My elf is so cute

Chapter 283 Little guy, would you like to be my child's trainer?

Chapter 283 Little guy, would you like to be my child's trainer?

Stared at by the fist-sized pupils of the Holy Xuanwu, Jiang Xiaobei's body trembled unconsciously.

What should I do if I encounter a beast?Wait online, hurry up!
Evil Xuanwu evolves into Holy Xuanwu, and the level must reach level 80, that is to say, this sacred Xuanwu is at least a super elf with a level above 80.

Now it is considered to be in the wild in the secret realm, and there is no teacher around him to protect him. With his current strength, if he wants to fight against a sacred basalt, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.

If this sacred Xuanwu has a bad temper and doesn't like his eyes, wouldn't he be finished?

Alas, if I knew this earlier, I wouldn't be so careless.

The secret realm is too dangerous, I want to go back to Blue Star!
Seeing the sacred Xuanwu approaching him step by step, Jiang Xiaobei's heart beat violently.

He immediately searched for information about this sacred Xuanwu.

【Elf Name】Sacred Xuanwu

[Elf level] 96 (royal level elf)
[Elf Talent] Purple

[Elf Attributes] Earth, Demon

【Height】4.7m 【Weight】3227.5kg 【Gender】Female

【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Spirit skills] Landslides and ground cracks, the earth forgives, the three cleans up the soil.
【Spirit Secret Skill】Basalt Aegis.
[Spirit Props] Mysterious Jade Dzi Bead

[Elf Introduction] Xuanyu Island's contemporary island guardian holy beast, one of the four elephants, the North Saint Beast Xuanwu, always sticks to his beliefs and guards Xuanyu Island.

A level 96 imperial elf, he is not even his opponent.

Just when he was thinking about what to do, he suddenly saw a small white figure rushing out from behind him and standing in front of him.

Compared with the huge Sacred Xuanwu, the small hood looks very small.

But there was no fear on the face of the hooded pocket. He looked at the sacred Xuanwu with a determined face, and opened his hands to block Jiang Xiaobei.

"Xiaodou." Looking at Xiaodou's small white figure, Jiang Xiaobei's heart suddenly warmed up, and the trace of fear in his heart dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, the platinum unicorn, the seal envoy, and the water bottle of Xiaoyao also stood out from behind one by one, blocking Jiang Xiaobei's body, and facing the sacred Xuanwu in front of him.

Sacred Xuanwu looked at the four elves standing in front of him, with a look of surprise in his huge eyes.

With such a weak strength, he was able to overcome his inner fear and face himself directly.

It seems that the relationship between this human and his elf is very good.

Seeing that these little fellows in front of him were about to attack him, Sacred Xuanwu no longer teased them, and powerful spiritual power surged out, and they communicated with Jiang Xiaobei and Mao Xiaodou:
"Little guys, don't be nervous, I have no malicious intentions."

Hearing the deep and gentle voice and its meaning in his mind, Jiang Xiaobei heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly used his mental power to communicate with the sacred Xuanwu:
"Hello, what can you do for us?"

"Do you know Xia Nai?" Sheng Xuanwu asked Jiang Xiaobei, but turned his gaze to the seal envoy beside him.

The ancient Zhanlong clan is indeed likely to be related to Xia Nai.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei nodded hastily, "I do know Senior Xia Nai." After speaking, he took out the dragon scale of Xia Nai worn around his neck.

Sacred Xuanwu glanced at the dragon scale in Jiang Xiaobei's hand, and sensed that it was indeed Xia Nai's dragon scale.

It seems that this little guy has a good relationship with Shana, and Shana would actually give him her dragon scales.

As the ancient dragon king, the king of the dragon elves, Xia Nai would never tolerate any infringement, and as a part of the body, dragon scales would naturally not be given to others at will.

After understanding why there was Xia Nai's breath, Sheng Xuanwu relieved the doubts in his heart, and was about to leave when he suddenly sensed some movement in the nearby waterfall, and looked in that direction helplessly.

In the waterfall, a black shadow appeared, and then, a turtle-shaped elf with a single horn on its head and a giant yellow python wrapped around its body rushed out, jumped to the side of the sacred Xuanwu, and looked at Jiang Xiaobei curiously. and several other elves.

Evil Xuanwu!

Seeing this elf, which looked a little hideous compared to the sacred Xuanwu, Jiang Xiaobei recognized it immediately.

Judging from the intimate behavior between him and this sacred Xuanwu, it should be the child of the sacred Xuanwu.

[Elf Name] Evil Xuanwu

[Elf level] 37 (advanced elf)
[Elf Talent] Light Blue
[Elf Attributes] Earth, Demon

[Height] 1.8m [Weight] 627.5kg [Gender] Male

[Evolution form] Sacred Xuanwu (level 60 evolution) - 1 (the reason for the level change is explained below)
[Spirit Skills] Incitement, Water Spear, Sand Hell, Mud Bomb, Bite, Defense Power, Tenacity Power.

【Spirit Secret Skill】Basalt Aegis

[Spirit Items] Jade and Spirit Jade

[Spirit Profile] The blood of the ancient holy beast Xuanwu flows in the body, with outstanding talent and strong defense power. Although the spirit snake wrapped around the back has no intelligence, it has good attack power.

After investigating the information about this evil Xuanwu, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't help sighing that he was indeed talented.

I really still lack a defensive elf, and this evil Xuanwu is an excellent choice.

However, subdue the evil Xuanwu?
As soon as this idea came to Jiang Xiaobei's mind, he thought of the figure of the sacred Xuanwu and his unparalleled strength, so he couldn't help dismissing the idea.

Just stop daydreaming.

So, he looked at Sheng Xuanwu and said, "Your Majesty, if there is nothing else, we will leave first."

Sacred Xuanwu was about to nod his head when he heard this, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the evil Xuanwu who was watching Jiang Xiaobei, and his heart skipped a beat.

Speaking of which, with his child's current strength and age, it's time to go out and practice.

If you blindly live under your own protection, it will be difficult to achieve anything in the future.

At the beginning, when I was young, my father, the previous sacred beast of Xuanyu Island, let me follow my trainer, a genius Locke, to leave Xuanyu Island and go out for a living.

It was also during the decades of traveling abroad that his strength grew rapidly, and he soon evolved into the sacred Xuanwu, possessing the strength to protect Xuanyu Island.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed, and my trainer has also passed away for many years
Judging from the behavior of this human elf just now, this human's character and attitude towards elves are still trustworthy. Judging from the strength of his elf, this human's talent should not be low.

It is very suitable as a trainer for your own children.

Moreover, there is no need to worry that your child will stay outside and will not come back.

With the extremely short lifespan of human beings, the evil Xuanwu will be able to come back if he goes out for a few decades at most.

Several decades, compared to the long lifespan of their Xuanwu clan, is really not long.

At that time, when the evil Xuanwu returns, he will be able to replace himself and become the new guardian of Xuanyu Island.

With such thoughts in mind, Sheng Xuanwu thought about it again, and thought it was okay, so he asked Jiang Xiaobei directly.

"Little guy, would you like to be my child's trainer?"

1——In the game, Evil Xuanwu can evolve into Holy Xuanwu only after reaching level 80. The reason for the change here is for the follow-up super-evolution plot.

In this article, level 80 is already considered a very strong level. For the sake of reasonable convenience for the follow-up plot, it is changed to level 60.

I did not intend to change the game information, please forgive me.

 Thank you Qianruoqingfeng for the 100 coins reward, thank you for your 100 coins reward

(End of this chapter)

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