My elf is so cute

Chapter 285 Bonding Keystone, 3-Color Essence

Chapter 285 Bonding Keystone, Tricolor Essence

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei nodded hastily to show that he understood.

In front of the stone gate, there is a half-meter-high stone platform with dense and complex patterns carved on it.

Sacred Xuanwu stepped forward, raised one sole of his foot, and placed it on it.

After the golden soles were attached to the stone platform, with the soles of the feet as the center, dazzling light began to shine on the lines on the stone platform. These rays of light spread, and then spread along the ground to the stone gate in front.

The light finally converged in the gap between the two stone doors, and with a crackling sound, the stone door opened towards the inside.

Sacred Xuanwu walked inside first, Jiang Xiaobei and other elves followed behind him, and after stepping into the space inside the stone gate, the stone gate slowly closed.

Jiang Xiaobei stood in it and looked around.

The space inside the stone gate is very finely carved and built in the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped passageway, with murals that Jiang Xiaobei couldn't understand carved on the stone walls on both sides.

On the wall, just like the outside, there is a dazzling luminous pearl inlaid every few meters, illuminating the surroundings as bright as day.

On both sides, there are rows of stone platforms with a height of 1.5 meters, among which are placed treasures exuding a strong energy atmosphere.

"Look for yourself and choose three things you want." Sheng Xuanwu said to Jiang Xiaobei.

Jiang Xiaobei responded, and impatiently walked towards the stone platform closest to him.

Each stone platform here is engraved with a kind of suspension magic, where treasures will be suspended above the stone platform for better observation by the selectors.

In addition, the magic of isolating the breath is also inscribed, so as to isolate the breath of the treasures and prevent the various treasures from conflicting with each other for some special reasons.

At this moment, in front of Jiang Xiaobei's eyes, a fiery red orb exuding fiery flames, like a scorching sun, was quietly suspended on the stone platform. The red-gold brilliance flowed on it, exuding a mysterious, powerful breath.

He immediately searched for information about the orb.

[Scorching Sun Orb] An orb that contains the power of the hot sun. After being absorbed by the fire elves, it can greatly improve the quality of its own flame energy. There is a certain chance to comprehend the fire of the sun, and its strength will be greatly improved.

Good baby!

Jiang Xiaobei looked at this Lieyang Orb, his eyes sparkled, but after looking at it for a while, he shook his head regretfully, and gave up this orb.

This Lieyang Orb is not very suitable for him, and he looked forward, and roughly estimated that there must be at least a hundred treasures on this ground floor, and he can only choose three, so he still has to think about it carefully.

Thinking about it this way, he observed one treasure after another from a distance from the stone gate, and gradually walked towards the depths of the treasure house.

"Oasis Essence? I didn't expect this kind of treasure to exist here. It's quite suitable for the water bottle of Xiaoyao, so write it down first."

"Lightning spar? A gem that contains the mighty power of thunder and calamity. It looks pretty good, but it's a pity that it's not suitable for me."

"The water of the deep abyss, is it from the secluded system? Pass!"

After looking at more than 20 treasures, although he hasn't picked a treasure that is very suitable for him, Jiang Xiaobei's spirit is very excited.

There are really too many good babies here!

I can get three pieces from it, and I am a little excited just thinking about it.

Just as he was thinking, he finished looking at one treasure on the stone platform, and turned his attention to the next treasure.

This is a transparent spar the size of an egg, and the energy fluctuations on it are not very strong, even smaller than the energy fluctuations of ordinary elementary elves.

However, Jiang Xiaobei discovered through his spiritual power that around this transparent spar, there are elemental fluctuations of various attributes.

Ordinary treasures basically only contain the aura of one or two elements. Like this spar, it contains elements of all attributes. Jiang Xiaobei has never heard of such things.

Immediately, he probed towards the transparent spar.

