My elf is so cute

Chapter 287 Evolution, Snow Shadow Doll

Chapter 287 Evolution, Snow Shadow Doll

At the base of Xuanyu Island, Zhang Yijin, the teacher leading the Magic University, was lying on a wooden recliner, basking in the sun leisurely in front of the base.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a beam of light piercing into the sky in the distance.

He stood up abruptly from the reclining chair, staring at the beam of light reaching the sky, frowning tightly.

"Vision? What's going on? Could it be that a strange treasure came to the world?"

From the Xuanyu Island base behind him, a professional trainer in charge of guarding the place hurried over, raised his head and looked at the beam of light in the distance, and said to Zhang Yijin rather hastily:
"Zhang Tianwang, that place is in the direction of Yunyin Heshan. Xuanyu Island's guardian sacred beast Xuanwu once warned our Trainer Association not to step into Yunyin Heshan at will."

"And such a big movement must have attracted the attention of Holy Xuanwu, don't be impulsive, that Holy Xuanwu is an elf who has reached the emperor level."

The person in charge didn't care about this kind of vision. What he was afraid of was that this heavenly king from Shanghai Metropolitan University didn't understand the situation here, and rushed directly into Yunyin Heshan. If that happened, the consequences would be disastrous!
After listening to the person in charge of the secret realm of Xuanyu Island next to him, Zhang Yijin raised his eyebrows, pondered for a while, and finally took out a grunt ball and released his ace pterosaur.

"Don't worry, I won't enter Yunyin Heshan, just get closer to see what's going on." Stepping on the back of the pterosaur, Zhang Yijin waved to the person in charge and said loudly.

The person in charge sighed helplessly.

"I've said everything I need to say, and you can't blame me for what happened to you."

In a grove of fallen peach blossoms, pieces of peach blossoms drifted away and piled up on the ground, nearly one foot thick.

Suddenly, a ball of pink light shines from the peach blossoms. Under the light of this ball of pink light, the petals gradually melt into dots of pink light, floating in the air.

After all the petals turned into pink light, the scene below that was originally covered by the petals was revealed.

On the ground, there is actually a giant peach blossom about ten meters long.

Two thick green vines shot out from the soil and propped up on the ground, supporting this giant peach blossom.

In the middle of the peach blossom, there is a pale yellow face.

It is indeed a peach blossom fairy.

After he stood up, Peach Blossom Fairy opened his mouth and took a deep breath, the pink light in the surrounding air instantly gathered towards his mouth and was swallowed by him.

After absorbing it, Peach Blossom Immortal showed an intoxicated expression on her face, then she soared into the air, looked towards the beam of light, and then flew in that direction without hesitation.

Yunyin Heshan, beside a pool on a mountain peak.

A huge rosary crane raised its head, looked at the beam of light shooting from the Lotus Peak not far away, and spread its wings to find out.

Suddenly, he saw the figure of the sacred Xuanwu next to the lotus mountain, and his outstretched wings dropped instantly.

Obediently, it turns out that this big guy made the noise, and I can't afford to offend him.

The movement caused by the sacred basalt turning the Yin-Yang Yuan Gathering Array in the white jade lotus instantly attracted the attention of the powerful elves in the entire Xuanyu Island.

Those nearby noticed the sacred Xuanwu, so they didn't dare to come up, but those in the distance didn't know it, and rushed up one by one.

Sacred Xuanwu obviously also noticed this situation, and a thick khaki-yellow light burst out from the one foot above his head, and then the light spread, and soon filled the entire Yunyinhe Mountain.

The entire Yunyinhe Mountain seemed to be shrouded in a khaki-yellow mask, leaving only a gap above for the beam of light to shoot out.

This is the domain of the sacred basalt, the basalt domain that contains the laws of the earth.

As soon as the Xuanwu domain came out, all the elves who rushed over stopped in an instant.

Obviously, the front has been occupied by the sacred basalt, and none of the elves want to try to challenge the majesty of the imperial elves, let alone this ancient holy beast.

Standing on the pterosaur's back, Zhang Yijin looked at the area covered by the Xuanwu domain in front of him. Because of the obstruction of the domain, he couldn't see the situation inside clearly, so he had no choice but to choose to go back.

Jiang Xiaobei, who was in the Xuanwu domain, looked around curiously.

This kind of scene feels similar to the Capricorn realm of the evil spirit Capricorn.

Because the master of the domain has no malice towards him, he cannot feel the power of his domain and the influence of being in it.

After looking around and feeling nothing, Jiang Xiaobei turned his gaze down again.

At this time, the five jade platforms have been wrapped in clusters of dense energy, and with the help of the jade platform magic circle, they quickly compress and infuse the elves inside.

At the same time, these jade platforms seem to have the effect of screening energy.

For example, the hood is filled with red and ice blue fire and ice energy, the water bottle is surrounded by pure sky blue, the platinum unicorn is surrounded by ice blue and cyan, and the evil basalt is surrounded by dark energy. The red demonic energy and the earthy yellow earth energy.

