My elf is so cute

Chapter 296 Using 3-Color Essence, Clear Water Spirit Beast

Chapter 296 Using Three-Color Essence, Clear Water Spirit Beast

After waiting for a while, Lan Ze came out of the living room again, holding a small wooden box in his hand.

That wooden box looked familiar to Jiang Xiaobei, after thinking about it for a while, he remembered that this wooden box was given to Lan Ze by Bing Xinyue.

Although Lan Ze was still smiling, Jiang Xiaobei, who was paying attention, still felt that he looked a little lonely.

It seems that the effect of the water of life should not be great.

"Sorry, I just remembered something." He looked at Jiang Xiaobei again and asked, "Jiang Xiaobei, do you still have the water of life you gave me just now?"

Jiang Xiaobei nodded and said, "Yes, how much do you want, teacher?"

"Of course, the more the better, of course I don't want you for nothing, so I'll give you this in exchange." Said, Lan Ze handed the wooden box in his hand to Jiang Xiaobei.

"No need, Teacher Lan, the water of life can be made at any time, it's not something precious." Jiang Xiaobei waved his hands repeatedly, not picking up the small wooden box.

"Let you take it, why so much nonsense? This thing is useless to me, but your water of life can help me a lot." Lan Ze forced the wooden box to Jiang Xiaobei.

Jiang Xiaobei took it helplessly, and then he asked Xiaoyao Water Bottle to take out a large bottle of eau-de-vie that he had prepared before, and handed it to Lan Ze.

"Teacher Lan, if you still need to contact me in the future."

"OK, all right."

On the side, Xu Leilei, Xie Xu, and Hou Ziming ate melons all the way.

Although they couldn't understand what Jiang Xiaobei, Lan Ze and the others were talking about, they still instinctively felt that there was a big secret in it, and it was definitely true to eat melons with peace of mind.

Looking down at the wooden box in his hand, Jiang Xiaobei did not choose to open it. In his opinion, it would be impolite to open something given by others in front of others.

However, this didn't bother him, a wooden box couldn't isolate the system from probing.

Immediately, he went to explore the wooden box.

[Sweet Spring Essence] has a pure water source, nourishes and heals the body's top water-type treasures. After the water-type spirit absorbs it, not only will its own strength be greatly improved, but the energy will also acquire pure characteristics, thus obtaining a strong healing ability.

It turned out to be such a treasure!
In the Xuanyu treasure house, Jiang Xiaobei also saw a sweet spring essence. This kind of water-type treasure is definitely the most suitable treasure for the Xiaoyao water bottle.

But it was a pity that he could only choose three items at the beginning, so Jiang Xiaobei could only reluctantly give up.

Unexpectedly, Lan Ze gave him such a treasure now, so Jiang Xiaobei felt even more indebted to Teacher Lan.

For me, with the current strength of Xiaoyao Water Bottle, as long as it is in a place rich in water elements, it can produce a lot of water of life at any time.

This water of life is not a good thing for me. No matter how I think about it, I feel that Teacher Lan is at a loss for such a treasure.

Holding the small wooden box in his hand, Jiang Xiaobei remembered what Xiaoyao Water Bottle told him just now about the dying elf. After thinking about it, he still asked Lan Ze through spiritual voice transmission:
"Teacher Lan, I don't mean anything else. I just sensed the information of the elves inside the Xiaoyao water bottle, so I just want to ask, is there anything I can do to help?"

Hearing Jiang Xiaobei's words, Lan Ze fell silent, and replied to Jiang Xiaobei after a while: "I was ambushed by the three heavenly kings of the Dark Council in the secret realm, and my water spirit beast burned to protect me. Benyuan took me to escape, so I was seriously injured, and I need your water of life to help, if possible, send me a bottle of water of life every month from now on."

Water Spirit Beast?Dying?

In an instant, Jiang Xiaobei thought of the three-color essence he had obtained in the Xuanyu Treasury.

In my memory, there are certain restrictions on the elves that the three-color essence can produce. Not all elves can be used.

None of my six elves are among them, so these three-color essences are of no use to me at the moment!
However, the water spirit beast is included in the role of the three-color essence.

