My elf is so cute

Chapter 292 End of term holiday, return to Xiangcheng

Chapter 292 Returning to Xiangcheng for the final holiday

Hearing the beep, Jiang Xiaobei's hands trembled, and he almost threw the plate in his hand.

Afterwards, several reminder tones rang next to his ears.

"Ding! Congratulations, your elf Shaolin Guagua has been upgraded to level 38."

"Ding! Congratulations to your elf Shaolin Guagua for comprehending the skill of stick strike."

Jiang Xiaobei put down the plate in his hand, and turned his head to look at the area above where the quack was.

I saw, in which direction, a circle of dazzling golden light lit up, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds sounded from there, and I heard it in my ears, like Huang Zhong Dalu, with a solemn and solemn voice.

Afterwards, the golden light slowly dissipated, revealing the situation inside.

At this time, Guagua was holding a Buddha-pattern stick, wearing a monk's costume, and standing on the reef with a smile on his face.

In terms of stature, he is a little taller than before. At this time, he is 1.4 meters tall, which is about the same height as the hood.

Standing on it, feeling the strength of his body, Shaolin Guagua jumped directly onto the ancient road.

Jiang Xiaobei walked to his side, looking at Shaolin Guagua's appearance, his mind was full of imagination.

The Shaolin croak in front of him now is only one step away from his former godly pet.

But without Immortal Rabbit, Jiang Xiaobei didn't know where to learn the technique of digging treasures.

In order to test Shaolin Guagua's strength, Jiang Xiaobei took him to find a water-type elf with similar strength, Qingshui Zhijing, and started a battle.

Facts have proved that Shaolin Guagua's combat ability is indeed extremely strong. Although it has just evolved, it is difficult for the opponent who can fight against the Qingshui Spirit with similar strength.

After simply recording the data, Jiang Xiaobei put away Shaolin Guagua.

There is only one day left until the end of the practical assessment task. On this last day, Jiang Xiaobei is going to walk around Xuanyu Island again to see if he can find some useful spiritual fruits and materials.

The evil Xuanwu was familiar with this place, and Jiang Xiaobei asked him to lead the way.

At the end of the day, Jiang Xiaobei still found a lot of good things, seven cocoa fruits, two figs, and a wood spirit stone.

When the last day came, Jiang Xiaobei didn't intend to stay here any longer. He returned directly to the base of Xuanyu Island, handed over the two cute mice he had caught, and then left Xuanyu Island, returning directly to Mo Da.

As long as you complete the task in the practice assessment, you can leave early, just like you can hand in the papers in advance in the examination room. As long as you hand in the "examination papers", the teacher will not ask too much about where you will go later, everything is your own business.

This trip has been very fruitful, Jiang Xiaobei is going to go back and make a good plan for the future.

With this harvest, Jiang Xiaobei feels that the task Chen Bing set for him to become a senior professional trainer in three years is no longer difficult, and even after another year, he can almost complete it.

Jiang Xiaobei is now thinking, should he increase the difficulty for himself now, and become a king-level trainer in three years?

It seems that it is not impossible?
After returning to the Demon University, Jiang Xiaobei first went back to the dormitory, cleaned up his body, changed his clothes, and then went out.

Xu Leilei, Xie Xu, and Hou Ziming are still in the assessment process and haven't returned to school yet. Jiang Xiaobei's only acquaintance in school is Lin Chuxia.

Knowing that Jiang Xiaobei had returned to school, Lin Chuxia invited Jiang Xiaobei out to the cafeteria for lunch.

When Jiang Xiaobei arrived at the Fairy Canteen, Lin Chuxia had already arrived, and the room had been booked in advance.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobei approaching, she asked with a smile on her face, "How is it? Did you gain anything this time?"

Jiang Xiaobei smiled mysteriously, "The harvest is naturally great."

"What harvest!" Lin Chuxia asked curiously.

"Well, you'll know right away." With that said, Jiang Xiaobei released Hood and the other six elves.

