My elf is so cute

Chapter 284 Three Treasures in the Xuanyu Treasure House

Chapter 284 Three Treasures in the Xuanyu Treasure House
"****Xiaobei couldn't believe his ears, and looked at the holy Xuanwu with a look of surprise.

Would you like to be his child's trainer?
Isn't his child the evil Xuanwu?Does this mean that he wants to subdue the evil Xuanwu?

If that's the case, I must agree that the Evil Xuanwu talent is so strong, and its own race is also very powerful.

But why?

Jiang Xiaobei doesn't believe that there is such a thing as pie in the sky, everything happens, there must be a reason.

The evil Xuanwu who was standing aside suddenly raised his head when he heard the words, and looked at his mother, feeling a little weird.

It seems that something is not quite right?

At this time, the sacred Xuanwu also set his sights on the evil Xuanwu and communicated with him.



Jiang Xiaobei couldn't understand their language either, so he could only stand aside and watch them communicate.

Evil Xuanwu seemed to be a little resistant at first, but as the communication continued, judging from the eyes he looked at Jiang Xiaobei from time to time, he seemed to be a little moved again.

Since he was born, he has never left Xuanyu Island, and he doesn't know what the outside world is like. It seems good to go out with this human being.

In the end, the evil Xuanwu nodded slightly and agreed with his mother's approach.

Sacred Xuanwu cast his eyes on Jiang Xiaobei again, and asked again: "Little guy, my child has already agreed, I don't know if you agree?"

How could Jiang Xiaobei refuse?

He nodded quickly and said, "I agree."

"Haha, then you two have a chat." Saying that, Sacred Xuanwu walked to the side, leaving room for Jiang Xiaobei and Evil Xuanwu.

The evil Xuanwu looked at Jiang Xiaobei, raised his ferocious head, and hummed twice, as if a little arrogant.

Seeing the child-like appearance of Evil Xuanwu, Jiang Xiaobei curled his mouth and smiled, then passed the other elves and walked towards Evil Xuanwu, and Mao Xiaodou and the others followed Jiang Xiaobei and walked to Evil Xuanwu. In front of Xuanwu.

"Hello, Evil Xuanwu." Jiang Xiaobei walked up to him, greeted him, then stretched out his hand, and slowly touched Evil Xuanwu's head.

As the palm approached, Jiang Xiaobei kept watching the evil Xuanwu's reaction, seeing that he didn't show any resistance or expression, so he felt relieved and put his hand on his huge head.

Evil Xuanwu's skin feels hard to the touch, but it is very smooth, and it is not uncomfortable to touch.

Feeling Jiang Xiaobei's hand caressing his head, the evil Xuanwu narrowed his eyes in comfort.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobei stopped his hands, turned his head to the Xiaoyao water bottle and said, "Take out the jam biscuits I prepared earlier."

The jam biscuits were made by Jiang Xiaobei himself using cocoa jam, and they usually serve as food for Hood and Xiaodou.

Because Jiang Xiaobei also added a lot of condiments in it, so the taste is very good, except that the Xiaoyao Water Bottle can't eat it, the three of them like Xiaodou, Platinum Unicorn, and Seal Envoy.

Xiaoyao Water Bottle took out a whole portion, Jiang Xiaobei divided it into four portions, handed three portions to Mao Xiaodou and the others, and placed the remaining portion in front of the evil Xuanwu.

"Try it, it's delicious."

Evil Xuanwu is very picky eater, except for spiritual fruit and Xuanyu island's specialty spirit fish, he seldom eats other things.

So when he saw Jiang Xiaobei taking out that kind of weird thing, he wasn't going to eat it.

But he sniffed lightly.

The next second, the evil Xuanwu opened his mouth wide, and directly swallowed the whole plate of jam biscuits that Jiang Xiaobei put in front of him, and swallowed it without chewing a few mouthfuls.

Evil Xuanwu: I didn't want to eat it at first, but I couldn't bear it because it was too fragrant.

After eating, recalling the delicacy in his mouth just now, seeing that there were still a lot of jam biscuits left in front of Xiaodou and the others, the evil Xuanwu couldn't control his mouth and secreted a lot of saliva.

