My elf is so cute

Chapter 293 Publication of the paper attracts national attention

Chapter 293 Publication of the paper attracts national attention

At Shanghai University, the length of the holidays never disappoints the students.

A winter vacation lasted for almost a month and a half. For students who are a little tired of staying in school, this kind of vacation is indeed very comfortable.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed since the holiday, and in seven or eight days, it will be the Chinese New Year.

"Xiaobei, don't stay in the room all day, come out and help me clean the room." Hearing his mother's voice outside the house, Jiang Xiaobei curled his lips helplessly, closed the computer, stood up and walked out the door.

When I first came home and after a while at home, my mother's attitude towards herself was different.

The first few days when I came home, my mother said: Xiaobei, what dish do you want to eat today?Mom went shopping today, hey hey hey, you don't need to clean the room, I'll just do it later.

Now it's: I'm so lazy to be like a pig every day, I'm getting bored to death, come here, help me peel the onion.

The deceptive behavior of life!
While cleaning the room, Jiang Xiaobei was thinking about something.

Some details of my thesis have been basically resolved in the past two days, and I can submit it today, but it is almost the Chinese New Year, and I don’t know if the review department is still working.

If you don't go to work, you probably have to wait until the school starts soon before it can be reviewed and announced.

After the announcement, the two Buddha-patterned trees on Xuanyu Island will probably have to be protected, and most people are basically not allowed to get close. After all, Shaolin Guagua is very powerful, and many people must want it, but the branches on the Buddha-patterned tree are not not many.

The price of the eight Buddha pattern sticks in the water bottle space will also soar.

In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobei entered a document into the thesis review area, and clicked submit.

Next, it is a matter of waiting for the notification result.

At this time, the thesis review department of the headquarters of the elf cultivator in Kyoto is still working.

Their work in this line of work is very important, so the holidays are relatively short, and the Chinese New Year is only about ten days. At this time, it is not possible to have a holiday like Jiang Xiaobei, and many editors are still reviewing papers in the office.

Ji Xin, the editor in charge who reviewed Jiang Xiaobei's paper on the evolution plan of the little unicorn before, coincidentally at this time, the paper submitted by Jiang Xiaobei was received in his paper library.

These papers are submitted to the paper library of the responsible editor, and will be automatically arranged to enter the editor's field of vision.

In order of arrangement, first look at the elf breeder level of the sender.

The second is to look at the time when the paper was sent.

Jiang Xiaobei is now an intermediate elf cultivator, his thesis is very advanced, and it quickly entered Ji Xin's eyes.

"Huh? Quack's evolution plan? The author, Jiang Xiaobei?!" Ji Xin couldn't help swallowing before he read the content of the paper.

He had a strong hunch that there was a blockbuster in this paper, and Jiang Xiaobei's paper was correct!
If you really think it is correct, it is estimated that there will be another storm in the country.

As soon as the little unicorn evolution plan came out, bronze unicorns, gold unicorns, and platinum unicorns, these types of unicorns are not only powerful, but also extremely perfect in appearance.

The little unicorns that no one cared about at first became sweet pastries in an instant. Many people wanted a little unicorn but couldn't get it. It doesn't matter now. It's impossible for the initial elf to be a little unicorn.

And now, this Jiang Xiaobei came up with a quack evolution plan?Could it be that after the little unicorn, Guagua will also become a sweet potato elf?

Are the weak three families really going to stand up?
With excitement, he clicked on the paper and browsed through it bit by bit.

In this paper, Jiang Xiaobei attached a battle video of Shaolin Guagua.

I was afraid that the auditors would think that Shaolin Guagua was just pretending that he changed clothes.

In fact, when Ji Xin first saw the appearance of Shaolin Guagua, Ji Xin also had some suspicions that Guagua changed clothes and pretended to be with a stick, but that powerful fighting ability was obviously not something that ordinary Guagua could fight.

He believed it [-]% in his heart.

Marked it with a five-star rating and sent it to their editor-in-chief Ding Huaxin.

Ding Huaxin read the paper all over the first time. After reading it, he was almost sure that it was the evolutionary form of Quack.

But in terms of the process, the headquarters of their Elf Cultivator Association still sent someone to take a quack who had reached the level of a high-level elf to the secret realm of Xuanyu Island to collect evidence.

Four days later, when the sent man came back with a Shaolin croak, the editors of the thesis review department of the elf evolution module became excited.

When the test results of various information of Shaolin Guagua came out, almost all the people in the headquarters of the Elf Cultivator Association who knew about it were excited!
Under the same strength, the comprehensive strength of the Shaolin Guagua race is not weaker than the top elf race in the Twelve Temples.

This is a race that ranks among the top elves!

After all the results came out, Jiang Xiaobei's thesis was directly approved, and it was arranged to be promoted at the annual promotion position on New Year's Eve.

On New Year's Eve, as soon as many people wake up, they see the hot search information on various software on their mobile phones.

"Shocked that a college student would do such a thing to Guagua!"

"The counterattack of the little unicorn and the croak, the frost saber: why is it always me who gets hurt?"

"Ten years of croaking and no one will ask, once Shaolin knows it all over the world!"

Jiang Xiaobei was celebrating the New Year at his grandfather's house at this time, and he had been notified before that his thesis would be released on New Year's Eve, so he took a look online this morning.

But he didn't expect it to be so popular, and now it's on the top of the list.

He clicked on an article and looked at it. Except for the strange title, everything else was quite conventional. He just briefly talked about the content of the paper.

Then he clicked on the comment section again.

"The Shaolin croaking evolution plan and the little unicorn evolution plan were both discovered by a college student? As a college student, I passed out crying in the toilet."

"Hahahahaha! Is it finally my brother's turn to rise up? I think I accidentally chose a quack as the initial elf, but I didn't expect the evolution to be the top elf-level Shaolin quack."

"It's too early to be happy upstairs. The buddha-pattern stick that guagua evolved is not something you can get casually."

"Frostsaber: The air is shaking and cold, when will our leopards really stand up?"

"Haha, the weakest family has gone to the second one, and Yu Frost Saber is still holding on. It depends on whether Jiang Shen can pull Frost Saber out of the sea of ​​suffering."

"Trainers who have croaks, don't rush to evolve. Wait to see if there are other evolution forms of croaks. Those who evolved into golden unicorns are a lesson from the past."

Seeing this comment, Jiang Xiaobei gave him a thumbs-up. Naturally, the evolutionary form of the croak is not just a Shaolin croak, the happy croak is also very fragrant.

 Thanks for the reward of 200 coins from Annan Expedition

  Finish the four chapters with more than 9000 words, sleep

(End of this chapter)

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