Someone like Evil Xuanwu would have to announce it sooner or later. It was impossible for him to let Evil Xuanwu shrink in the grunt ball all the time, and now he had to eat, so Jiang Xiaobei simply released him directly, and let Lin Chuxia meet first.

As a student of Fengxue Gymnasium and a college student of the devil, ordinary people dare not do anything to themselves, although because of the great temptation of the evil Xuanwu itself, it is likely to attract the attention of the Dark Council.

However, in China, the Dark Council really did not dare to take action easily.

As for Shaolin croaks, they are very similar to croaks. As long as you don’t tell me, others will probably think it’s a cosplay-loving croak.

Sure enough, Lin Chuxia didn't pay much attention to Shaolin Guagua, and was directly attracted by Mao Xiaodou and the evil Xuanwu.

She covered her mouth in disbelief, and opened her eyes wide to look at the hat and the evil Xuanwu. After a long time, she turned her eyes to look at Jiang Xiaobei.

"Hao Xiaodou evolved? Also, this is the evil Xuanwu? The evil Xuanwu of Xuanyu Island?!! God, what is going on?" Lin Chuxia knew before that the sacred beast of Xuanyu Island is a sacred beast. Xuanwu evolved from the evil Xuanwu. She had seen pictures of the evil Xuanwu before, which was basically the same as the one in front of her.

Seeing Lin Chuxia's reaction, Jiang Xiaobei was very satisfied, he smiled and told the story of his trip, but the content was changed a bit.

In general, Sacred Xuanwu sees that he is talented, so he specially entrusts his children to be raised by himself, Balabala.
After listening to it, Lin Chuxia had a complicated expression on his face. He still couldn't believe it, but he was also happy for Jiang Xiaobei to subdue such a super elf.

"You are really lucky." Lin Chuxia sighed, and then walked to the side of the cap.

"After the evolution, Xiaodou is still so cute. Come on, let's take a photo together." Mao Xiaodou was playing with his mobile phone when Lin Chuxia suddenly took a photo with him. He raised his head helplessly, and immediately lowered his head after taking a photo. Look at the phone.

Jiang Xiaobei saw that Lin Chuxia hadn't noticed Shaolin Guagua until now, and didn't say much.

He also wanted to see what Lin Chuxia's expression would be when he published the paper.

After returning home during the winter vacation, I will start to prepare the thesis. It is estimated that the thesis will be published before the Chinese New Year.

By then, Guagua will no longer be the weakest of the three.

The weak three are three types of elves that are evaluated by humans based on the development potential of elves, namely quack, little unicorn and frost saber.

These are elves that were previously believed to be incapable of evolution.

Because Jiang Xiaobei announced the evolution method of the little unicorn, so the little unicorn has officially left the ranks of the weak three, and it won't be long before Guagua will also leave this rank.

At that time, only the Frostsaber will be left, but this kind of elf really doesn't have any evolution form, it is very weak, even Jiang Xiaobei can't find his evolution method.

Jiang Xiaobei sat down, took out his mobile phone to scan the QR code on the table, and began to order food for them according to their taste.

Lin Chuxia still only has one blue bead swan, and has not yet subdued the second elf, but the level and strength of the blue bead swan has reached level 40, becoming an elite elf.

After all, Lin Chuxia is now a student of the Elf Cultivator Academy, so she doesn't pay too much attention to the training of elves.

During the meal, Lin Chuxia asked Jiang Xiaobei: "When are you going to go back?"

"Let's wait for tomorrow. If Lei Lei and the others haven't come back before two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, then we won't wait for them and go home directly."

The next day, Xu Leilei and the others finally came back in time. The five members of Xiangcheng's No. [-] middle school team returned to Xiangcheng together.

After returning home, Jiang Xiaobei began to prepare a paper on the evolution plan of Guagua.

 There is one more update, it will probably be a bit late
(End of this chapter)

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