My elf is so cute

Chapter 289 Two Buddha-patterned Trees at the End of Yunwaikong Bridge

Chapter 289 Two Buddha-patterned Trees at the End of Yunwaikong Bridge
Because there are too many elves together, it is troublesome, so Jiang Xiaobei put away all the other elves, leaving only the cap and the platinum unicorn.

He and Mao Xiaodou rode on the back of the platinum unicorn, and searched around Yunyinhe Mountain for a long time. Jiang Xiaobei also used the system to search for a long time. Some light stones, wood spirit stones, and magic stones were found. But about the props for the evolution of Guagua, every time Mao saw one.

After searching to no avail, Jiang Xiaobei chose to change the location of his search.

Since Yunyin Heshan couldn't find it, he would look for it elsewhere. He believed that he would be able to find it anyway.

Sitting on the back of the platinum unicorn, they flew all the way down, and soon they came to the cloud and mist paradise again.

Without staying here, under Jiang Xiaobei's command, the platinum unicorn flew all the way in the direction of the ancient sea of ​​clouds road.

On the way, when passing by the giant peach tree in the center of Yunyan Taoyuan, the croak was still leisurely leaning against the peach tree, with its legs crossed, holding a carrot in its hand, tasting it deliciously.

Noticing the arrival of the platinum unicorn, Guagua was taken aback for an instant, and quickly hid the carrot behind him.

Hey, why is this guy here again?
You really don't want to grab Lord Rabbit's carrot, do you?

But Jiang Xiaobei didn't even let the Platinum Unicorn land this time, he just waved at Guagua in the air, and then they flew directly to the Ancient Cloud Road.

In the ancient sea of ​​clouds road, the platinum unicorn carried Jiang Xiaobei and the cap on its back and searched for a while near the waterfall, but Jiang Xiaobei found a few waterfalls suitable for the evolution of Shaolin Guagua. However, the glyphs He did not find the wooden stick.

They couldn't find it on the Yunhai Ancient Road, so they went directly to the Yunwu Great Wall ahead.

The Yunwu Great Wall is different from the natural magnificence of the Yunhai Ancient Road, but has a sense of majesty and majesty. A quaint Great Wall is built on steep mountains, and the quaint flags in the city wall buildings make a rattling sound under the blowing wind.

In addition, the danger of the Yunwu Great Wall is even more dangerous than other places on Xuanyu Island.

Because here are the spirits of the demon-type elves, the heart-wrenching demons and the ghost-type elves.

According to legend, spirits like spirits are the soldiers who once guarded the Great Wall of Clouds and Mist. After death, their will will not be dissipated, their spirits will not die, and eventually they gradually turned into spirits like spirits.

Their evolutionary form of unyielding fighting spirit is extremely powerful in fighting ability, and has a strong will interference ability. If the will is not firm, it is easy to be suppressed by their strong fighting will, and their strength cannot be fully exerted.

However, the holy light mastered by the Platinum Unicorn is the nemesis of all demonic and ghostly spirits. Ordinary demonic and ghostly spirits are very unwilling to face this kind of light.

So, after they came to the Great Wall outside the Clouds, Jiang Xiaobei let the platinum unicorn release its holy light, and then took him wandering around. As expected, no elves appeared to interfere during this process own treasure hunt.

Unfortunately, in the Great Wall of Clouds and Mist, he still couldn't find anything.

After the Great Wall of Clouds and Mist, there are gossip and gossip.

The danger of ecstasy and gossip is not small. The terrain is steep, and a magic circle similar to a magic circle is arranged. In it, it is difficult for ordinary people to find the right direction.

If you don't have a bit of strength, it's easy to fall into the psychedelic illusion, and you will stumble and fall off the cliff if you are not careful.

If you are proficient in Qimen gossip, you can easily pass through.

But Jiang Xiaobei is obviously no longer in this list, but it doesn't bother Jiang Xiaobei.