Hooded and the others have also been paying attention to the big guy who might become their new partner, Evil Xuanwu, so they saw him looking at their food, and they coincidentally picked up their plates and walked to the side of Evil Xuanwu, An elf gave half to the evil Xuanwu.

Evil Xuanwu was a little embarrassed and hummed softly to Hood, and Hood patted Evil Xuanwu's thick front legs, and chatted with him with a smile.

The seal envoy and the others also chatted with the evil Xuanwu.

In this way, within a meal, the four elves, Evil Xuanwu and Hood, got acquainted with each other.

Originally, he couldn't let go of Jiang Xiaobei, but he gradually relaxed, and he was full of expectations for his future life.

When it was almost done, Jiang Xiaobei took out a high-grade grunt ball prepared in advance, and asked the evil Xuanwu, "Evil Xuanwu, are you willing to be my elf now?"

Without hesitation, the evil Xuanwu nodded.

Jiang Xiaobei smiled and pressed the button on it, a white light shot out, shone on the evil Xuanwu, and put it into the advanced Gulu ball.

The Gulu ball wobbled for a while, but it didn't wobble, and was firmly held in Jiang Xiaobei's hand.

Sacred Xuanwu at the side, seeing this scene, felt a little bit embarrassed.

I think back then, when I was young, I was taken into the grunt ball by my trainer, and from then on I started a life of experience and wandering around.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed, and now it is my child's turn.

Time flies so fast!
Jiang Xiaobei quickly released the evil Xuanwu from the Gulu ball.

After the evil Xuanwu came out of the grunt ball, he shook his head, feeling very novel about this kind of space transition in and out of the grunt ball.

At this time, Sacred Xuanwu came over and said to Jiang Xiaobei: "As the mother of Evil Xuanwu, you are now his trainer, so let me give you some greeting gifts."

As he said that, a lavender ray of light lit up on the unicorn on the head of the holy Xuanwu, shining around, Jiang Xiaobei only felt that there was a spatial fluctuation around the entrance of the secret space, and then saw that the surrounding scenes happened instantly After changing, they came to a cliff.

Standing here, looking around, the clouds and mist are shrouded, like a fairyland, on the towering cloud peak on the other side of the cliff, the cliff is shining.

Behind is a clear lotus pond, the water surface is as calm as a precious mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds; in the lotus pond, there are graceful lotus flowers blooming, like a sea of ​​flowers, when a breeze blows, the lotus is frivolous, like this Girl's light dance.

The most amazing thing is a small waterfall not far away. On the top of the waterfall flying down, there is a huge jade-colored lotus covering the entire mountain top. It is crystal clear and reflects crystal luster under the sunlight. .

Looking at this giant lotus, Jiang Xiaobei immediately thought of where it was.

Clouds hide Heshan.

"Come with me." Sheng Xuanwu said to Jiang Xiaobei, and then walked slowly towards the waterfall.

Jiang Xiaobei followed closely behind, and soon came to the edge of the waterfall.

A white light shot out from the single horn on the head of the sacred Xuanwu, shooting into the waterfall, and then, in his amazed eyes, the whole waterfall was separated from the center, revealing a passage leading to it.

After the passage appeared, Sacred Xuanwu walked in first, followed by Jiang Xiaobei and other elves.

After everyone walked in, the originally separated waterfall returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened just now.

Inside the waterfall is an extremely wide cave. Above the cave, every few meters, there is a night pearl emitting bright light, making the interior of the cave as bright as day.

Walking along the passage inside the cave for a while, after passing a corner, Jiang Xiaobei saw that the road ahead was blocked, and at the end was an ancient stone gate.

Above the stone gate, there are four large characters engraved: Xuanyu Treasure House.

"The Xuanyu Treasure House stores the treasures that our Xuanyu Island has stored for generations. It is divided into two layers, heaven and earth."

"In the layer of the sky, all the top treasures that are rare in the world are stored. Naturally, the treasures in it cannot be given to you. Given your current strength, you will not be able to use them for the time being."

"Although the treasures stored in the earth layer are not as good as those in the sky layer, they are basically top-notch treasures, and generally they will not be stored in the profound jade treasure house."

"After going in later, you can choose three items in the ground layer, which can be regarded as my meeting gift for you."

 Thank you, are you happy? The 500 coin reward

(End of this chapter)

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