My elf is so cute

Chapter 286 Lotus Top, Gathering Elements

Chapter 286 Lotus Top, Gathering Elements

In the original Locke, because the old version of the elves was very popular, but the strength could not keep up with the new version, so the three-color essence was released to rebirth some elves.

The elf reborn from the cocoon has not changed in appearance, but its strength has increased significantly.

For example, after the water spirit beast breaks out of its cocoon and is reborn, it becomes a clear water spirit beast.

All of a sudden, he changed from a gutter-level elf to a top-notch sweet potato, very powerful.

Therefore, compared to other treasures, these three-color essences are obviously more precious.

It may be because the sacred basalt did not understand its true efficacy, so it was put into the earth layer, otherwise, with its healing effect, it could at least be placed in the sky layer of the Xuanyu treasure house.

Without much hesitation, Jiang Xiaobei put away the three-color essence.

This kind of thing, there will definitely be a chance to use it in the future, so it is right to put it away in advance.

Next, there is only one treasure to choose.

Having found two extraordinary treasures just now, Jiang Xiaobei will naturally continue to carefully select them to see if he can pick them up again.

There are hundreds of treasures here, and they are usually stored here because the sacred Xuanwu thinks they are valuable or very mysterious.

But Sacred Xuanwu, as an imperial elf who has lived for an unknown number of years, has extraordinary knowledge.

Jiang Xiaobei was very lucky to be able to pick up the misses twice, so Jiang Xiaobei himself didn't have much confidence in whether he could find top-notch treasures from them.

Sure enough, after spending nearly half an hour reading the information of almost 80 treasures, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't find any that satisfied him.

Walking and walking, he has come to the end of the layer of the Xuanyu Treasure House. In front of him is a row of curved stone stairs, winding their way to the top.

The end should be the sky layer of Xuanyu Treasure House.

"It's almost over! Why don't you just choose the one that suits you," Jiang Xiaobei said to himself, and then turned his gaze to the treasure on the last stone platform.

This is a small black pagoda the size of a palm. The carvings are very fine. Although it is small in size, it can be clearly distinguished that it has a total of nine floors.

Around the small black tower, there is a circle of eight tiny crystals of different colors, and the eight crystals are shining with faint light, slowly rotating around the small tower.

Jiang Xiaobei went to investigate the small black tower.


After reading the information about this small black tower, Jiang Xiaobei held it in his hand without any hesitation.

"The third one is you."

Seeing the three treasures in Jiang Xiaobei's hands, Holy Xuanwu was a little surprised.

These three things were placed on the ground floor of the Xuanyu Treasure House because I couldn't tell what they were after I encountered them, but I felt that they should not be ordinary things.

Didn't expect Jiang Xiaobei to choose these three things, does he know what these are?
But since she chose to send it out, she didn't ask any further questions, and led Jiang Xiaobei and others out of the Xuanyu Treasury.

And Jiang Xiaobei handed these three things to Xiaoyao Water Bottle, asking him to store them in the water bottle space and keep them safe.

These three things cannot be lost, if one is lost, Jiang Xiaobei feels that he can lose half his life in distress.

Following Sacred Xuanwu out of the waterfall, standing in front of the waterfall, looking at the beautiful scenery around him, Jiang Xiaobei was in a great mood.

After listening for a while, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't help asking, looking at the sacred Xuanwu standing still in front of him, "Senior, what else do we have to do now?"

If there is nothing else to do, Jiang Xiaobei is going to take a stroll around and look for the cute mouse.

He has not forgotten that this time there is also the task of catching cute mice.

Outside, cute mice are rare and hard to catch.

But this is Yunyin Heshan!
Most of the cute mice are distributed here, and it is not difficult to catch two.

At this time, the sacred Xuanwu was raising his head, looking at the huge white jade-colored lotus above.

After hearing Jiang Xiaobei's question, she lowered her head, glanced at Jiang Xiaobei, then shifted her gaze to the five elves beside him, and finally stayed on the evil Xuanwu for a while.

After a while, she said to Jiang Xiaobei, Mao Xiaodou, and the evil Xuanwu, "It happens that you are five elves now, so let's help you improve your strength!"

