Chapter 281
A five-story tall building was built in front of it, and it was surrounded by barbed wire. From the outside, it was completely impossible to see where the entrance to the mystery of Xuanyu Island was.

After eleven o'clock at noon, people arrived one after another.

Five minutes before twelve o'clock, a huge pterosaur flew over and landed slowly on the lawn near the entrance to the secret realm of Xuanyu Island, raising a cloud of grass clippings.

A middle-aged man in black casual clothes stood on the pterosaur with a serious face. After the pterosaur landed, he also jumped lightly and jumped off the pterosaur's back.

Jiang Xiaobei looked towards the pterosaur.

Good guy, it's another heavenly king-level elf!

The appearance of the pterosaur and the middle-aged man instantly attracted the attention of the guards outside the mysterious area of ​​Xuanyu Island. Soon, a fat staff member in formal attire walked out from the gate and walked towards the black-clothed man. middle-aged people.

The two chatted for a while, and then, the middle-aged man in black turned around, looked at the strange college students standing scattered around him, cleared his throat, and then raised his voice and said, "Magic college students, come to my place to gather." .”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei stood up, walked over, and formed a line of four with the others.

The middle-aged man in black counted the number of people, and when he saw that everyone was present, he nodded in satisfaction.

"I'm your team leader for this practical project. You can call me Mr. Zhang. Now, come with me." As he spoke, he put away the pterosaur, and walked inside together with the fat middle-aged man. .

Eighty students, including Jiang Xiaobei, followed behind the two of them, walked all the way into the area inside the barbed wire, walked a certain distance, and entered the secret realm of Xuanyu Island through a space entrance located on a boulder.

Xuanyu Island Secret Realm is known as one of the three most beautiful secret realms.

The entire Xuanyu Island is like a high mountain. From bottom to top, they are Yunyan Taoyuan, Yunhai Ancient Road, Yunyan Great Wall, Mihun Bagua, Yunwaikong Bridge, Kowloon Promenade, Mosheng Temple, and Yuhe Temple.

Entering Yunyan Taoyuan for the first time, the ten-mile peach blossom forest with peach blossoms is displayed in front of people. The fragrance of peach blossoms is everywhere, and it is indeed a kind of enjoyment to watch the colorful beauty of fallen flowers.

Beside the peach blossom forest, there is gurgling water, all the way to the ancient road of Yunhai in the distance.

Speaking of the Ancient Sea of ​​Clouds Road, it is a wonder of heaven and earth.

On both sides of the ancient road like a line of sky, there are two giant waterfalls, flying down from the top of the mountain, stirring up mist and mist, making people walking on the ancient road very comfortable.

Walking in it, looking at the waterfalls on both sides, I just feel that the ocean has been split, and I am walking in the waterway.

The protruding stone on the waterfall is also an excellent place for Shaolin Guagua to practice, but its function has not been discovered yet.

As for the Yunyan Great Wall and the Kowloon Corridor behind it, they are even more beautiful. Jiang Xiaobei was really envious when he saw the pictures posted by others on the Internet.

This time, I finally have the opportunity to take a look for myself, so I have to seize this opportunity well.

In the water bottle space of Xiaoyao Water Bottle, there is a camera prepared by Jiang Xiaobei in advance.

Zhang Yijin took eighty students to the Yunyan Taoyuan on Xuanyu Island, and walked into the base established by the Trainer Association in the secret realm.

A staff member who knew about his mission in advance pushed a small cart and came to Zhang Yijin.

Jiang Xiaobei looked into the trolley, and there were junior Guru balls in it.

"Two junior Grunt balls per person. Your task is to catch at least one cute mouse within these five days, and this will be considered as the completion of the task." Zhang Yijin glanced at the Grunt balls in this car, and said to the demon. said the college students.

"Don't think that it's easy to catch just one. Elves like cute mice are usually distributed in Yunyinheshan, an area that you can't enter, so there are very few cute mice distributed outside. If you can meet one in five days, it's fine. Good luck."

"If you can't catch it, the assessment item score will be very low, which will greatly affect your grade point, so don't take chances. These days, all you have to do is to explore with all your strength."

After finishing speaking, the staff at the side began to distribute Grunt Balls to Jiang Xiaobei and other students. After making sure that everyone got two Grunt Balls, Zhang Yijin continued: "Go to the front desk to get the safety protection device when you go out later. , and then you can go outside, remember to come back at noon five days later to gather."

"In the past five days, you have to deal with your own food, clothing, housing and transportation outside, and no help will be arranged for you here."

Sitting on the back of the Platinum Unicorn with Hood Xiaodou, Jiang Xiaobei looked around curiously.

Without walking a long distance, you can see the elf Peach Blossom Bun Ball in a peach forest.

This kind of elf, the final evolution form of Peach Blossom Fairy is a very powerful elf, but in its initial form, it is not threatening.

After wandering around for a while, Jiang Xiaobei let the platinum unicorn run towards the depths of the peach forest.

There is nothing on the periphery, there should be something I want in the depths of Yunyan Taoyuan.

Following Jiang Xiaobei's order, the Platinum Unicorn ran towards the depths at a relatively fast speed. About 15 minutes later, Jiang Xiaobei stopped the Platinum Unicorn.

In front of them, there is a very large peach tree, which is full of blooming peach blossoms.

The giant peach blossom tree is located on the bank of a stream. On the stream, there is a large waterwheel, but it is no longer turning. On the bank, there is also a stone tablet.

On the stone tablet, there is engraved the shape of a writing brush, and there are dense and complicated characters underneath.

Looking at this stele, Jiang Xiaobei felt a sense of familiarity in his heart. Although he couldn't understand the writing on it, it was a writing that only those who had learned the deciphering technique could understand.

But he knew what it meant, and his memory was very deep.

What is written above is the actuation method of the ink magic on the water wheel. After use, the water wheel can be turned to open the passage to the ancient road to the sea of ​​clouds.

However, because some trainers have discovered other ways to lead to the ancient road to the sea of ​​clouds before, this waterwheel is a bit tasteless.

Jiang Xiaobei looked in other directions again, and was suddenly surprised to find that not far from the peach blossom tree, there was a reclaimed land with some tender green carrot leaves growing on it.

A croak, with its hands behind its head, is resting against a peach blossom tree with its eyes closed.

As if feeling Jiang Xiaobei's gaze and the movement here, Guagua opened his eyes, and saw Jiang Xiaobei not far away, the platinum unicorn and the small cap.


Guagua was startled, his whole body trembled violently, stood up instantly, and hid behind the peach blossom tree.

Then he poked his head out and looked towards Jiang Xiaobei.

 Thank you, are you happy, for the 100 coin reward, Jushui Nanqiao for the 100 coin reward, and Hanjiang YWY for the 100 coin reward

(End of this chapter)

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