Mihun Bagua is located in a mountain peak, and there is a passage at the end of it. Walking through this passage, you can enter the Yunwaikong Bridge behind it.

Jiang Xiaobei chose to let the Platinum Unicorn fly over this mountain and land directly on the Yunwai Kong Bridge.

At most, it is not to search in the ecstasy gossip, you can look for it in other places first, and if you can't find it in other places in the end, then consider entering the ecstasy gossip.

On the side of Yunwaikong Bridge is a spacious high-altitude stone bridge.

On both sides of the bridge, there are white clouds floating, and the small mountain peaks not far away are covered with green and upright black bamboos, which are very beautiful.

Jiang Xiaobei strolled on the Kongqiao, walked forward slowly, admiring the beautiful scenery around him, and when he saw a particularly beautiful place, he took out his camera to take a picture.

"Shushua." Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobei heard the sound of bamboo leaves shaking and rattling behind him.

Turning his head, he saw, on a bamboo on the edge of the cliff in front of him, a panda Xiucai was climbing on that bamboo, looking at Jiang Xiaobei here.

Seeing this panda scholar who was much thinner than normal pandas, Jiang Xiaobei smiled kindly at him, and then began to size him up.

Panda Xiu is an elf of the martial arts department, and his martial arts talent is extraordinary.

However, what Jiang Xiaobei cared about was the dark circles under the eyes of this talented panda.

He kept thinking, what would pandas look like if their dark circles were gone?

Encountering the panda Xiucai was just a small episode, and then Jiang Xiaobei continued to walk forward, all the way to explore the surrounding flowers and plants, and various things.

As a result, I went all the way to the end, but I still didn't find it. Further ahead, there is the Kowloon Corridor.

At the end of the Yunwaikong Bridge, in front of the Kowloon Corridor, there are two golden-red giant trees, located on both sides of the entrance of the Kowloon Promenade.

These two giant trees attracted Jiang Xiaobei's attention.

There are no leaves on the golden-red giant tree, but because the branches on the tree are always emitting golden-red light, it doesn't make people feel that it is bare.

Somewhat strangely, the trunk and branches of the giant tree seem to have been carved by people, and there are dense golden patterns on them.

Jiang Xiaobei immediately went to investigate the two trees.

[Buddha pattern tree] A precious tree that contains the power of Buddhism and Taoism. On the branches that grow naturally, there are natural Buddha patterns condensed, which contain good energy. Take its branches as a weapon of croaking, and feel the power with great perseverance , which can make the croak evolve into a Shaolin croak.


Jiang Xiaobei was shocked after reading the information about the two Buddha-patterned trees.

He found it, he finally found the props that croaked to evolve into Shaolin croaked, it turned out to be the branch of the Buddha pattern tree!
Take the branch as a weapon, use great perseverance to comprehend the power in it, and after comprehension, you can evolve.

It turns out that this is the evolution method of Shaolin Guagua.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobei stepped forward, stretched out his hand to grab a branch, and tried to see if the branch was firm.

"Crack!" To Jiang Xiaobei's surprise, after his hand touched the branch, a golden light flashed on the branch, and then the branch directly broke where it touched the trunk, and the fracture was as smooth as a knife cut.

The golden light flashed on the branch in his hand, and the shape of the branch changed accordingly, turning into a slender golden-red wooden stick about 1.5 meters long.

This stick is almost identical to the stick that Jiang Xiaobei recalled when Guagua evolved into Shaolin Guagua.

It seems that this is a prop for the evolution of Quack.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobei stretched out his hand again, and took down eight more branches one after another.

There aren't many branches on the Buddha-patterned tree, so Jiang Xiaobei didn't take any more, nine branches would be enough.

Putting nine branches into the Xiaoyao space of the Xiaoyao water bottle, Jiang Xiaobei got up and stepped into the Kowloon corridor.

 Thank you Annan Expedition for the reward of 100 coins, and thank you for the reward of 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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