My elf is so cute

Chapter 277 All Elite Level, Final Practical Assessment Task

Chapter 277 All Elite Level, Final Practical Assessment Task

Watching the hood release a dark red fireball with a diameter of more than one meter, passing like a meteor, quickly falling into the magma in the distance, splashing waves of magma, terrifying energy fluctuations came, making Jiang Xiaobei's body couldn't help shaking.

"Gulu." Jiang Xiaobei swallowed unconsciously.

Is this the power of the instant strike of the magic flame?
In terms of power, it feels that it is not much better than the Ice and Fire Spin. Moreover, the power storage time is extremely short, and the attack speed is also very fast.

Apart from the shortcoming of excessive consumption, this skill is simply a perfect nirvana for the current Hood.

The little hood stopped releasing energy a little tiredly. Just now, it directly consumed [-]% of the energy in her body, which was too much.

Jiang Xiaobei thought for a while, and prepared to leave here.

This time, it can be regarded as confirming something, and Hood Xiaodou has also reaped great benefits, but it is a bit thrilling.

As for the fire furnace, let's not talk about other problems, it's just its volume. With the current volume of the water bottle space of the Xiaoyao water bottle, it is still impossible to hold it, let alone take it away.

Holding the small hand in the hood, one person and one elf returned the same way, and finally flew out of Vesuvius crater on a platinum unicorn, leaving this secret place.

The next time I come, it should be the day to take away the fire furnace.

After the exchange activities were over, Jiang Xiaobei and other students from the Demon University returned to the Demon City under the leadership of Li Xuanfeng.

The National Day holiday ended soon, and Jiang Xiaobei and the others returned to campus life.

Every day after class, except for eating, Jiang Xiaobei would take the four elves to the corresponding training place of the Demon University.

Hood Xiaodou is in the ice elf training ground, Ice Crystal Valley, which was originally a training ground built by Ice King Chen Bing's imperial-level ice crystal ancient tooth tiger with the power of the law of ice.

Although it is not as good as the Ice Crystal Space, it is also very helpful in improving the strength of the ice elves. Hoodou can only enter the Ice Crystal Space on weekends to practice for a day, and usually has to go to the Ice Crystal Valley.

The seal envoy has not yet evolved into an ancient war dragon. At this time, it only has the attribute of dragon. After it evolves into an ancient war dragon, it will become an elf with dual attributes of dragon and martial.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobei now just took him to the school's training place for dragon elves - the Dragon Cave.

There are many dragon elves gathered in the Dragon Cave, and the strongest one is a field king level, that is, a dragon elf of more than 70 levels, the Scarlet Flame Flying Dragon.

Its trainer was also a teacher of the Demon University at the beginning, but later the trainer died of illness, and the red flame flying dragon was guarded in the dragon cave of the Demon University.

In the seal messenger, you can find many opponents to fight, hone your fighting skills, and improve your fighting ability.

Xiaoyao Aquarius now finds the evil spirit Capricorn by himself when he is free. With the help of the evil spirit Capricorn, the imperial elf, it is more useful than going to any other practice places.

The Platinum Unicorn went to the Valley of the Wind.

The Valley of the Wind is another secret place in the Magic University. It was originally an ordinary canyon. Later, the school of the Magic University carried out some modifications in it, making the hurricane in the canyon unceasing.

Although it is hard for the wing elves to cultivate in it, as long as they persevere, the benefits they can get are definitely not small.

In this way, another 20 days or so passed, and the strength of Xiaoyao Aquarius made another breakthrough. The level reached level 40, and the breakthrough became an elite level elf.

After breaking through to the elite level, all the strengths of Xiaoyao Aquarius have been greatly improved.

First of all, the volume of its water bottle space has increased a lot, directly increasing the volume by nearly ten cubic meters.

