My elf is so cute

Chapter 290 Subduing Guagua

Chapter 290 Subduing Guagua
The Kowloon Corridor, like a curved long dragon, has nine bends in total, so it is named the Kowloon Corridor.

On both sides of the promenade, there are rows of carved beams and painted columns. Looking at the two sides through the guardrail made of mahogany, it is a wonderful scene of a sea of ​​clouds, which is majestic and magnificent.

The total length of the Kowloon Corridor is 99 meters. Except that the two sides are on top of the mountain peaks, the rest of the corridor is suspended in the sky without any support.

This has to make Jiang Xiaobei sigh, the civilization of the magic world is indeed powerful, such a project is basically impossible to complete in the human world.

Stepping on the bridge deck of the Kowloon promenade, Jiang Xiaobei walked forward while admiring the beautiful scenery around him.

Although the distance of nearly ten kilometers was a bit long, with Jiang Xiaobei's current system, he didn't feel too tired walking. After walking for nearly an hour, Jiang Xiaobei came to the end of the Kowloon corridor.

Ahead is the Mo Temple!

Originally, Jiang Xiaobei wanted to go into Mo Sheng Temple to appreciate the style of the Four Treasures of Qin, Chess, Calligraphy and Painting.

But when he came to the end of the Kowloon Corridor and was about to walk forward, a black mysterious light lit up on the door rail, condensing a black light-pattern circle, which prevented Jiang Xiaobei from continuing to move forward. go ahead.

Jiang Xiaobei froze for a moment, then lightly touched the magic circle with his hand.

The magic circle was like a wall, preventing him from moving forward.

"It seems that you can't enter this Mo Temple casually." Jiang Xiaobei looked around again, but didn't find any mechanism.

After thinking about it, he decided to return the same way.

The purpose of this trip has been achieved, and it's no big deal if you can't enter Mo Shengdian.

Sitting on the back of the platinum unicorn, they flew all the way down the mountain, and soon, they came to Yunyan Taoyuan again.

Jiang Xiaobei's heart skipped a beat when he saw Gugua who was standing next to the giant peach tree and turning up the radish field with a small wooden plow.

Do you want to subdue this croak?

Although the current strength of this croak has almost been finalized, its moldability is very poor, and its talent is not very high, only the yellow level.

But I did not want to subdue him to train him to fight.

In order to complete the thesis, I definitely need to tame a croak and help him evolve into a Shaolin croak.

But now I already have a seal envoy, and both Shaolin Guagua and the seal envoy are melee elves, so subduing Shaolin Guagua seems a bit tasteless.

Now I have a total of five elves. No matter how many elves there are, it will be very difficult to cultivate resources.

And if this croak, I help him evolve, and he helps me complete the thesis, this is a win-win partnership.

If he wants to come back in the future, let him go back to Xuanyu Island; if he wants to follow him, he can lead him to live a happy life in the human world.

Jiang Xiaobei thinks he can do it without vigorously cultivating it, just to make an elf live comfortably in Blue Star.

With this thought in mind, Jiang Xiaobei let the Platinum Unicorn fall next to Quack.

"Quack?" Guack raised his head and looked at Jiang Xiaobei, his chubby rabbit face was full of doubts.

Why are you here again?
This time, he wasn't too scared. Jiang Xiaobei didn't make things difficult for him in the previous two times, and now he has no reason to make things difficult for him.

However, he still put down the tools in his hands, walked up quickly, and greeted Jiang Xiaobei, the platinum unicorn and Xiaodou with a rabbit face while smiling.

Jiang Xiaobei jumped off the back of the platinum unicorn, looked at the well-organized cultivated land behind Guagua, and said with some emotion: "It's very hardworking."

When Jiang Xiaobei was a child, when he went to play at his grandfather's house, he also saw his grandfather doing farm work in the farmland.

This quack's level of plowing is not much different from the plowing skills of his grandfather, an old farmer.

"Quack, do you live here alone? Do you have any relatives?" Jiang Xiaobei asked through voice transmission.

"Quack?" Quack shook his head, expressing that he had no relatives.

That's good, Jiang Xiaobei nodded, then took out a Gulu ball, and said straight to the point: "Quack, then are you willing to come with me to the human world?"

Seeing Jiang Xiaobei take out the Gulu ball, Guagua took a few steps back, looked at Jiang Xiaobei warily, and then shook his head directly after hearing Jiang Xiaobei's words, expressing that he didn't want to go.

"Oh, you don't want to go, it's a pity for you." Jiang Xiaobei shook his head, as if talking to himself, but he sent it to Guagua through voice transmission through spiritual power: "I wanted to say that the human world has something that can't be eaten. Complete carrots, and food ten times more delicious than carrots, can also help you evolve."

When Guagua heard that there were too many carrots to eat, his big eyes widened, and he couldn't help swallowing when he heard that there was food ten times more delicious than carrots.

Finally, after hearing that it can help him evolve, Guagua's eyes shine even more.Next, he saw Jiang Xiaobei shaking his head again: "Since you don't want to go, forget it."

Behind him, the Platinum Unicorn and Hooded Hood silently looked at Quack in front of Jiang Xiaobei.

Although there was nothing wrong with what Jiang Xiaobei said, they still felt that this croak was about to be limped by Jiang Xiaobei.

Poor croak!
Jiang Xiaobei turned around, suddenly a flash appeared in front of his eyes, Gugua, who was standing behind him, was now standing in front of him, looking at Jiang Xiaobei with a smile on his face.

"Quack? Quack"

The translated meaning is: whoever said that I don't want to go, I have long been full of expectations for the legendary human world. By the way, can you talk about the food and evolution you just mentioned in detail?
Jiang Xiaobei's eyes were full of smiles, but he still pretended to be surprised and looked at Guagua: "Are you willing to go?"

Quack nodded quickly.

Jiang Xiaobei stopped teasing him, released the Xiaoyao water bottle, took out some elf toffee with different flavors that he had made before, and handed it to Guagua.

Under Jiang Xiaobei's guidance, Guagua tore open the package and took a sip.

"Quack!" Guack's eyes lit up, and a large amount of saliva was secreted from his mouth.

This taste is delicious!

Seeing the pile of toffee left in front of him, Gugua quivered with excitement.

Jiang Xiaobei smiled and said, "Okay, okay, follow me, and you will have as many as you want in the future." Immediately afterwards, he told Guagua about evolution.

Because he doesn't have too much attachment to strength, so for evolution, he just has some instinctive desires for life to look forward to evolution, but it is not a concern.

With delicious food, he is already very satisfied.

For evolution, he just thought that it would be best if he could evolve, but if he couldn't, it wouldn't be a big problem.

"Then, don't resist." Jiang Xiaobei took out the Gulu ball and said to Gugua, and then pressed the button in it, and a white light shot out, shot at Gugua, and put it into the Guru ball.

Because Jiang Xiaobei had said it in advance, Guagua didn't resist. The Guluball just swayed and quickly regained its composure.

 Thank you for the reward of 100 coins from the big brother, thank you for the reward of 400 coins from the almighty student boss, and thank you for the reward of 756 coins from the big brother Annan Expedition
  first change

(End of this chapter)

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