[Bond Keystone] A gemstone that contains miraculous power. When the bond between the trainer and the elf is sufficient, you can use this stone to connect the elf carrying the evolution stone with the trainer to complete the super evolution of the elf.

Jiang Xiaobei:? ! !

The super evolution of elves still needs this kind of thing?What about the fire furnace shown in Vesuvius before?
Why didn't it show that super evolution needed this thing?
Immediately, Jiang Xiaobei asked the system, and after waiting for a while, the system gave an accurate answer.

"There are three ways to super-evolve elves."

"One is to directly complete the super-evolution with the help of the fire furnace and corresponding props, and evolve into a new form, which cannot be degenerated back, such as flame evolution, sunlight evolution, ice evolution, etc."

"The second is to complete the super-evolution with the help of bond keystones and evolution stones. The disadvantage of this evolution is that it cannot maintain the super-evolution form all the time. The advantage is that because of the bond between the trainer and the elf, the consciousness is interlinked, and the strength of super-evolution is stronger. It is more powerful than the first super-evolution method."

"When the super evolutionary stone is near the bond keystone, it can be sensed."

"The third type is the awakening of the elves' bloodlines and the evolution beyond themselves. This kind of evolution is rare."

After listening to the system's introduction to the super-evolution method, Jiang Xiaobei nodded thoughtfully.

It turns out that there are so many ways of super evolution!

Before, he was still thinking that he knew some super-evolution methods of elves, such as the magic cat absorbing the essence of sunlight to super-evolve into a fighting cool cat, such as Vulcan evolving into a fire god of war with the help of flame glass.
But there are still many ways of super evolution that I don't know!
He didn't know how the Snow Shadow Doll super-evolved into the Phantom Orchid, how the Ancient War Dragon super-evolved into the Shadow Dragon Emperor, and how the Platinum Unicorn super-evolved into a Diamond Unicorn.

Now that he saw this bond keystone, he finally understood.

It turns out that these super-evolutions all need super-evolution stones and bond keystones.

In the future, I have to pay attention to it and collect super evolutionary stones. I don't know if I can find them.

Without any hesitation, and no matter what other treasures were behind, Jiang Xiaobei took the keystone of the bond into his hand first.

This treasure is exchanged for other treasures, if there are not more than twenty pieces, he will not exchange them.

After collecting the bond keystone, Jiang Xiaobei continued to look inside.

But with the bond key stone and jade in front, the other treasures are not as attractive to Jiang Xiaobei as before.

Even Jiang Xiaobei has been thinking about it, wondering if there is such a thing as a super evolutionary stone here.

Looking at them one by one, and looking at more than 30 treasures, Jiang Xiaobei finally saw something that interested him again.

On the stone platform in front of his eyes, there were three stones with different luster suspended, one purple, one blue, and one orange.

The three stones are in the shape of an equilateral triangle, surrounded by each other, slowly rotating above the stone platform, reflecting each other.

【Three-Color Essence】It is composed of purple essence, blue essence, and orange essence. When the three-color essence gathers together, it has the miraculous effect of winning good fortune and reincarnating life and death.

When the elves are on the verge of death, they can absorb the three-color essence, which can instantly recover from injuries, and stand up after breaking, gaining great benefits themselves.

 Thanks to book friend 20191127143041817 and book friend 20180501084025160 for the reward of 100 coins

  Let me briefly talk about it here, for the sake of the plot, so here is a reference to the settings of the key stone and the super evolution stone in Pokémon to realize the super evolution of some elves.

  Moreover, at the beginning, the condition for the super-evolution of the Shadow Dragon Emperor was to give it a VIP for one month. Instead of making up a super-evolution method at random, it is better to learn from this method of Pokémon.

  In addition, I think this kind of setting that can degenerate is also very good.

  Otherwise, the snow shadow doll super-evolves into Phantom Youlan, and the protagonist is accompanied by a beautiful woman all day long, so there is no need to find a wife (ω)
(End of this chapter)

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