My elf is so cute

Chapter 280 Departure to Xuanyu Island

Chapter 280 Departure to Xuanyu Island

Seeing the situation of the other party, Hoo Xiaodou smiled.

Isn't this a living target?
Immediately cancel the release of the ice whirlwind, and directly release the magic flame instant strike.

A giant fireball fell from the sky, passed through the remaining white mist, and landed precisely on the khaki shield.

With a loud bang, followed by a billowing heat wave spreading towards the surroundings, the remaining white mist was instantly dissipated, revealing the scene inside.

At this time, the rock armor lord is somewhat reluctantly maintaining the output of energy, maintaining the khaki shield, resisting the attack of the magic flame's instant strike.

The giant dark red fireball impacted the slightly dim khaki mask below. The huge impact made the range of the khaki mask smaller and smaller. Finally, when it reached a certain zero point, it was accompanied by a crackling sound. , the khaki mask directly shattered.

The moment the mask shattered, Jiang Xiaobei was a little surprised that Lord Rock Armor jumped up immediately after the mask shattered, using his body to catch the magic flame's instant attack.


With the last roar of the rock armor lord, his body was shattered little by little under the instant attack of the magic flame, and finally turned into four khaki energy light balls, which fell to the ground.

However, the magic flame instant strike also consumes light energy at this time and dissipates.

After the Lord of Rock Armor dissipated, Jiang Xiaobei turned his attention to the Red Lotus Beast.

At this time, the red lotus beast condensed a giant flame red lotus in front of it, spinning slowly.

When Jiang Xiaobei looked at him, he also cast his eyes on Jiang Xiaobei, then raised his hands, and the flaming red lotus slowly floated in Jiang Xiaobei's direction.

Looking at the flaming red lotus, Jiang Xiaobei felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, and there was a terrifying feeling in his heart, and his mental power was always giving him warnings.

The hooded pocket also looked at the red lotus solemnly, without Jiang Xiaobei needing to say much, he mobilized the remaining energy in his body, released another instant strike of magic flame, and blasted towards the flaming red lotus.

Feeling the two powerful energy fluctuations here, the seal envoy, who was still fighting fiercely with the Yongye Zhanlong, stepped back a little distance in an instant, and looked towards this side.

I saw that the magic flame instant strike and the flame red lotus collided in midair.

It seemed to be quiet for a moment, and then a deafening roar sounded, and terrifying energy fluctuations instantly spread towards the surroundings.

The energy in Hood's body was exhausted because of releasing this magic flame instant strike, and he fell to the ground weakly. Jiang Xiaobei walked over and hugged it in his arms. The Platinum Unicorn stood in front of them and released The guardian of the wind protects them.

But the red lotus beast no longer has the rock armor lord to guard him. It had already consumed almost all of its energy to release the flame red lotus, and it was already weak. It is four fiery red energy light balls.

Next, the Platinum Unicorn assisted in sealing the envoy and defeated the Eternal Night Dragon in one fell swoop. The three elves were all defeated, turned into energy light balls, and merged into the bodies of the four of them.

Under the action of the energy light ball, the energy that had been exhausted by the hood was recovered again. After a short rest, one person and four elves stepped into the No. 18 floor of the Lost Tower.

Five elves appeared on the No.18 floor, and six elves appeared on the No.19 floor. These elves cooperated very well, and they were extremely powerful in combat, posing a great threat to Hood and the others.

In the end, with Jiang Xiaobei's own assistance, they managed to defeat the six elves on the No.19 floor, passed this level, and entered the No.20 floor.

However, facing the cooperation of a full twelve elite elves, Hood and the others had no choice but to stop here.

After finishing the last question on the test paper in a snap, Lin Chuxia opened it and looked at the previous questions. After checking that there were no mistakes, she picked up the test paper, stood up, walked to the podium and handed the test paper on it.

Pang Yun, who was standing in front of the podium, glanced at Lin Chuxia, then put away her test papers and arranged them in a pile of test papers according to their serial numbers.

His general course on elf evolution theory is scheduled to be taken at the end of the exam week, so that students have more time to review, and it seems that the exam is not bad.

Lin Chuxia picked up the schoolbag placed in front of the classroom, carried it on her shoulders, walked out of the classroom door, glanced around, and saw Jiang Xiaobei who was looking at his phone on the seat next to the self-service coffee machine not far away.

She stepped forward and patted Jiang Xiaobei on the shoulder.

Jiang Xiaobei looked up, saw that it was Lin Chuxia, stood up with a smile, and asked, "It's done? How do you feel?"

"It's okay, it's not too difficult."

While the two were walking towards the outside of the teaching building, Jiang Xiaobei turned to look at Lin Chuxia and said, "Have you started working on your final project?"

Lin Chuxia nodded and said: "It has been started a long time ago. This project is not difficult. I am also a junior elf cultivator. Although I am not as talented as you, Jiang, this small project is not difficult for me."

Jiang Xiaobei shook his head with a smile after hearing this, and said, "I'm envious of you, it's fine to do projects at school, we have to go to the secret place."

"It's okay, I'll wait for you, when the time comes, let's go back to Xiangcheng together." Lin Chuxia said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobei nodded.

In a blink of an eye, more than 15 days have passed since the last time I broke through the No. 20 floor of the Lost Tower, the end of the semester has come, and Jiang Xiaobei and the others have passed all the written exams.

On the second day, they will go to the secret place where they chose the practice project before, and prepare to start the practice project.

Before entering Xuanyu Island, Jiang Xiaobei made complete preparations.

The utensils used to store the seeds of the gourd vine, the instruments for measuring data in the secret realm, and many other things are placed in the water bottle space of the Xiaoyao water bottle.

I have to say that it is convenient to have a storage space. Jiang Xiaobei doesn't even want to bring a backpack when he is out now, so he stuffs it all into the water bottle space. When he needs it, he directly asks Xiaoyao for the water bottle.

The next morning, Jiang Xiaobei went to the school mission hall to collect the mission card, then left the school, took a taxi to the Modu Railway Station, and took the subway to Liangcheng.

The mystery of Xuanyu Island is in Liangcheng. Liangcheng is not very far from the city. It only takes one hour to take the high-speed rail. Moreover, because of the large number of people, the school arranged for the students to go to Liangcheng by themselves.

Arrive at the secret place of Xuanyu Island in Liangcheng Yushan before noon.

Jiang Xiaobei came very early, and arrived at the mysterious place of Xuanyu Island at ten o'clock in the morning. When he arrived, neither the others nor the teacher who led the team had arrived.

Because of the particularity of Xuanyu Island's secret place, they have opened up 80 places for this practical project, and most of them will choose the second project to go to Gaoligong Mountain to look for wild ginseng.

Since no one else showed up, Jiang Xiaobei found a place to sit down, looked at his phone, and waited quietly for the others to arrive.

 Thank you for the reward of 233 coins from the spider who loves cleanliness, thank you for the reward of 100 coins from Qianruoqingfeng, thank you for the reward of 100 coins from Hanjiang YWY, thank you for the reward of 100 coins, thank you Eudemonia 100 coin reward

(End of this chapter)

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