My elf is so cute

Chapter 278 Passing through the 5th Floor of the Lost Tower

Chapter 278 Breaking Through the No.15 Floor of the Lost Tower
Among these three projects, Jiang Xiaobei mainly prefers the third project.

Just take this opportunity to enter the secret realm of Xuanyu Island and find out information about the evolution plan of Quack.

Although Jiang Xiaobei wanted to take a look at the secret realms where the other two projects were located, he could enter these two secret realms whenever he had time.

However, Xuanyu Island can't do it. Usually, the mystery of Xuanyu Island is blocked. If you want to apply for entry, if you have nothing to do with it, the possibility of passing the application is extremely low.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't want to miss this opportunity, so after some not-so-difficult thinking, he decided to choose the third assessment item.

When the online channel opened at two o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobei quickly logged on to the website in the dormitory and selected the third assessment item.

Each of these three assessment items has a limited quota. If the number of applicants for the assessment item you want to choose is full, you can only choose other assessment items.

After the registration was completed, Jiang Xiaobei checked and made sure there was nothing wrong with it, then he got up and packed his things, ready to set off for the Lost Tower.

There is no class this afternoon, and it is the end of the month, and there is still one chance to break into the tower, so I just went for a break.

Walking all the way to the secret place of the Lost Tower, and entering it, the inside is still very lively, many students are surrounded by it, or waiting in line to break into the tower, or waiting for friends to break out from the Lost Tower.

They were discussing enthusiastically who had broken through which floor of the Lost Tower, what changes had taken place in the leaderboard in the Lost Tower, and several dark horses came out again.

Every time Jiang Xiaobei passed by the stone tablet showing the ranking list for breaking the tower, he would glance at it, and this time was no exception.

The top ten on the ranking list are still the ten seniors and sisters he saw when he first came here, nothing has changed.

Senior Li Xuanfeng who led them to the secret place of Mount Vesuvius before was ranked No.15 in the rankings. He didn't pay much attention to it before. It was only after that exchange event that Jiang Xiaobei began to pay attention to this senior.

After taking a look, Jiang Xiaobei stopped paying attention and walked towards the direction of the Lost Tower.

Those on these rankings basically passed the first 15 floors of the Lost Tower. Now that I haven't even passed the No. [-] floor, I don't want to pay attention to the above things for the time being.

After queuing for a while, when he arrived, he went through the relevant formalities. Jiang Xiaobei took his pass and strode towards the majestic and towering Lost Tower in front of him.

During this time, Jiang Xiaobei also asked his seniors about the Lost Tower.

On the 11th to 20th floors, the spirits that appear are all the energy bodies of the twelve kinds of spirits, but they are divided into five floors with two different levels of difficulty.

The 11th to 15th floors are the increase in the number of simple elves, although on the No.15 floor, there are a total of 12 elf energy bodies.

However, these elf energy bodies are fighting on their own, without the concept and means of cooperation, so it is not difficult.


Individual strength is the same.

However, the elf energy bodies here know how to cooperate with each other, thus exerting a stronger fighting ability, so it is difficult to pass.

After passing through these ten floors, the next ten floors are not difficult to pass.

However, the difficulty lies in the fact that among the ten floors, it is very difficult for many people to pass the 20th floor in their senior year.

Jiang Xiaobei's goal this time is to pass the No.15 floor, and then feel the difficulty of the next few floors.

For the Lost Tower, if you pass through the previous tower floor, you can directly choose to enter the floor you didn't pass through at the beginning, so you don't need to work hard to break through the previous tower floor.

However, the energy light ball transformed by the energy body of the first fourteen layers of elves, after absorbing it, is not a small gain, and Jiang Xiaobei naturally does not intend to waste it.

Moreover, the energy consumed during the battle can be made up by absorbing the energy light sphere, so there is no need to worry about being unable to pass through the back due to excessive consumption in the front.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobei took the four elves and rushed up one floor after another. When he reached the No. 15 floor, almost an hour had passed.

Lost Tower No.15 floor.

On the opposite side, there was a whole row of twelve elves, while on his side, there were only four elves.

But this time, Jiang Xiaobei was full of confidence, nodded to the four elves, and they rushed straight up.

In the process of running, the platinum unicorn immediately released the secret technique, holy and shining.

Under the radiance of the holy radiance, Prince Youbat and the little devil Loki on the opposite side were instantly suppressed, and the strength he could display was less than [-]%.

Xiaoyao Water Bottle also instantly released the control skill - Waterfall Climbing.

Around the twelve elves, the water elements released from the Xiaoyao water bottle gathered together, forming waves of water, thinking of the twelve elves in the middle, they slapped away.

The power is not strong, but Xiaoyao Aquarius is not thinking of hurting the opponent with this, but restricting them.

At this time, the small hood behind launched a powerful attack.

Above the head, a fiery red circular magic circle emerged, spinning at high speed, and then a giant dark red fireball quickly shot out of it, blasting towards the positions of the twelve elves.

Magic Flame Instant Strike!

Because of the impact of climbing the waterfall in the water bottle just now, the twelve elves hadn't left their place. At this time, they felt the powerful energy fluctuations from the instant hit of the magic flame, and they all forcefully reopened the impact of climbing the waterfall, and hid around.

But the magic flame's instant attack speed is extremely fast, and they are all crowded together, it is not easy to dodge.

Unable to dodge in time, most of the elves immediately released body protection skills, while elves without self-protection skills could only gather energy and resist hard.


There was a loud bang, and then, a dazzling light flashed, Jiang Xiaobei squinted his eyes and looked ahead.

I don't know how many of them can be solved this time?

Just now, the Magic Flame Instant Strike directly consumed half of the energy in Hood's body. If this wave can eliminate more than four elves, the next fight will be easy, otherwise, it will be very difficult.

The light slowly dissipated, revealing the scene within.

I saw that there were only seven elves left, five elves disappeared, and in the open space next to them, there were a total of 20 energy light balls exuding various energy brilliance.

These energy light spheres did not fly directly towards them like the energy light spheres in the previous layers, but stayed quietly in place.

Jiang Xiaobei was not surprised by this either. He also went through the No.15 floor before and discovered that if he could not completely defeat all the energy bodies of the elves, the energy light balls here would not be absorbed.

The five elves that disappeared were Ice Crystal Ancient Tooth Tiger, Mr. Drill, Gold Wing Mantis, Little Demon Loki, and Prince Ghost Bat.

These five elves were either restrained by the fire element or affected, unable to exert their full strength, and were naturally wiped out in one fell swoop.

The remaining seven elves were also consumed a lot, their bodies were covered with scars, and their strength was severely weakened.

Then, with the joint efforts of Hood and the other four elves, the remaining seven elves were also eliminated and turned into 28 energy light spheres, which, together with the previous 20 energy light spheres, merged into the bodies of the Hood and their four elves. in vivo.

At the same time, ahead, the space gate leading to the 16th floor of the Lost Tower also slowly opened.

 Thank you Jiangxin Miwuqi for the reward of 100 coins, and thank you Ye Wanfeng for the reward of 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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