After breaking out of the cocoon and being reborn, it transforms into a clear water spirit beast, which is incredibly powerful!
In this case, why not give this three-color essence to your teacher?Help him heal his water spirit beast.

With a decision in his mind, Jiang Xiaobei directly sent a voice transmission to Lan Ze: "Teacher Lan, I have a way to cure your water spirit beast."

"What!" Lan Ze stopped the sound transmission, and asked directly with some excitement, which startled Jiang Xiaobei.

It also scared the three people who were eating melons next to them.

Then, they realized that these two people were both superpowers, and it seemed that they were chatting through sound transmission just now.

Oh, myself and others missed a lot of melons.

Xu Leilei and Xie Xu looked at each other, and after winking for a while, they chose to give up and stop communicating because they couldn't read the meaning of each other's eyes.

"The three of you wait here for a while, we'll come as soon as we go." Said Lan Ze pulled Jiang Xiaobei to the side, and asked directly: "You just said you have a way, but is it true?"

Jiang Xiaobei directly asked Xiaoyao Water Bottle to take out the three-color essence, held it in his hand, and said to Lan Ze: "Mr. Lan, this thing is called essence, and it is composed of three parts of different colors. It can help the water spirit beast to heal. After the injury is used up, it will greatly improve her own strength."

Lan Ze took the three-color essence from Jiang Xiaobei's hand, mixed with excitement and curiosity, he looked at it, and then asked: "Are you sure this thing can cure the water spirit beast's injury? How sure are you? ?”

"About [-]%." Jiang Xiaobei didn't dare to say enough, leaving some room.

Hearing that he was [-]% sure, Lan Ze paced around and pondered for a while before making a decision. Although what he wanted was absolute certainty, he also knew that it was impossible. [-]% certainty was already Very good.

"Okay, then give it a try." Lan Ze pulled Jiang Xiaobei to the room leading to the basement, and opened the passage leading to the basement.

Afterwards, before entering the basement, Lan Ze released all his elves, among which the Ice Crystal Ancient Toothed Tiger was the most powerful, whose strength reached the level of a heavenly king, and the rest of the elves were basically professional level.

"You guys guard your surroundings well later, no matter who it is, don't let them break in." After finishing the order, Lan Ze led Jiang Xiaobei into the basement.

Standing beside the silver pool, Jiang Xiaobei looked at the water spirit beast in it, and checked the other party's information.

【Elf name】Water spirit beast (continuous loss of vitality)
[Elf Level] 68 (Heavenly King Level Elf)

[Elf Talent] Green (continuously passing)
Level 68, if there were no accidents with this water spirit beast, it would probably have already broken through to the Heavenly King level.

such a pity!
However, it is a blessing in disguise.

If this water spirit beast is successfully transformed into a clear water spirit beast today, then all her previous losses can be made up for, and her future achievements will be even higher.

"Let's get started." Lan Ze looked at Jiang Xiaobei and said slowly.

Jiang Xiaobei nodded, and controlled the three-color essence to float above the water spirit beast.

Then, he controlled the three essences to separate, the purple essence was located on the forehead of the water spirit beast, the blue essence was located in the center of the water spirit beast's body, and the orange essence was located on the water spirit beast's legs.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Xiaobei used his mental power to draw out the energy contained in the three essences, and merged them into the body of the water spirit beast below.

At the beginning, Jiang Xiaobei was only a leader, and he no longer needed to ask about the subsequent matters.

The three essences of different colors continuously input energy into the body of the water spirit beast below, and some of the energy is distributed on the surface of the water spirit beast, spreading towards the surroundings.

Purple, blue, orange, the energies of three different colors slowly blended together, and gradually condensed into a colorful giant cocoon, wrapping the water spirit beast in it.

The essence should be a condensate of special energy. With the input of energy, the volume of the essence is gradually decreasing. In the end, all the energy is integrated into the cocoon below, and the essence also disappears.

During this process, not only Lan Ze was nervous, but Jiang Xiaobei was also very nervous, constantly checking the status of the water spirit beast through the system.

Everything went smoothly, and no accidents happened. During his investigation, the life state of the water spirit beast was very stable, and the information about the loss of vitality that was displayed at the beginning also disappeared. This shows that at least in the process just now, it was very successful. .

