My elf is so cute

Chapter 294 Visiting Lan Ze

Chapter 294 Visiting Lan Ze
After browsing through the information, I opened my own chat software, and there was a long list of messages as expected.

Jiang Xiaobei also replied one by one.

Xu Leilei: Damn, don't tell me that you came up with this Shaolin quack's evolution method just in the few days of practice assessment?

Jiang Xiaobei: Isn't it easy, as long as you have hands?

Xu Leilei: Good guy, as expected of you, Master Fan, I was scolded by my father early this morning, and read this news on my face, alas~, I guess this year will be difficult for me.

Jiang Xiaobei: Haha, by the way, do you want to tame a quack too?I still have a lot of Buddha pattern sticks here.

Xu Leilei: Do you still have the Buddha pattern stick?All right, leave one for me, I will go to my father to discuss it, and then I will buy one at the current market price.

Xu Leilei knew that if he said it, according to Jiang Xiaobei's personality, he would never ask him what money he wanted, and would give him one directly.

But I can't do this, my brother is still clear about it.

And even if the price of the Buddhist stick is ridiculously high because the thesis has just been published, he also understands that he is still making money.

There are many things that cannot be bought with money.

According to what Xiaobei mentioned in his thesis, there are not many branches of the Buddha pattern tree in Xuanyu Island. Many people will rush to buy this kind of thing, and there is no market for the price.

An elf like Shaolin Guagua really suits me well.

Currently, I only have the magic cat and the little pony, and I still lack an offensive spirit with strong combat power. Judging from the battle videos of Shaolin Guagua circulating on the Internet, Shaolin Guagua's combat power is absolutely out of bounds.

After chatting with Xu Leilei for a while, Jiang Xiaobei started chatting with Lin Chuxia.

Lin Chuxia: Back then, the croak next to you was Shaolin croak. I thought he liked cosplay!
Jiang Xiaobei: Haha, I didn't expect that.

Lin Chuxia: I really didn’t expect that if you published such a heavyweight paper every once in a while, I guess you would be able to become a high-level elf trainer before you graduated from university. Sigh, I don’t know When can I become an intermediate elf cultivator.

To become an intermediate elf cultivator, one needs to publish a paper with high value and great influence, so that one is qualified to pass the examination.

However, senior elf cultivators are different.

Senior elf cultivator is already a boss-level task, and there is no need for any assessment to prove one's ability.

As long as your academic influence reaches a certain level, the Headquarters of the Elven Cultivator Association will directly issue you a senior elf cultivator certificate.

At the same time, they will arrange an exchange meeting at that time, inviting all the senior elf cultivators to come and exchange ideas.

If Jiang Xiaobei were to publish such a valuable paper every half a year, it would not be impossible to become a high-level elf cultivator before graduating from university.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Xiaobei stopped chatting because his father told him to post couplets.

After the New Year, Jiang Xiaobei and the others stayed at his grandfather's house for more than ten days before returning to Xiangcheng.

Jiang Xiaobei, Xu Leilei, Xie Xu, and Hou Ziming had a discussion and planned to spare some time to visit Lan Ze, the head teacher of the high school.

Lan Ze's home in Xiangcheng is in a villa on the outskirts of Xiangcheng. When Jiang Xiaobei and the others arrived, they saw a huge ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger lying on its back in the yard.

"Roar!" The Ice Crystal Ancient Toothed Tiger, who was sleeping comfortably on his stomach, suddenly felt a powerful breath of dragon spirits that made his heart tremble. Look at the source.

"Roar?" Seeing that there were no powerful dragon spirits, but Jiang Xiaobei and the others, the Ice Crystal Ancient-toothed Tiger was stunned.

Where's the dragon?

"What happened?" The door opened, and Lan Ze, who was wearing a blue cotton pajamas, came out.

Then, he saw Jiang Xiaobei and four others carrying gifts.

"Yo~ You also know to come to see me as the homeroom teacher, not bad." He walked to the door, opened it, and led the four of them in.

The Ice Crystal Ancient-toothed Tiger took two steps back after Jiang Xiaobei approached, then stepped forward again, sniffing fiercely around Jiang Xiaobei.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobei felt a little funny, and immediately took out the Shanai dragon scale he was wearing on his chest, and raised it towards the ancient ice crystal tiger.

"Roar!" The Ice Crystal Ancient-toothed Tiger jumped in fright, its hair all fluffed up, and looked at the dragon scale in Jiang Xiaobei's hand in horror.

The dragon scales of the ancient dragon king Xia Nai with demigod power are naturally extraordinary in deterrence.

"What's going on?" Lan Ze looked at Jiang Xiaobei curiously and asked.

"It's nothing, it's just a dragon scale of a relatively powerful dragon spirit." Jiang Xiaobei smiled, and didn't say much, Lan Ze took a deep look at the dragon scale in Jiang Xiaobei's hand, and didn't ask any more questions.

Walking into the living room of the villa, Jiang Xiaobei sized it up slightly. The decoration in the living room is not luxurious, but it is neat and tidy, which fits Mr. Lan's usual light and tidy image.

"Sit whatever you want, I'll get you some fruit." He said, walking towards the kitchen.

After Lan Ze left, Xu Leilei relaxed a little, glanced at the direction of the kitchen, and whispered to the others: "I've graduated, but I still feel a little scared of Teacher Lan."

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I have entered a teacher's house since I was a child. It stands to reason that Teacher Lan is handsome and a professional trainer. He is a diamond king! Why are you still single? What do you say? , does Teacher Lan have a problem with his sexual orientation?" As he spoke, Xu Leilei showed a mean smile on his fat face.

"Cough cough!"

Seeing Lan Ze coming out of the kitchen, Jiang Xiaobei coughed twice to remind Xu Leilei.

Xu Leilei and Jiang Xiaobei played together from childhood to adulthood, and they had a great understanding. They understood Jiang Xiaobei's meaning in an instant, and continued without changing their expressions: "Of course this is impossible. Our teacher Lan is so handsome. , is still so capable, it must have a high vision, and I don't like those vulgar fans."

After speaking, he turned his head and saw Lan Ze, pretended to be surprised, opened his eyes wide and said, "Ah? Teacher Lan, are you back?"

Lan Ze smiled and shook his head, "You little fat man, I don't know as much as you."

"The four of you are all students of the Devil's Trainer Academy. What floor has the Lost Tower reached?"

Xu Leilei touched his head in embarrassment, and first said: "No. 12th floor, against the three elite-level elves, you can't beat it."

"I made it to the thirteenth floor." Xie Xu looked at Xu Leilei with some complacency.

"Fifteen floors." Hou Ziming said concisely.

Lan Ze nodded, then looked at Jiang Xiaobei and asked, "What about you?"

"I made it to the No.20 floor." Jiang Xiaobei smiled slightly.

"Huh? You have already passed the No.15 floor?" As a former college student, Lan Ze naturally knows the difficulty of each level of the Lost Tower.

He was naturally a little surprised that Jiang Xiaobei could break into the No.20 floor now.

"Come on, I haven't seen you for so long, let's go to the yard, let me see the strength of your elves now." Lan Ze became interested, thinking about seeing how Jiang Xiaobei's current strength is, he He got up and dragged Jiang Xiaobei and the others to the courtyard.

Watching Xu Leilei, Xie Xu, and Hou Ziming release two elves each, Jiang Xiaobei silently took out six Gollumballs from the backpack behind him.

 Thank you Dazai for the 5000 coin reward!Thank you. Big brother for the reward of 588 coins

  first change

(End of this chapter)

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