My elf is so cute

Chapter 276 Magic Flame Instant Strike

Chapter 276 Magic Flame Instant Strike
As the flame was absorbed, the red-golden flame burned more and more intensely, and eventually the entire inner wall of the fire-element furnace was filled with this red-golden flame.

Jiang Xiaobei immediately went to investigate the red-golden flames in the fire furnace.

【Evolution Holy Fire*Holy】Holy fire that contains the power of evolution. After reaching level 60, the dazzling chicken can absorb this fire and super-evolve into a gentleman chicken after becoming a king-level elf.

Evolution flame? !
It turns out that the small flame in the flame diamond is called the Holy Flame of Evolution.

Jiang Xiaobei blinked, looked at the flame of evolution burning in the furnace of the fire system, thought for a while, and resisted the urge to go out and grab a dazzling chicken and throw it in.

Since the system said that you have to reach the level of a heavenly king to super-evolve, there must be a reason for it, so you should stop making random killings.

The red-gold flame of evolution burned for about 10 minutes in the fire furnace, but because there was no carrier, it finally extinguished slowly.

After the fire furnace completely returned to normal, Jiang Xiaobei stepped forward again, took out the flame orb, and put it in the bayonet.

The Flame Orb is a super-evolved prop for the three elves, Sonic Dog, Flame Ape, and Blazing Dragon.

Basically similar to the situation just now, after the flame orb was sucked into the fire furnace, the outer protective layer slowly melted, revealing the small flames inside.

The small flame slowly absorbed the surrounding flames and grew stronger. Finally, the entire cavity of the fire-type furnace was filled with bright red flames, filled with a magnificent and vast aura.

[Evolution Holy Fire*Ming] The holy fire that contains the power of evolution, the fire flying dragon, the sonic dog, and the flame ape reach level 60. After becoming a king-level elf, they can absorb this fire and achieve super evolution.

Jiang Xiaobei thought about it, and finally put a piece of flame glass into the fire furnace.

For him now, it is not difficult to obtain a flame glass whose true value has not been discovered, but try to experiment.

However, when he put the flame glass into it, and saw the burning dark red flame filled with bursting breath, the small hood on the side reacted.

Hood felt that the flames burning in the big furnace in front of her made her feel very friendly, as if there was something in it that was attracting her, making her unconsciously walk towards the fire furnace.

Jiang Xiaobei had been paying attention to the flames in the fire-type furnace, but he didn't notice the reaction and situation of the small pocket behind him.

At this moment, he couldn't help but nodded when he saw the message of the dark red flame in the furnace in front of him.

[Evolution Holy Fire*Explosion] The Holy Fire contains the power of evolution. After the Vulcan reaches level 60 and becomes a Heavenly King-level elf, he can absorb this fire and super-evolve into the God of War.

Looking at this situation, it should be that an elf can achieve super evolution after becoming a king-level elf.

I just don't know, is it because the strength has been achieved, or because the king-level elves have come into contact with the law?

Jiang Xiaobei shook his head, unable to judge!
When he shook his head, out of the corner of his eye, he saw behind him that the little hood was walking step by step, turned his head, and said:
"Xiaodou, don't rely on that. Xiaodou? What's wrong with you?" Sensing that something was wrong with the small pocket, Jiang Xiaobei immediately walked towards the small pocket.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Hoodou suddenly accelerated his speed, passed Jiang Xiaobei directly, rushed to the side of the fire furnace, stretched out his hand and opened the furnace window.

In an instant, the dark red flames poured out, rushing directly towards the small hood.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Xiaobei rushed forward and released the fire badge without any hesitation, blocking it between the fire furnace and the hood.

As soon as the fire badge came out, the raging dark red flames shrank back instantly like a mouse meeting a cat, and returned to the fire furnace.

However, Jiang Xiaobei's movements were still a little slower, and a small ball of dark red flames still melted into her body through the forehead of the hood.

Hood Xiaodou passed out after the evolution flame entered his body.

But even though he was dizzy, his little brows were still wrinkled, with a look of pain on his face, clusters of flames emerged around his body, and the color of the flames was all dark red.

"How could this be?"

Jiang Xiaobei frowned, looking at the painful expression on the hat, he also felt very uncomfortable.

Why did Hood suddenly rush to the fire furnace to absorb this evolutionary flame?
Why are the two evolution flames all right?
Will there be any problems for Hood to absorb the evolution flame?

Jiang Xiaobei couldn't think of any solution for a while, but he still walked to the side of the hood, picked up the fire badge and stuck it on the forehead of the hood.

The fire emblem represents the power of fire, is in charge of fire, and is also the nemesis of fire.

The scene where the fire badge forced back the dark red flame just now also proved that this evolutionary holy fire is also afraid of the fire badge, so with the fire badge suppressing it, the hood and pocket should be better.

Sure enough, after the fire badge was attached to the forehead of the small hood, the dark red flames around his body gradually decreased a lot.

Jiang Xiaobei stood by Mao Xiaodou's side, always paying attention to the changes in Mao Xiaodou's body.

After a full 10 minutes, the dark red flames around Hood's body completely disappeared, and at the same time, a system notification sounded in Jiang Xiaobei's ears.

"Ding! Congratulations, your elf hooded doll has been upgraded to level 43."

"Ding! Congratulations to your elf hooded doll for comprehending the skill Magic Flame Instant Strike."

Hood is fine, and the level has been raised, which is a surprise.

But comprehending the skill of Magic Flame Instant Strike, this is not a surprise, but a fright.

What is Magic Flame Instant Strike?
The signature skill of the Raging God of War is extremely powerful, and every time it is released, it can also increase its own magic attack power, a proper magical skill!

Don't mention the level, the cap is not the god of fire, how can you still comprehend this skill?

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobei raised his eyebrows suddenly as if he had thought of something, and had some guesses in his mind.

When Hood was born, he had mastered the skill of thermal bombs. Just now, he had a special reaction to the evolutionary holy fire in the flame glass, and he was able to comprehend the signature skill of the God of Fire, Magic Flame Instant Strike.

It is estimated that Hood Xiaodou's father is really a Vulcan.

However, no matter what, it seems that it is a good thing now.

After mastering this magic fire skill, Hoo Xiaodou's comprehensive combat ability can be directly increased by nearly [-]%!

Mao Xiaodou opened his eyes and saw himself lying in Jiang Xiaobei's arms, he was a little puzzled, didn't he stand behind just now, why did he come here suddenly?
Moreover, it seems that something has changed in my body, and there are more information in my mind.

Looking at the puzzled look on Hoo Xiaodou's face, obviously unable to remember what happened just now, Jiang Xiaobei immediately covered his forehead helplessly.

This silly girl has such a big heart!
 Thank you, are you happy? The 100 coin reward

(End of this chapter)

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