My elf is so cute

Chapter 299 Returning to school, Lan Ze's past

Chapter 299 Returning to school, Lan Ze's past

Jiang Xiaobei stood up in shock when he saw the name of this dark blue stone.

"I'll go, the super evolution stone of the ancient war dragon!"

Then he explored the stone's information again.

[Ancient War Dragon Super Evolution Stone] A stone containing special energy, combined with the bond keystone, can make the ancient war dragon complete super evolution and evolve into the Shadow Dragon Emperor.

After reading the message, Jiang Xiaobei clenched his fists excitedly.

Sure enough, I was not mistaken just now, this is the super evolution stone of the ancient war dragon.

I already have the bond keystone, and with the addition of this super evolutionary stone of the ancient war dragon, it won't be long before I can see the image of Jieying Dragon Emperor in reality.

I don't know how much the strength of the ancient war dragon will be improved after it evolves into the robbery shadow dragon emperor.

Home vacation, although the vacation time is not short, but unconsciously, the whole winter vacation has passed like this, two or three days before the start date of school, Jiang Xiaobei began to prepare to return to school.

With the existence of space bracelet and water bottle space, Jiang Xiaobei is very convenient to travel now, symbolically carrying a bag, and other luggage is placed in the space bracelet.

This time, Jiang Xiaobei didn't plan to take a high-speed rail plane or other means of transportation, and sat directly on the back of the platinum unicorn, flying all the way towards the magic city.

With the current flying speed of the Platinum Unicorn, when flying at full speed, the speed can reach nearly [-] kilometers per hour, plus flying at high altitude, there is no need to worry about traffic jams at all.

Counting the rest time on the road, Jiang Xiaobei arrived at the Demon University in only three hours in the morning.

Because it is still a holiday period and the school has not yet started, places like the Lost Tower that require personnel management are not yet open and cannot be entered.

Originally, Jiang Xiaobei wanted to go to the Lost Tower while returning to school early.

Since they were in Xuanyu Island, Mao Xiaodou's strength has greatly increased, and they have subdued the evil Xuanwu and Shaolin Guagua. Now Jiang Xiaobei has great confidence to break through the Lost Tower. No.20 floor.

Moreover, his goal now is not just to simply break through the No.20 floor of the Lost Tower, he also wants to try, with his current strength, whether he can break into the Lost Tower ranking list middle.

If you want to enter the Lost Tower Breaking Rankings, you need to break through the siege among the many tower breaking students and break into the top [-], so that you can leave your name among them.

Among the magic university's elf science students, there are less than twenty people who have reached the level of professional trainers.

Hood's current level has reached level 48, which is no longer far from the professional level, and the seal messengers are not weak. As a defensive beast, the evil Xuanwu has amazing defensive power and can play a great role in battle.

Therefore, knowing the strength of Mao Xiaodou and the others, Jiang Xiaobei now has the confidence to think about the ranking list for rushing into the Lost Tower.

The Lost Tower is not open, Jiang Xiaobei has other things to attend to.

First of all, he thought about going to Dean Chi's place to have a look and visit.

Dean Chi has helped him a lot, and now that he is back at school, he should pay a visit.

However, when Jiang Xiaobei came to Chi Yongrui's house, he met someone who surprised him—Lan Ze.

At this time, Lan Ze was sitting in the small yard, holding a green shower, watering some flowers in the yard. In this winter, the flowers are still blooming, which seems unusual. flower.

Noticing someone approaching the door, Lan Ze raised his head and saw Jiang Xiaobei.

"Teacher Lan? You are here!" Seeing Lan Ze looking towards him, he immediately raised his hand and greeted Lan Ze.

At the same time, he now realizes that Lan Ze will appear here, and it is estimated that the conflict between him and Dean Chi has been resolved.

"Xiaobei, you're here, come in." Lan Ze stopped his hands and greeted Jiang Xiaobei into the room.

Chi Yongrui was sitting on the sofa in the living room at this moment, flipping through a thick book in his hand, when he heard the movement, he raised his head, and saw Jiang Xiaobei following behind Lan Ze.

He immediately closed the book, stood up, and said to Jiang Xiaobei with a smile: "It's Xiaobei, you're here. Speaking of which, I have to thank you very much. I never knew Lan Ze's water spirit beast was so injured. Seriously, if it wasn't for you this time, the consequences would be disastrous."

Jiang Xiaobei scratched his head, smiled and said, "It's nothing, Teacher Lan helped me a lot, this is what I should do, and Teacher Lan also gave me so many things."

"Hey~ I still don't know, the essence of the elves is completely burned, even the healing emperor elves can't be cured, the treasure you used for the water spirit beast not only completely healed it, but also increased the strength of the water spirit beast so much, The value of this kind of treasure is simply immeasurable, and Lan Ze's broken thing is comparable to it." Chi Yongrui waved his hand and said to Jiang Xiaobei.

"You still need something in the future, just ask me."

"No, no, no." Jiang Xiaobei smiled and waved his hand.

"Okay, okay, let's all sit down first." Lan Ze patted Jiang Xiaobei on the shoulder, and pulled him to sit on the sofa, and Chi Yongrui also sat down.

Lan Ze went to pick up three cups of tea, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit next to Jiang Xiaobei.

The three sat together and chatted for a while, Chi Yongrui asked Jiang Xiaobei again:
"Xiao Bei, can I ask you a question?"