Now, the giant cocoon has been formed, and the next thing to do is to break the cocoon.

Time passed by, and the silver water in the pool was slowly absorbed into the giant cocoon, and the water in the entire pool was absorbed bit by bit.

"Boom!" After waiting for more than an hour, a light blue beam of light suddenly shot out from the top of the colorful cocoon, directly breaking through the roof, and the entire villa was reopened with a big hole. If it weren't for the quality of the villa's construction, this time, The whole building is expected to collapse.

The light blue beam of light rushed out of the villa, pierced into the sky, and shattered countless floating clouds.

This beam of light instantly attracted the attention of everyone in Xiangcheng.

The Xiangcheng branch of the Trainer Association, the branch leader Cheng Hua raised his head and stood by the window, looking at this light blue beam of light with a solemn expression.

"What a strong breath! At least the strength of the field king-level elves."

Then he immediately said to the secretary: "Contact the headquarters immediately and ask them to send someone to sit in the town. I'll take a look first." He released Luo Yin, a huge heavenly king-level elf, and rushed towards the beam of light.

When he was about to approach the villa, there was a heart-shattering roar of a tiger, and then a gust of icy wind hit, and a huge ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger appeared in front of them.

"Ice Crystal Ancient Toothed Tiger? Is this Lanze's house?" Seeing the location of the Ice Crystal Ancient Toothed Tiger and the beam of light, Chenghua was stunned.

Could it be that Lan Ze made this movement?
Although the Ice Crystal Ancient Tooth Tiger knew the person in front of him, and this person was also a friend of his master, but he didn't have the slightest thought of letting him go, and looked at Cheng Hua and Luo Yin with cold eyes.

Now, as long as I am here, no one can interfere with the process of treating my eldest sister.

In desperation, Cheng Hua could only float in the air with Luo Yin, watching from a distance, but the message to ask for help from the headquarters was canceled.

In the basement, Lan Ze looked at the colorful giant cocoon in front of him with some excitement.

This kind of energy fluctuation, could it be that the water spirit beast is really healed?

Jiang Xiaobei was also very excited, this was the first time he watched the scene of rebirth from the cocoon in real life.

However, although a thick light blue beam shot out from above the giant cocoon, the water spirit beast inside didn't seem to have any intention of breaking through the cocoon.

After a while, the water spirit beast did not come out, but the light blue beam of light changed.

Seen from the outside, the light blue beam of light slowly expanded, gradually forming a huge spherical area, with the giant cocoon as the center, enveloping the area with a radius of three miles.

In this three-mile area, it seems to have turned into a blue world.

Jiang Xiaobei, who has experienced the Capricorn Domain and the Xuanwu Domain, naturally understands what this is.

Seeing this scene, Chenghua outside swallowed, and said slowly, "Field!"

However, after this change, it's not over yet!

Jiang Xiaobei and Lan Ze saw that in front of the giant cocoon, a little light blue light spots emerged out of thin air, slowly gathered together, and finally condensed into a fist-sized strange-shaped blue rune.

As soon as this rune came out, the surrounding domains were quickly absorbed by it, and soon, the huge domain with a radius of three miles was all shrunk into that azure blue rune.

Immediately afterwards, the rune rushed directly into the giant cocoon, and the giant cocoon burst on the spot, revealing an elf inside that was exactly the same as an ordinary water spirit beast.

But Jiang Xiaobei knew that this was not a water spirit beast, but a clear water spirit beast!

The powerful clear water spirit beast!
After the blue rune merged into the body of the clear water spirit beast, a powerful energy instantly spread from her body towards the surroundings. The rune, a blue beam of light shot out from her body again and shot into the sky.

Different from the first time, after the light shot into the sky, it quickly spread towards the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, there was no cloud in the sky, but it began to rain lightly. The rain was blue in color, and when it dripped on the passers-by, they only felt comfortable and full of strength.

Seeing this scene, the president of the Chenghua branch was completely stunned, and murmured:
"Law turns into rain and nourishes all things, this is the king of law!"

 Counting the previous ones, this chapter is enough for [-] words, let’s call it a day and go to sleep
(End of this chapter)

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