white-haired lazy people lying lazily in front of the cave entrance. Jiang Xiaobei directly walked into the cave where the Sleepy King is.

The sleepy king, whose strength reached the professional level, squinted his eyes when he saw Jiang Xiaobei, thought about it, and then recognized Jiang Xiaobei, and gave up his position without testing him again.

Jiang Xiaobei successfully entered the Vesuvius mantle and came to the huge fire furnace.

When he came here for the first time, Jiang Xiaobei actually didn't dare to look closely at the fire furnace because he was afraid of being burned by its scorching heat.

But now, with the protection of the fire-type badge, Jiang Xiaobei no longer fears the high-temperature airflow from the fire-type furnace.

After approaching and observing around, Jiang Xiaobei could see:
In front of the fire furnace, there is a huge window made of transparent material of unknown material. Through this window, one can see the raging flames inside.

The quality of the flames in it was extremely high, emitting a golden light. Even with the protection of the fire badge, Jiang Xiaobei could faintly feel the scorching heat.

Beside the window, there is a handle through which the window can be opened.

When super-evolving, those fire elves probably entered it through this window.

Below the window, there is a bayonet with some introductions of Locke engraved on it. Jiang Xiao translated it and understood the meaning.

This bayonet is used to put super-evolution props such as flame glass, flame orb, and flame diamond.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobei released the Xiaoyao water bottle, and asked him to take out the three props he had prepared before, and then took them back.

In such a scorching space, it's really not suitable for a water-type elf in Xiaoyao Aquarius to stay here.

Then he released the hood.

As soon as the hood came out, she felt the uncomfortable burning sensation around her, and immediately switched to the form of fire, feeling much better in an instant.

This is also the reason why Jiang Xiaobei summoned Xiaodou.

Jiang Xiaobei let the hood back, then took out a flame diamond, put it in the prop bayonet, and then stepped back instantly to watch its changes from a distance.

I saw that the flame diamond instantly entered the fire furnace, and the entire fire furnace emitted a strong light.

Below, where the fire-type furnace connects to the magma, the surrounding magma frantically gathers towards this side, turning into billowing fiery red energy fluctuations and converging towards the fire-type furnace above.

Through the transparent window, Jiang Xiaobei saw that the flame diamond slowly rose to the center of the furnace.

The diamond material wrapped around it was slowly melted away, and the flames appeared in the furnace, and instantly absorbed the surrounding golden flames like a whale, and gradually transformed into red golden flames.

(End of this chapter)

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