My elf is so cute

Chapter 282 Holy Black Tortoise?

Chapter 282 Holy Black Tortoise?

Jiang Xiaobei looked at this timid croak, and instantly became interested.

This was the first time he encountered an elf like Quack in reality.

Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobei subconsciously took a few steps in the direction of Guagua.

These few steps frightened Guagua, he quickly retracted his head, and then glanced at the piece of land planted with carrots, feeling very entangled in his heart.

Run away, I don't want to part with these carrots that I have planted so hard. If I don't run away, my small body may not be very resistant to beating.

How to do it?

Soon, he was no longer entangled.

He didn't pay attention for a while, the platinum unicorn flew directly in front of him, blocking the escape path behind him, and Jiang Xiaohe Mao Xiaodou also walked from both sides of the peach tree from left to right, surrounding him middle.

Now, all his escape directions are gone, and there is no escape.

Seeing this situation, Guagua felt a little desperate, then pulled out a very beautiful carrot from behind with a face full of heartache, handed it to Jiang Xiaobei, forced a smile on his face.

Seeing Guagua like this, Jiang Xiaobei laughed a little speechlessly.

How can I grab an elf's carrot?
He checked the information of this croak, and found that this croak is really not low in strength, with a level of 37, which is considered to be a very good group in this Yunyan Taoyuan.

No wonder it can occupy an area here.

However, although the strength and talent of this croak are good, he has not yet figured out how to evolve the croak, and he, who has obtained the evolution props of the croak, still does not prepare for this croak.

Now, just cultivating Hood and Xiaodou is a bit difficult, unless he meets an elf that makes him very excited, otherwise he will not subdue the elf again.

Jiang Xiaobei used his mental power to communicate with Guagua.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, let alone grab your carrot."

Guagua heard the words, his eyes lit up, and then he looked at Jiang Xiaobei hesitantly, not sure if he said that on purpose or it was the truth.

Jiang Xiaobei still didn't believe himself when he saw Guagua, and didn't bother to explain, so he continued to ask:
"Quack, have you ever met a Rabbit Immortal?" The Rabbit Immortal is an old Guagua who looks like an old Taoist with a fairy air.

Rabbit Immortal?
Hearing the name, Guagua was a little puzzled, and shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

Jiang Xiaobei shook his head when he saw Guagua, so he didn't ask any more about it. In fact, when he first asked, he knew that he might be asking for nothing.

The Rabbit Immortal has mastered the evolution method of the quack race. If it exists, how could it be possible that the evolution form of the quack has not been discovered until now?
Shaolin croak, Xiaoyao croak, wealth croak, none of them were found.

After asking the croaking a few more questions, Jiang Xiaobei released the Xiaoyao water bottle, then took out some snacks and gave them to the croaking, thanking him for helping him solve some questions.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobei no longer bothered this croak, and chose to leave here.

The road leading from Yunyan Taoyuan to the Ancient Sea of ​​Clouds Road is nearby. You can directly enter the Ancient Sea of ​​Clouds Road by flying over without using the ink magic.

Jiang Xiaobei searched for a while before finding out the route to the Ancient Sea of ​​Clouds Road, and then he sat on the back of the Platinum Unicorn and flew directly to the Ancient Sea of ​​Clouds Road.

After flying for a while, two adjacent large waterfalls appeared in front of me, and the landing of the waterfalls was like thunder, deafening.

In the center, there is a narrow path.

After the Platinum Unicorn landed on this path, Jiang Xiaobei immediately jumped off its back, stood on the edge of the path, looked at the cliff-like deep valley below, and then at the waterfall flying down ahead, holding back. I couldn't help putting my hands next to my mouth, like a megaphone, and shouted out:

"Ah~, haha."

After Jiang Xiaobei yelled, he felt that all the troubles in his heart seemed to be eliminated, and he felt very comfortable in his heart, so he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Afterwards, he released the Xiaoyao water bottle.

"Come on, take out the camera I put in the horizontal space." Jiang Xiaobei smiled and looked at the water bottle of Xiaoyao, and said.

Feeling the abundant water elements around him, Xiao Shui Shui comfortably circled Jiang Xiaobei into several circles of water, while the small water bottle opened the water bottle space and took out the camera that Jiang Xiaobei had stored in it before.

After Jiang Xiaobei took out the camera, he immediately turned it on, found a suitable angle, and took a few photos.

After thinking about it, it's not appropriate not to take a picture here.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobei took out the grunt ball that sealed the messenger and released it.

After the seal envoy came out, he looked at the surrounding waterfalls for the first time, and was also a little shocked in his heart.

He had never seen such a scene before.

The waterfall roaring down, rushing down thousands of miles, hitting the river below, making a trembling roar, full of natural power everywhere.

Thinking about it, he clenched his fists.

It would be great if one day I could have the power as powerful as this waterfall!
"Hey, Seal Messenger, don't stand there stupidly, come here quickly, let's take a photo together."

Jiang Xiaobei waved at the seal envoy, and when he came over, he stood in the middle of the four elves, using his mental power to control the camera to float not far away.


Jiang Xiaobei retracted the camera, looked at the picture above, and nodded with a smile.

"Not bad."

After admiring it in place for a while, Jiang Xiaobei walked in front, followed by the four elves, and they walked forward together along the ancient path of the sea of ​​clouds.

On the Yunhai ancient road intermittently, every tens of meters, there will be a place like a cliff, blocking Jiang Xiaobei's further progress.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobei could only sit on the back of the platinum unicorn, fly over the cliff, and continue walking.

I took pictures while walking along the way, and then looked at the photos in the camera, thinking that I should keep them well in the future.

When he was about to reach the end of the Yunhai Ancient Road, Jiang Xiaobei stopped, turned his head, and took another photo of the ancient road behind him. Then, when he was about to appreciate the photo, a star popped out of the waterfall on the right. The huge faucet startled Jiang Xiaobei.

Then, under Jiang Xiaobei's gaze, the dragon's head continued to stretch out, revealing the body behind it.

This is actually a giant elf with a dragon head and a turtle body, its tail is like a giant python, its limbs are thick, its sharp claws are golden in color, it looks mighty and extraordinary.

"Holy Xuanwu?!"

Seeing this elf, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't help but exclaimed.

Sacred Black Tortoise is the evolved form of the evil Elf Black Black Tortoise, an extremely powerful elf. Jiang Xiaobei obviously did not expect to meet this kind of elf here.

After the sacred basalt was exposed, it stepped on the void and walked slowly in front of Jiang Xiaobei, looking towards Jiang Xiaobei with some doubts.

From Jiang Xiaobei, he felt the breath of the ancient dragon king Xia Nai.

 Thanks to Jushui Nanqiao for the reward of 100 coins, and thanks to Dalu Shishi for the reward of 400 coins

(End of this chapter)

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