My elf is so cute

Chapter 298 Happy Gourd Seed, Super Evolution Stone

Chapter 298 Happy Gourd Seed, Super Evolution Stone

Looking at Lan Zeyuan's back standing on the back of the rosary crane, Jiang Xiaobei looked at the small silver bracelet in his hand and at a transparent crystal fixed on it, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"Actually, there's really no need to give it to me. The water bottle of Xiaoyao has a water bottle space. Whether I have this space or not, the bracelet is almost the same."

But Lan Ze had already given it to him, and now he ran away, so Jiang Xiaobei could only choose to accept it.

Mobilizing a bit of spiritual power, he looked towards the space spar in the bracelet.

After the mental power came into contact with the space spar, it directly merged into it, and then Jiang Xiaobei felt that there was a space with a volume of about [-] cubic meters in it.

In this space, there are a bunch of items.

In one corner, there is a pile of water spirit stones, estimated to be more than 100 by visual inspection, and in other places, there are several large wooden cabinets with many drawers, which contain many items collected by Lan Ze.

Because it was still outside, Jiang Xiaobei didn't take a closer look at it, so he withdrew his mental power and prepared to look at it when he got home.

Turning around, Xu Leilei and the others were standing not far away waiting for him.

They knew that something must have happened between Jiang Xiaobei and Teacher Lan, there were some secrets, but they tacitly didn't ask, talked to each other, and went home.

After returning home and walking to his room, Jiang Xiaobei put his mental power into the space bracelet again to check the contents.

Purifying Water Drops, Ice Soul Essence, Ice Phoenix Feather, Magic Fruit, Ordinary King Level Eternal Night Fighting Dragon Blood Essence
Looking at the notes written by Lan Ze on the rows of wooden cabinets, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't help but licked his lower lip.

Be good, so many good things, is this the collection of a king-level trainer?

This is too rich!
And at a cursory glance, Jiang Xiaobei saw a lot of things in it that were of great benefit to Hood and Xiaodou.

With the things in this space, in his opinion, at least Hood and the others break through to the Heavenly King level, so he no longer has to worry about elf cultivation resources.

Jiang Xiaobei browsed briefly, then started from the beginning, starting from the first wooden cabinet, and checked the items inside one by one.

Among them, there are some items that Lan Ze doesn't know what they are, but he just thinks they are good things, so he collects them.

There are also some remarks made by Aozawa that are also wrong.

Therefore, for the convenience of future use, Jiang Xiaobei is still going to take a closer look at these things.

"The essence of ice soul, the essence of ice soul, compared with ordinary ice soul, the ice energy contained in it is more pure and richer in energy."

"The feather of the ice phoenix, the feather of the ice crystal phoenix, after carrying it, has a good blessing effect on low-level ice elves."

Jiang Xiaobei used the system to check the information of these items one by one.

After exploring for a while, I suddenly saw a note on one of the cabinets: unknown plant seeds.

Obviously, the thing inside is a plant seed, and Lan Ze still doesn't know what plant it is.

Pulling it apart, Jiang Xiaobei saw a seed exuding colorful light, and he could clearly feel the rich energy contained in it.

"No wonder Teacher Lan keeps this seed in his collection. You can tell it's not a mortal thing just by looking at it from the outside."

Jiang Xiaobei took a look, but didn't recognize the type of the seed, so he chose to use the system to investigate directly.

【Xiaoyao Gourd Seeds】The seeds of Xiaoyao gourd can be planted at will, and only ordinary gourds can be produced, but gourd seeds can be harvested. A gourd contains seven seeds, and the growth cycle is one month; The day when the truly unique Xiaoyao Gourd is born, the day when it bears fruit is the time when Quagua evolves into Xiaoyao Guagua.


When Jiang Xiaobei saw the information about the Xiaoyao Gourd Seed, he had a feeling in his heart that there was nowhere to find it, and it took no effort to get it.

At the beginning, I searched Xuanyu Island for several days, but found nothing.

Now, looking through the space bracelet Lan Ze gave him, he found this seed.

All I can say is, Yuan is beyond words!
With such a seed, I can write another paper on the evolution of Xiaoyao Quack.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobei now has an urge to subdue another croak and let him complete the evolution, so as to help him complete the thesis.

But soon, he stopped his urge.

Because, he currently only has this one Happy Gourd Seed, once it is used up, it will be gone.

But the systematic introduction mentioned above, if it is planted normally, you can harvest seeds.

If I reserve a certain amount of Xiaoyao Gourd seeds before I publish a paper, then I can sell the seeds to earn Mao Xiaodou's cultivation resources in the future.

At that time, register a company, gradually accumulate capital based on the Xiaoyao Gourd seeds, and expand the company's business with your own research results in the future.

In this way, relying on the company to make money, I no longer have to worry about resource issues in the future.

However, the growth cycle of Xiaoyao gourd seeds is one month, not long, but not short either.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Xiaobei suddenly asked the system: "Does the grass-type magic growth technique have any effect on the growth of this happy gourd seed?"

"Ding! It works. After calculation, with your current strength of mental strength, the growth technique cast can shorten the growth cycle of the Happy Gourd seeds to 20 days."

"20 days?" Jiang Xiaobei pondered for a while, but still gave up the idea of ​​planting now.

There are still about ten days left before school will start. If we plant it now, I guess I will have to carry the gourd rattan frame and rush all the way to the magic capital when school starts.

Jiang Xiaobei couldn't afford to lose this person.

Let's go back to school and let Xu Leilei's magic cat take care of him every day.

Grass elves are very good at taking care of plants.

Putting the Xiaoyao gourd seeds away, Jiang Xiaobei continued to check the remaining items.

Looking at them one by one, I just want to find out if there are any good things like Xiaoyao Gourd Seeds.

However, most of them were marked by Lan Ze, and a few things that Lan Ze didn't understand, Jiang Xiaobei checked the information, and they were not particularly valuable.

"Another unknown thing." Looking at the label in front of a drawer, it read: Unknown dragon-type stone.

Open the drawer, and there is a dark blue round stone in it, the size of an egg, with a little bit of electric light flashing on it, which looks very extraordinary.

For some reason, looking at this dark blue stone, Jiang Xiaobei felt his heart beat a little faster, just like the mood before buying a lottery ticket.

With this feeling in mind, Jiang Xiaobei went to explore the dark blue stone.

【Ancient War Dragon Super Evolution Stone】

 Sorry, my coding status is a bit poor today. Sitting in front of the computer, I can't write a few words for a long time.

  If I write more, I probably won’t be able to write anything. I will fill in the next two chapters later.

  Looking back, it might be better

(End of this chapter)

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