My elf is so cute

Chapter 288 Catching cute mice, quack evolution props

Chapter 288 Catching cute mice, quack evolution props
The hood has evolved, and it has evolved into a snow shadow doll!

Although Jiang Xiaobei always knew that Mao Xiaodou would evolve successfully sooner or later, but at this moment, he was still very excited.

I don't know what the exact appearance of the Hooded Doll will be after she evolves into the Snow Shadow Doll.

With this thought in mind, Jiang Xiaobei immediately looked forward.

I saw below, although the energy of the magic circle was still instilling, but the light of evolution slowly dissipated, revealing the figure of the hood and small pocket.

Today's hooded pocket is about 1.4 meters to 1.5 meters tall, and looks like a little human girl.

A head of light blue long hair is tied behind the head in the shape of twin ponytails. Compared with before, her tender face has not changed much, and she is still so cute.

Wearing a long white dress, a pair of smooth little feet were exposed, stepping on the jade platform below, her white skin was not much different from the color of white jade.

Holding a doll in the shape of a hood with big ears in both hands, it also looks very cute.

"My Xiaodou is still so cute." Jiang Xiaobei smiled happily, thinking happily.

The hood has its eyes closed at this moment, still absorbing the surrounding energy.

After the evolution is complete, her strength has been greatly improved, and her ability to accommodate energy has also increased a lot, so she can naturally continue to absorb it.

However, the hood and small pocket absorbed it for a while, then stopped absorbing it, and walked out voluntarily.

She could feel that she could no longer absorb it.

Although the energy he absorbed was extremely pure, and he could move freely after absorbing it into his body, but his strength had improved so much all of a sudden, and his adaptability to power must be very different from before, so it was not suitable to continue absorbing energy up.

After Mao Xiaodou walked out of the jade platform, the sacred Xuanwu led her to his side.

Jiang Xiaobei immediately greeted him, smiled and touched the long light blue hair of the hood, the tentacles felt very soft.

The hooded pocket narrowed his big dark blue eyes with some comfort, then stretched out a hand, holding Jiang Xiaobei's big hand.

Then, she suddenly thought of something, stretched out her other hand and lowered her head to calculate, finally stretched out five fingers to Jiang Xiaobei, and shouted:

Mao Xiaodou was telling Jiang Xiaobei that he had broken through four times just now and completed his evolution. According to the rules, Jiang Xiaobei had to recharge his mobile phone with 25G data this month.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei, who was still feeling very warm just now, turned dark instantly.

Remember so clearly?There are only a few days in this month, have you used up the 25 G?
"Okay, okay, I got it, I'll charge it later." Jiang Xiaobei said angrily.

Now that the hood has evolved, after walking out of the jade platform, because there is no target in the magic circle, it is automatically and slowly closed without the control of the sacred basalt.

The sacred Xuanwu landed with Jiang Xiaobei and a group of elves. After landing, she put away her Xuanwu domain.

The world that was originally filled with earthy yellow colors instantly returned to its original state.

"Okay, everything is over, please take care of Evil Xuanwu from now on." Sacred Xuanwu stood in front of Jiang Xiaobei, looked at his child, and said to Jiang Xiaobei.

Jiang Xiaobei immediately nodded and replied, "Don't worry, I will definitely train the evil Xuanwu well."

The evil Xuanwu behind him also raised his head, looked at his mother, and shouted a few times as if to say goodbye.

It's not sad, he's not the kind of person who is particularly dependent on his parents, he feels good about being able to go out on his own and experience the life of the outside world.

Moreover, considering the long lifespan of their Xuanwu clan, a few years or decades is not very long. Besides, if they feel homesick, they can come back at any time.

The holy Xuanwu warned the evil Xuanwu a few more times, and then a golden light shot out from the golden horn on the top of his head, and merged into the evil Xuanwu's body.

This golden light is her means of protection for the evil Xuanwu. If she encounters an irresistible danger, this golden light can notify herself, and at the same time transmit some energy to protect the evil Xuanwu.

But for this role, he didn't tell Jiang Xiaobei and the evil Xuanwu that in the future they still had to rely on themselves to make their own way, and they couldn't be made dependent on him.

After everything was ready, Sacred Xuanwu left here, but Jiang Xiaobei didn't follow because he wanted to capture two cute mice, and chose to stay in Yunyin Heshan for the time being.

There are two main types of elves in Yunyin Heshan, namely the cute mouse and the fairy feather.

Their final evolution forms are the Peach-Faced Mouse of the Wu Department and the Rosary Crane of the Wing Department, and they are both very powerful elves in their respective attribute fields.

There are indeed quite a few of these two kinds of elves in this Yunyinhe Mountain. When he raised his head, Jiang Xiaobei could see a few fairy feathers soaring over the mountain peaks not far away, and occasionally one or two of their evolved forms. Red, as for the rosary crane, I haven't seen much.

As for the cute mouse, under the tree about 50 meters in front of Jiang Xiaobei, there is one, hiding behind the tree, showing a small face, and looking towards Jiang Xiaobei curiously.

Seemingly noticing that Jiang Xiaobei was looking towards him, the cute mouse immediately jumped up in fright, turned around and ran away.

But how could he escape.

The seal envoy behind Jiang Xiaobei rushed forward immediately, with a speed like the wind, and quickly caught up with the cute mouse whose strength was not as high as that of a high-level elf, and caught it back.

After being stunned, this poor cute mouse was directly put into the grunt ball.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Xiaobei spent another 10 minutes to find a cute mouse that was alone, and caught it.

After the practical project is completed this time, it is estimated that nearly a hundred cute mice will be received in the school.

After these cute mice are caught, it is estimated that more than two-thirds of them will be released afterwards, and the remaining one-third should be brought into the school's training base for training and selection of elves with more outstanding talents for school students. Subdue.

Once the two cute mice were captured, the task assigned by Jiang Xiaobei's school was considered to be successfully completed.

Not only that, but he also subdued the super elves with excellent talent and race like the evil Xuanwu, and the strength of Mao Xiaodou and others was also greatly improved.

It can be said that this trip has been very successful.

However, Jiang Xiaobei didn't forget what he wanted when he came here, that is to find the evolution props of Quack.

For example, the gourd seeds needed for the evolution of Xiaoyao Guagua, and the glyphed wooden sticks needed for the evolution of Shaolin Guagua, as long as they can find one, Jiang Xiaobei will have a head start for the paper he wants to publish next.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't have much hope for the evolution props of Wealthy Croak, something similar to the God of Wealth hat, mainly because it was too metaphysical.

Is it really like in the original game, the fairy gave the hat?

keep writing

 Thank you Luo Yu Moran for your reward!Thank you for the reward of 500 coins from the boss of Pandi Maimai Xianyin, thank you for the reward of 100 coins from Annan Expedition to the North, and thank you for the reward of 588 coins

(End of this chapter)

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