The attributes of the dragon elves contain various attributes, and they can convert the elements of various attributes into the energy of the dragon in their own body, so there is a white light around the seal messenger.

Even though they were far apart, Jiang Xiaobei could feel that Mao Xiaodou and the others were growing rapidly.

After 10 minutes, a series of system prompts began to appear in Jiang Xiaobei's ears.

"Ding! Congratulations, your elf evil Xuanwu level has been raised to level 38."

"Ding! Congratulations, your elf seal envoy level has been raised to level 41."

"Ding! Congratulations to your elf."

Under the powerful effect of the magic circle, the level of Hood and the five elves rose like a rocket.

Almost ten minutes later, their level will increase by one level.

Nearly two hours later, the platinum unicorn was the first to be unable to hold on, and was pulled out of the magic circle by the sacred Xuanwu, standing beside him and Jiang Xiaobei, watching the remaining four elves continue to absorb energy.

After the absorption just now, the Platinum Unicorn has been upgraded to three consecutive levels, and its level has been raised to level 45.

Jiang Xiaobei was observing the current information of the Platinum Unicorn, and the sacred Xuanwu next to him moved again, pulling the Xiaoyao Water Bottle to their side.

The level of Xiaoyao Aquarius has also been raised to level 45, but because his previous level is slightly lower than that of the platinum unicorn, his improvement rate is higher than that of the platinum unicorn.

Next, there are three remaining elves below, namely Hood Xiaodou, Evil Xuanwu and Seal Envoy.

The cap and the small pocket have the highest level, the strongest strength, and can last longer, which is not surprising to Jiang Xiaobei.

Although Evil Xuanwu's level is low, just now Sacred Xuanwu fused a drop of his blood essence into his body, so Jiang Xiaobei is not surprised that Evil Xuanwu can persist until now.

But Jiang Xiaobei was a little surprised when the seal envoy persisted until now.

The level and strength of the seal envoy are lower than those of the platinum unicorn and the free water bottle, and the talent is not as good as that of the free water bottle, but the persistence time is longer than both of them.

It can only be said that his willpower is extremely strong, and he has persisted until now.

Jiang Xiaobei waited for another ten minutes before the seal envoy couldn't hold on, and was removed from the jade platform by the sacred Xuanwu.

"Ding! Congratulations, your elf seal envoy level has been raised to level 45."

"Ding! Congratulations, your elf seal envoy talent level has been upgraded to the light blue level."

The longer the time of persistence, the greater the benefits the seal envoy will naturally gain. He has been promoted to five levels in one fell swoop, successfully catching up with the Platinum Unicorn and the Happy Water Bottle, and his talent has also been improved.

While Jiang Xiaobei was happy for him, he was also paying attention to the small hood underneath.

After such a long time, the level of the cap and the small pocket has been raised to level 47. As long as it is upgraded by one level, it can complete the evolution and become a snow shadow doll.

Next, it depends on whether the hood can persist until it evolves directly.

Another half hour passed, and the evil Xuanwu also came out of the magic circle.

With the help of his mother's sacred Xuanwu's blood essence, although the evil Xuanwu's level is the lowest, his persistence time is second only to that of the cap, and his level has been raised to level 44.

There is also a faint golden light on the tortoise shell behind him. On the yellow giant python wrapped around its back, the pale golden scales have become dense and textured, and the black iron-colored unicorn on the head of the evil Xuanwu has now become a monster similar to the sacred Xuanwu. Pale golden unicorn.

It can be clearly seen that the evil Xuanwu itself has almost completely changed.

I don't know how his defense ability is, but when he goes back, he will try to detect it.

The current hood has been stuck underneath, Jiang Xiaobei can see that her face has become a bit reluctant, but this last level before evolution seems to be very difficult to improve, it has been stuck until now, and still has not improved .

Looking at the slightly painful expression on Hood, Jiang Xiaobei also felt a little uncomfortable.

When he was anxious, a system notification sound gave him a pleasant surprise.

"Ding! Congratulations, your elf hooded doll has been upgraded to level 48."

Hood has broken through to level 48, and she will be able to evolve soon!

In Jiang Xiaobei's line of sight, the dense light of evolution lit up around the body of the cap Xiaodou in the jade platform below, wrapping it firmly in it.

The surrounding energy is still continuously gathering towards the hood, and the hood, which is in the process of evolution, naturally does not reject anyone who comes, and absorbs them all.

Jiang Xiaobei looked there excitedly. The Platinum Unicorn, the Seal Envoy, and the Happy Water Bottle were also very excited, waiting for Mao Xiaodou to complete its evolution.

Time passed by minute by minute, and after about 10 minutes, the light of evolution above the jade platform began to gradually dissipate, and Jiang Xiaobei also received the information that Mao Xiaodou had successfully evolved.

"Ding! Congratulations, your elf hooded doll has evolved into a snow shadow doll."

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(End of this chapter)

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