"Dean Chi, you can ask whatever you want," Jiang Xiaobei said hastily.

"En." Chi Yongrui nodded, then looked at Jiang Xiaobei and continued: "What is that treasure you used for the water spirit beast? I have lived for such a long time, and I have never heard of such a treasure." .”

Jiang Xiaobei pondered for a while, and then continued: "I read a notebook in the secret realm before, which recorded some information about treasures, and that's where I saw it. Treasures that can help some specific elves reverse life and death, break out of the cocoon and be reborn."

"Later, I happened to get this treasure, and because none of my elves were suitable for using this treasure, and Teacher Lan's water spirit beast was just right, and it was seriously injured, so I used it."

Chi Yongrui nodded with emotion.

"This secret realm is truly miraculous. Not only does it have strange creatures like elves, but it also has such treasures."

Jiang Xiaobei stayed here for a while, then took his leave and left, and Lan Ze saw him off.

On the way, Jiang Xiaobei looked at Lan Ze with a smile, and congratulated him: "Teacher Lan, congratulations on resolving the conflict between you and Dean Chi."

After hearing this, Lan Ze gave a bitter smile, glanced around, saw a small pavilion not far away, pointed to it and said to Jiang Xiaobei, "I just want to talk to someone too. , let’s go there and talk.”

After the two sat down in the pavilion, Lan Ze turned to look at Jiang Xiaobei next to him, and asked with a smile, "You must really want to know why I stayed in Xiangcheng before, right? Tell you my story." .”

After thinking for a while, Aozawa sighed, and then continued:

"Back then, when I was young, I was considered a genius just like you. The ones who were among the best in the University of Shanghai were young, energetic, and full of ambition."

"Later, I fell in love with a girl."

"Is it Teacher Bing?" Jiang Xiaobei suddenly asked gossip, his eyes lit up.

Lan Ze looked at Jiang Xiaobei speechlessly, "Why do you think so? Although Xinyue and I have no blood relationship, we grew up together, like brothers and sisters. How could I like her?" Woolen cloth?"

"Why is it impossible? My childhood sweetheart, a good match!" Jiang Xiaobei muttered in a low voice, then met Lan Ze's speechless eyes, and immediately said with a smile: "Teacher Lan, keep talking, I promise not to interrupt!"

Lan Ze sighed helplessly, and continued:

"Her name is Murong Qingqing, she is very beautiful, kind-hearted, and understanding." As he spoke, Lan Ze couldn't help but smile.

"It took me a year to catch her in my junior year. At that time, it was really the happiest time in my life."

"In college, I didn't affect my elf training because of my romantic relationship. On the contrary, because I was with her, I was particularly motivated to do everything. One month after graduating from college, I became a king-level trainer .”

"During the period, I also took her to meet my uncle a few times. Although my uncle didn't say anything at the time, he didn't object to our relationship."

"Three years after graduating from university, we were all ready to get married, but this time when I went to talk to my uncle about it, he opposed our marriage, firmly refused to let us get married, and told us to immediately sever our relationship."

"Why?" Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't help asking.

"Yes, I also asked my uncle why."

"My uncle told me that he later investigated Qingqing's life experience and found out that her father was once a heavenly king-level trainer. Because he coveted others to obtain treasures in the secret realm, he committed mass murder. After the incident was exposed, he fled abroad. , joined the Dark Council."

"Later, Qingqing's father met my uncle and was shot dead by my uncle."

"So, Qingqing and my uncle have revenge for killing their father!"

"Ah this?" Jiang Xiaobei was dumbfounded when he heard that, what a coincidence.

"So, my uncle thinks that Qingqing approached me on purpose, she didn't really love me, she just wanted to avenge her father."

"But I'm not a fool. I still don't know Qingqing's attitude towards me and what her usual behavior is like. Moreover, I have heard Qingqing say that she has no father since she was a child. I was raised by myself, so there's no way she approached me for revenge."

"At that time, I had a big fight with my uncle, and then I left."

"One month after that quarrel, a secret place abroad opened, because there was something called water spirit marrow that was very helpful to water spirit beasts, so I took Qingqing there."

"Where, I met my uncle. My uncle probably wanted to get some water spirit marrow from it to give me, but who would have thought that a title trainer of the Dark Council and three heavenly king trainers were ambushing there for the purpose of ambush uncle."

"My uncle mistakenly thought that someone who clearly informed the Dark Council to ambush us, but even I don't know where uncle will go, how could she know?"

"In his rage, he directly knocked Qingqing down to the ground. Regardless of my begging, the evil spirit Capricorn led us to escape from the encirclement of the dark council personnel. I saw it with my own eyes on the back of the evil spirit Capricorn. Qingqing was covered by the attack of the dark parliament elves, and there were no bones left."

"At that time, I hated my uncle so much that I left directly, thinking that I would never come back."

"Afterwards, I frantically took revenge on the Dark Council, and later fell into the trap of the Dark Council. It was the source of the water spirit beast burning, so I escaped and found Xiangcheng, a small city, and I was going to live there forever."

"After the water spirit beast was cured by you this time, I figured out something."

"Death cannot be resurrected. After all, my uncle is my only family member. He brought me up since I was a child. Although I still haven't forgiven him in my heart, I still have to come back to see him when he is old."

 keep writing
(End of this chapter)

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