My elf is so cute

Chapter 297 The Stone of Space

Chapter 297 The Stone of Space
No matter what Cheng Hua thought, he couldn't think of why a third-stage Heavenly King-level elf suddenly appeared.

This Lan Ze, he also understands, he was indeed a super genius before, but no matter how talented, at this age, his elf has broken through to the level of the king of law?

He's just in his early thirties, right?

Do you think this is a movie?

Jiang Xiaobei also didn't expect that after the water spirit beast was reborn from its cocoon and evolved into a clear water spirit beast, its strength would increase so much that it would directly rise to the level of the king of law.

Looking at the clear water spirit beast floating in the air in front of him, Jiang Xiaobei searched for its information again.

【Elf Name】Clear Water Spirit Beast

[Elf Level] 80 (Heavenly King Level Elf)

[Elf talent] dark blue
[Spirit Attribute] Water System

【Height】1.7m 【Weight】127.5kg 【Gender】Female

【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Spirit Skills] Source of flowing water, free and easy travel, the water is agile.
[Spirit Secret Technique] Clear water field, cloud and rain are precarious
[Spirit props] Tianshui beads
[Elf Introduction] When life is dying, absorb the essence of three colors, break it and stand up, reborn, reborn, smelting a large amount of water essence absorbed in the past, and the strength has been greatly improved.

Using the three-color essence to evolve from a water spirit beast to a clear water spirit beast, the strength will improve, but definitely not such a big improvement.

Obviously, although some of the water-type treasures that Lan Ze used for her to maintain the water spirit beast's injuries had lost some of their effectiveness, some still remained in her body.

With this cocoon-breaking rebirth, the clear water spirit beast completely absorbed the accumulated energy and completed a leap in strength.

Judging from the current situation, the blue rune that appeared just now should be the law in the legend.

The strength of the elves reaches the third stage of the king level, and the law of the king level will completely master a law.

From then on, with the help of the power of the law, even an ordinary skill can exert extremely powerful power.

At the same time, after reaching the stage of the law king level, the strength of the elves will increase, mainly to improve their mastery of the law and the strength of the law.

When the elves can completely integrate the laws into their bodies and become the body of laws, then it means that the elves have entered the stage of imperial elves.

And there are not only a few types of laws, there are many types.

There are three main categories of law types.

The first category is the element category, such as the law of red sun, the law of water spirit, and the law of thick soil, etc., are all related to various natural elements, and this category is also the most numerous.

The second category is the laws of martial arts, such as the law of the sword and the law of boxing. These laws are relatively rare, but they are very powerful in terms of power.

The third category is the special category, such as psychedelic laws, sacred laws, etc., which are very special, some are very powerful, but some are quite useless.

It can only be said that there are thousands of laws, and everything may become a law.

Because the process of comprehending the laws is related to one's own cultivation experience, it can be said that the laws comprehended by most heavenly king-level elves are different.

Jiang Xiaobei couldn't understand the blue rule rune of the clear water spirit beast, and he didn't know its specific function, but he could roughly judge that the rule should be the rule of the water element.

After feeling the changes in itself, the clear water spirit beast opened its eyes, and looked towards Lan Ze at the first sight.

Lan Ze was also very excited when he saw the clear water spirit beast returning to normal.

Jiang Xiaobei silently exited the basement, leaving space for this person and elf.

When he walked out of the villa, he looked at the big open hole above the villa, and shook his head amusedly.

Speaking of which, I'm still here to visit Teacher Lan, but when I came to someone's house, I almost brought the house down?
Although I am doing good deeds, what is going on with this strange feeling in my heart?

Walking out of the living room, looking at the flower leaf dragons, rosary cranes and other elves guarding around outside, and then looking at the ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger confronting a huge Luo Yin in the sky, I realized that the movement seemed a bit loud .

Although this is in the suburbs, it is not a sparsely populated suburb. There are not a few people living around.

The two beams of light just now had a lot of momentum, which naturally attracted the attention of many people. Many people gathered around the yard to eat melons.

Even Cheng Hua, the president of their Xiangcheng Trainer Association branch, rushed over. There were also some strong trainers from other places who brought their elves to look at them.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobei immediately took out the grunt ball, put away the evil Xuanwu, and the water bottle of Xiaoyao, leaving only the hood and pocket here.

Although he is not very afraid of things now, it is better to have one thing less than one thing more, so it is right to be cautious.

Xu Leilei, Xie Xu, and Hou Ziming were all confused by this scene. They ran into the house without saying anything, and the house almost collapsed!

What are you doing?

Seeing Jiang Xiaobei coming out, they immediately came over, Xu Leilei asked curiously: "Xiaobei, what happened just now? How did you make such a big commotion."

Jiang Xiaobei shook his head and said, "It's nothing, just stop asking, and wait for Teacher Lan to come out later."

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobei didn't want to say more, Xu Leilei and the others had no choice but to give up.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Lan Ze came out of the house with a smile on his face, followed by the clear water spirit beast.

The ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger in the sky immediately roared excitedly when it saw the blue water spirit beast, and rushed down from the air, rushing to the side of the clear water spirit beast, with its big head lowered, rubbing against the clear water spirit beast.

The rosary crane and the flower leaf dragon were also very excited, and rushed over one after another, surrounding the clear water spirit beast.

At this time, without the obstruction of the ancient ice tiger, Cheng Hua successfully entered the courtyard of Lan Ze's house.

He glanced at Jiang Xiaobei and the other four people, then looked at the clear water spirit beast for a while, then walked towards Lan Ze, cupped his hands at Lan Ze cautiously, and said to Lan Ze: "Congratulations! !"

"Hey~ Lao Cheng, we have been friends for so many years, don't you just see each other?" Lan Ze was in a very good mood at this time, he waved his hand at Cheng Hua and said with a smile.

After hearing Lan Ze's words, Cheng Hua breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a bit.

"You are so quiet, the elves have directly broken through to the level of the king of law. It seems that in a few years, Huaguo will produce another title trainer."

"I'm still early." Lan Ze smiled and waved his hands.

At noon, Lan Ze took Jiang Xiaobei and the four of them to a nearby Elf Hotel to celebrate. After the end, they stood at the door of the hotel. Lan Ze took Jiang Xiaobei and handed it to Jiang Xiaobei. Xiao Bei wore a small bracelet and said:
"Xiaobei, thank you today. Although I don't know what the treasure you used for the water spirit beast is, but judging by its effect, it must be a rare treasure in the world."

"Teacher, I don't have anything else for you. There is a space stone on this bracelet. I got it by accident when I was in the secret realm before. It can store items in it. It contains some gadgets I have collected over the years. I will give it to you." Here it is, I hope it can be of some help to you, just use your mental power to sense it when you use it."

"Don't refuse, these things are useless to me, and with the current strength of the water spirit beast, it's not easy for me to get some treasures?" He said and stuffed the bracelet into Jiang Xiaobei's hand.

Immediately afterwards, he released the rosary crane and jumped onto its back.

"Bye, I'm going to the magic capital first. The water spirit beast is ready. I also want to start some things. It's time to go back."


  The first update, procrastination is really uncomfortable, I guess it will have to be done in the middle of the night

(End of this chapter)

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