After she finished speaking, her body slowly floated into the air, and Jiang Xiaobei also felt a buoyancy on the soles of her feet, and her whole body was lifted out of thin air.

The other five elves also followed the sacred Xuanwu floating in the air, and flew upward until they reached the top of the waterfall, where the giant white jade lotus stopped slowly.

Attached to the air, Jiang Xiaobei looked towards the blooming white jade lotus next to it, and saw a huge round light yellow lotus pod in the center.

Its surface is densely covered with black lotus seeds the size of a football, round and shiny like black jade.

In the center of the lotus pod, there are no lotus seeds, but a circular eight-diagram diagram with a diameter of about 20 meters. The Yin-Yang fish pattern is particularly conspicuous.

Around the Bagua map, there are five circular jade platforms evenly distributed, and the diameter of each jade platform is about five meters.

Five jade platforms surround the Eight Diagrams in the center and are connected by some complicated lines.

"This sky-reaching jade lotus absorbs the energy in Yunyin Heshan, breeds lotus seeds, and matures every 50 years."

"After maturity, the five elves stand on the five jade platforms. Through the Yin-Yang Gathering Array, they can gather the energy in the Yunyin Heshan and the lotus seeds for the five elves to absorb and improve their strength."

"Nearly 100 years have passed since the last time I used it. I have been waiting to be used by the evil Xuanwu. Now his strength is almost the same. If I want to leave, I just use it."

While speaking, the sacred Xuanwu controlled the cap, the platinum unicorn, and the evil Xuanwu, and the five of them landed on the five cloud platforms in the white jade lotus.

Jiang Xiaobei, who was floating beside the sacred Xuanwu, frowned and asked, "Will there be any side effects?"

Listening to the introduction of Sheng Xuanwu, this is similar to the kind of empowerment to improve strength. If this is the case, there will generally be some side effects, which is not good for future growth.

Sacred Xuanwu shook his head slightly, and said: "No, this magic circle is not just for instilling energy, but also for instilling and polishing the foundation of the elves, and even incorporating laws, so that the elves can feel the mystery of the laws one step ahead. It will do no harm to the future."

"In addition, the improvement rate of the elf's strength mainly depends on its talent. If it is unacceptable, it will not be forced to absorb it. It will transfer the energy to other elves through the magic circle."

Hearing Sheng Xuanwu's answer, Jiang Xiaobei felt relieved, and looked expectantly at the elves who were already standing on the five jade platforms.

"You should have heard what I said just now. This is a good thing for you, you have to take good care of it." Sacred Xuanwu said to the five elves below.

After making sure that the hoods and pockets were all ready, Sacred Xuanwu forced out a drop of blood from his body.

After forcing out the essence and blood, Jiang Xiaobei could clearly feel that the aura of the sacred Xuanwu was a little sluggish.

The blood essence was golden, floating in the air, exuding bursts of terrifying power.

Jiang Xiaobei looked at this drop of blood, if it wasn't for the protection of the sacred Xuanwu, he might have to be suppressed by the coercion on this drop of blood.

Under the control of the holy Xuanwu, this drop of blood essence floated down and merged into the body of the evil Xuanwu below.

"Absorb well!"

With one last word, the single horn on the top of the sacred Xuanwu's head once again emitted a golden light, which shot into the Eight Diagrams diagram below.

The golden light merged into the Eight Diagrams, the yin and yang fish in it spun rapidly, and the surrounding lines slowly emerged with light. All the black lotus seeds on the entire lotus pod bloomed with black brilliance, and strands of energy gathered towards the center. go.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobei also felt that the energy elements of various systems around him were frantically converging towards the eight diagrams in the center.

The yin-yang fish was spinning faster and faster, and in the end, Jiang Xiaobei could no longer see what it looked like.

A sky-reaching beam of light shoots out from it, breaks away the white clouds in the sky above, and shoots into the sky above.

And the lines connected to the Eight Diagrams diagram lead to the energy in the beam of light, and flow along the lines towards the jade platform where the five elves of Hood and the others are located.

 Thank you Hanjiang YWY for the reward of 688 coins, thank you for the reward of 1500 coins for Fenghua Guardian, and thank you for the reward of 600 coins for Annan Expedition

(End of this chapter)

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