The speed of condensing the water of life in the Jingling water area has also increased a lot. At the same time, after some experiments, Jiang Xiaobei found that the effect of the water of life condensed from the Xiaoyao water bottle has also increased a little.

Xiaoyao Aquarius is currently defined as an auxiliary spirit in the team, but it does not mean that its combat ability is not strong.

As the only Aquarius elf in the world, even if he is not a fighting elf, his combat power should not be underestimated.

He has also learned all kinds of powerful attacking skills of the water system. At the same time, the secret skill Starlight Guardian is also extremely defensive. If Hood and Xiaodou don't use all his strength, he will really be unable to deal with Xiaoyao Water Bottle for a while.

At the end of November, nearly three months before the evolution, the seal envoy finally broke through to the elite level.

It is almost a month slower than Xiaoyao Aquarius.

But Jiang Xiaobei didn't feel too surprised. After all, the talent of Xiaoyao Aquarius is too good, and there are imperial elves who have been guiding and helping, so it's not surprising that he is unhappy.

Now, the level of the seal envoy has reached level 40, and the strength of the other elves has also been greatly improved.

The Hood is now level 44, and it has been raised by another level since it came out of the Vesuvius mystery;
The platinum unicorn level is 42, and the level improvement is much faster than before, mainly because of the effect of the lost tower.

Although they haven't really broken through the No. 15th floor of the Lost Tower, the energy light balls on the first fourteen floors have greatly increased the level of the Platinum Unicorn.

Every time you finish the tower, it is equivalent to ten days of practice. Four times a month, it is equivalent to more than one month of practice time out of thin air, and the speed of level improvement is naturally much faster.

Happy water bottle level 41.

So far, Jiang Xiaobei's four elves have all reached the elite level.

Now, his comprehensive strength is already stronger than most of the sophomores. Many sophomores only have two elite-level elves, and a few have three elite-level elves.

As for Jiang Xiaobei, there are currently four Elites.

After the seal envoy broke through to the elite level, Jiang Xiaobei was also ready to break into the Lost Tower again.

Xiaoyao Aquarius, the strength of the seal envoy has been improved, and he can help share the pressure. In this way, the probability of success will be greatly increased if the caps and pockets are defeated one by one and the twelve elite-level elf energy bodies are defeated.

However, before going to break into the tower, Jiang Xiaobei had to do one more thing.

That is the choice of the final assessment task.

Jiang Xiaobei looked at the school calendar, the winter vacation of the Magic University today happens to be after New Year's Day, after New Year's Day, you can have a holiday.

The two weeks before the holiday is exam week.

The two-week exam week, the first week is for the exams of the courses you have studied this semester. All written exams and practical assessments must be completed within the first week.

The second week is to complete the final practical assessment arranged by the school.

At the Elf Cultivator Academy, from what Lin Chuxia said, it seems that an elf cultivation project is completed, and the school randomly selects the project, which is not too difficult for Lin Chuxia, who has passed the assessment of a junior elf cultivator.

As for their Elf Trainer Academy, the academy offers three programs:

The first one is to go to the secret place of Thunder Canyon and help the staff of the school's elf breeding base capture a certain number of electric elves and bring them back to school.

The second one is to go to the secret place of Gaoligong Mountain, collect Gaoligong mountain ginseng, and hand it over to the school.

The third one is to go to Yunyan Taoyuan in the mysterious place of Xuanyu Island, and assist the staff of the school's elf breeding base to capture a certain number of cute mice and bring them back to the school.

For these three practical assessments, students randomly select one, and the results will be obtained according to the completion of the assessment.

At the same time, the school will also give certain points rewards for these tasks in the assessment.

Today, the practice assessment selection channel will be opened, Jiang Xiaobei needs to think ahead, which task he wants to choose.

 Thank you for the reward of 100 coins, Mr. Mo, next door, for the reward of 200 coins, Mr. Chen Fuzi for the reward of 100 coins, and Mr. Hanjiang YWY for the reward of 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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