My elf is so cute

Chapter 291 Guagua Evolution, Shaolin Guagua

Chapter 291 Guagua Evolution, Shaolin Guagua

After subduing Guagua, it happens that he is also in Xuanyu Island now, Jiang Xiaobei is going to directly arrange the evolution of Guagua.

According to Jiang Xiaobei's memory, quack evolution only needs props, and there is no level limit.

Although I don't know the specific situation in reality, but Guagua is now more than 30 levels, even if there are any level restrictions, it is estimated that it is almost the same now.

At this time, it was already evening, Jiang Xiaobei raised his head, looked at the sun that was about to set, but gave up on taking Guagua to the Ancient Cloud Road to try to evolve.

There are a total of five days for the practice assessment, and today is the first day, so there is no need to rush.

Wait until tomorrow morning to go to Yunhai Ancient Road to take a look.

Tonight, I will rest at Guagua's side for the night.

Thinking about it, he released all the other elves.

Jiang Xiaobei, Mao Xiaodou, Platinum Unicorn, Seal Messenger, Free Water Bottle, Evil Xuanwu, and Quack, one person and six elves picked up some branches, formed a circle, and sat under the giant peach tree.

"Mao Xiaodou, come and light this pile of firewood." Jiang Xiaobei raised his head after arranging the firewood, and said to Mao Xiaodou who was sitting next to him.

Mao Xiaodou nodded, and then Jiang Xiaobei saw that Mao Xiaodou's light blue hair started from the root, and gradually turned into a bright red like a flame, and a pair of dark blue pupils also turned red. A faint heat is emitted from the body.

The evil Xuanwu and Guagua who hadn't seen the transformation of the multi-hooded pocket looked at the hooded pocket with surprise.

My goodness, is this all transformed?


Hood raised a small white hand, and released a ball of flame directly, igniting the firewood in front of him.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobei asked Xiaoyao Aquarius to take out the pre-prepared elf food from the water bottle space, and distributed it to Hood Xiaodou and the others, while Xiaoyao Aquarius himself took out a water spirit stone and absorbed it .

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobei had prepared a week's rations for Mao Xiaodou and the others in advance before coming, otherwise, their food would become a big problem in the past few days.

However, Jiang Xiaobei is still going to look for the next day in this Yunyan Taoyuan, if there is any natural elf food, otherwise, seeing the appetite of the evil Xuanwu, the big eater, the food he prepared in advance may not be enough. Food for five days.

"From today onwards, we are a family. We should help each other and love each other!" Jiang Xiaobei raised a hand and said to everyone with a smile.

"Doudou!" "Xilu!" "Wooah!" "Bottle!" "Shuishui!"

After hearing Jiang Xiaobei's words, the elves stopped their mouth movements, looked at each other, and all cried out enthusiastically.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Jiang Xiaobei brought a group of elves to the Ancient Sea of ​​Clouds Road again.

Sitting on the back of the platinum unicorn, Jiang Xiaobei and Guagua were brought to the reef of the waterfall on the side of the Yunhai Ancient Road.

Because of the long-term erosion of the waterfall, the reef looks very smooth. Jiang Xiaobei and Guagua stood on the reef cautiously, fearing that they would accidentally slip down from here.

Quacking is nothing. As a high-level elf, with his physical strength, if he falls into the water below, he will feel some pain at most, and it will not be life-threatening.

But with Jiang Xiaobei's small body, it might not be so.

Xiaoyao Water Bottle took out a slender stick with Buddha pattern, and Jiang Xiaobei handed it to Guagua.

"Quack, you will hold the stick later, and feel the induction between your body and the stick under the impact of the waterfall. When you understand it thoroughly, you will be able to complete the evolution."

Prior to this, Jiang Xiaobei had roughly understood the principle of Shaolin Guagua's evolution through a systematic introduction.

The Buddha-patterned sticks made of Buddha-patterned branches will continuously radiate the charm of Buddha to the surroundings.

The body of an elf like croak is a bit special. When the body is under pressure, the body will absorb the Buddha's rhyme in the Buddha-patterned stick, thus merging with its own body.

When the degree of absorption reaches a certain level, it will be able to fuse with the creations of the Buddha's rhyme and the Buddha-pattern stick that it has absorbed, so as to realize evolution and evolve into a Shaolin croak.

After evolution, the Buddha-pattern stick will become the exclusive weapon of the Shaolin croak, similar to the existence of accompanying weapons, and will improve with the improvement of Shaolin guagua's strength, and it is the most suitable weapon for Shaolin guagua.

After explaining everything clearly, Jiang Xiaobei sat on the back of the platinum unicorn and left the slippery rock.

Guagua looked at the waterfall that stayed from above and hit the rocks with a loud noise. He felt a little apprehensive, but for the sake of a better life in the future, he went all out.

Holding the Buddha-pattern stick, he gritted his teeth and rushed into the waterfall.
In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Jiang Xiaobei knew that it would take a long time for croaks to evolve into Shaolin croaks, so he waited patiently.

Except for going out to other places to find some special spiritual fruits to make elf food every day, Jiang Xiaobei stayed on the ancient sea of ​​clouds road for the rest of the time, watching Guagua practice hard on the reef above.

The seal envoy had nothing to do, just like Guagua, he deliberately found another reef, and exercised his physical strength and coordination under the impact of the waterfall.

In the past three days, he has really made a lot of progress, at least adapting to the soaring strength and power.

The Hooded Hood is extremely boring. He is sitting on a rock at this moment, holding the hooded doll with big ears in one hand, and propping his small head with the other hand. His eyes are dull, and he doesn't know what he is thinking about.

She has been in the secret realm for the past few days and cannot play with her mobile phone, but she is bored to death.

Moreover, she opened her little finger and did the math. According to the calendar, after she went back, there were only three days left in this month, 25 G for three days, and she felt that she was at a loss!

Jiang Xiaobei was on the side, and in front of him was a row of relatively simple tools for making elf food, which he had previously stored in the water bottle space of the Xiaoyao water bottle.

Next to them are the evil basalt, the platinum unicorn, and the spiritual fruit and spiritual materials they found elsewhere.

Jiang Xiaobei is using these materials to make some elf food that suits their tastes. At this time, one portion is almost finished, and the evil Xuanwu and Platinum Unicorns next to them smell the fragrance in the air, and they are about to bear it. Can't stop drooling.

After all, Evil Xuanwu is the prince of Xuanyu Island. He knows that there are many good things here, and most of the powerful elves know him. Even if Evil Xuanwu takes some spiritual fruits that belong to them, they dare not resist.

The evil Xuanwu is not their opponent, but the old lady of the other party is an existence that I can't afford to provoke after eight lifetimes of cultivation!

The evil Xuanwu brought back a lot of good things, many of which were of great use to Jiang Xiaobei, so Jiang Xiaobei didn't plan to treat this great hero badly, and made a lot of delicious food every day.

These days, Evil Xuanwu and the others are also enjoying themselves.

Soon, the elf food was finished, and Jiang Xiaobei evenly divided them into several plates and placed them in front of several elves.

The eyes of the evil Xuanwu and the platinum unicorns were shining, and they ate them directly.

Jiang Xiaobei picked up a plate, and was about to give it to Mao Xiaodou, who was in a state of fugue, when a system notification sounded suddenly in his ear.

"Ding! Congratulations on your elf Quack evolving into Shaolin Quack."

 There are two more

(End of this chapter)

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